Message from Jean Carpenter, Envelope Secretary
Contributions to Grace Church
Church Offering envelopes: If you are currently using Grace Church offering envelopes but do not require them in 2023, please notify the church office (by email, written note, or phone message). Church offering envelopes for next year will be ordered soon, so a timely response would be appreciated. No action is necessary if you plan to continue using these envelopes. If you don’t currently have offering envelopes but would like to have them, please let us know.
Over the past many months, a number of parishioners have made their contributions by E-transfer. It is easy and convenient. Another very easy and successful method to make regular contributions is by pre-authorized remission (P.A.R.). You authorize a monthly withdrawal from your bank account. No cash, no cheque, no forgetting! And the church benefits from having regular income. An information package with an application form is available from the church office.
Contributions can also be made by placing a cheque or cash in an envelope, making sure your name and address are clearly marked on the envelope.
Finally, a debit or credit card can be used in the church office.
And whatever method you use to give your donation to the church, you may designate the amount and the fund you wish it to benefit, e.g.; General, Capital, Faithworks, Refugee Sponsorship, PWRDF, etc.
I would be glad to answer any questions. My phone number is 905-294-4139.