Services and Zoom Links
June 16, 2022
Dear Friends, 

This Sunday we celebrate Indigenous Day of Prayer and will again use the lovely Indigenous eucharistic prayer that many of you have commented on. In Bible study we have been reading the stories of the Hebrew scriptures and always discovering that truth is to be found in the best storytelling. Our creation stories in Genesis convey great truths to us whilst not being literally true. They tell us that God created all that exists and was very pleased with what was made. They tell us that we are made in the divine image and that we have a responsibility to honour and care for God's creation. They also tell us that humans often don't live up to God's hope and expectations for us, and that we reap the consequences of not loving and caring for one another and creation. Similarly our First Nations siblings have many and various teachings that convey truth through storytelling. One such (in a nutshell) is this: 

The Creator gave spirits known as the Seven Grandfathers the responsibility to watch over the Anishinaabe people. The Grandfathers sent a Messenger down to earth to find someone to communicate Anishinaabe values. After searching in all directions, the Messenger found a baby. The Seven Grandfathers instructed the Messenger to take the baby around the Earth for seven years to learn the Anishinaabe way of life. After their return, the Grandfathers gave the baby, now a young boy, seven teachings to share with the Anishinaabe people; love, respect, bravery, truth, honesty, humility, and wisdom. 

These seven teachings are foundational to most Indigenous communities from coast to coast in North America for their foundational values and they are useful for us all to live by.

We have much to learn from our First Nations here in Canada, particularly regarding our relationship to creation. Let us always be open to living into right relationships and receiving wisdom from others. 
Blessings to you and your families this week and a blessed Father's Day

Rev Nicola

Masks are no longer mandatory but please be respectful of those nearby you. Many still prefer to wear them. 
This Sunday 19th June 2022 
Indigenous Day of Prayer at 9:15

Sunday services are now each week at 9.15am until Labour Day

  Please go to the website for Livestream this Sunday for 9:15 service
Wednesdays Service in Church
at 10:00 am every week

Some of us go to Halibut House on Highway 7 for lunch after the service. All are welcome to join.
Memorial Service for Hermia Kwok
June 26th at 11:30 am

A service to celebrate Hermia's life will take place at church on Sunday, June 26th at 11:30am with a reception to follow. Please RSVP to if you plan to attend the reception.
Bible Study / Book Club
Women of the Bible (33 of them)
"Helpmates, Harlots and Heroes"
Bible study every Wednesday at 2pm and 7pm
on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting
Church School Picnic July 10th

Rescheduled to July 10th straight after church. Games, treats and a chance to meet the other parents and children. Church will provide drinks and ice cream/ice pops and there will be some fun games for all the family. New friends are welcome so feel free to invite folk. The church service will be an all age family service.
ACW Fundraiser
June 25 1:00-4:00 pm
Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea
Sale and Silent Auction
Tickets: $40 per person (still available)
Tickets need to be purchased for the Tea and Fashion Show. However, the Sale and Silent Auction are open to the public.
Picnic Benches
We have new picnic benches at church. Feel free to enjoy when you are at church or in the neighbourhood with friends.
Kitchen items needed

Nicola is collecting good quality kitchen items and small kitchen appliances for a newcomer to Canada. Please email Photos would be really helpful so that she doesn't get lots of doubles or stuff that can't be used. Thank you!
FNMI Month

Please take advantage of our small FNMI library in the Narthex near the office. Lots of non-fiction and fiction to read and learn from.
Mohawk Institute Online Tour – see and learn about our nearest former residential school. By $10 donation 3rd Wednesday of every month at This is well worth the watch especially if you cannot visit in person.
Pride Month

Grace folk are invited to participate in the Proud Anglicans section of the Pride Parade on Sunday June 26th. We will leave straight after church to the meeting place at St Pauls Bloor St.
Altar Flowers

If you have a neighbour who is unwell or would be cheered up by a bunch of flowers, please tell us and we will wrap them so that you can deliver them as a gift from the church.
If you wish to give flowers in memory of loved ones or in celebration of an event, email or call in the details to the office. The usual donation for flowers is $50.00.
Green Stage

We enter the Diocese's Green Stage of Covid restriction on June 1 which means a number of things: masks are optional, communion in both kinds will be offered, coffee hour etc. may resume. Please remain aware of other people's personal space and preferences. Many will still prefer to offer a sign of peace rather than shake hands. You may receive from the common cup, but it is theologically fine to receive just the bread. Some people will cross their arms over their chest as the wine comes by or just read out and touch the cup. Any of these practices is acceptable. In whatever way you feel comfortable, you are welcome at the Table. 
Walking Group
Now Meeting at 8:30am on Monday Mornings

The walking group now meets at 8:30am Mondays at T & T Bakery to walk the trails - come rain or shine. Join us for fresh air, exercise and chat!
Message from Jean Carpenter, Envelope Secretary
Contributions to Grace Church

Church Offering envelopes: If you are currently using Grace Church offering envelopes but do not require them in 2023, please notify the church office (by email, written note, or phone message). Church offering envelopes for next year will be ordered soon, so a timely response would be appreciated. No action is necessary if you plan to continue using these envelopes. If you don’t currently have offering envelopes but would like to have them, please let us know.

Over the past many months, a number of parishioners have made their contributions by E-transfer. It is easy and convenient. Another very easy and successful method to make regular contributions is by pre-authorized remission (P.A.R.). You authorize a monthly withdrawal from your bank account. No cash, no cheque, no forgetting! And the church benefits from having regular income. An information package with an application form is available from the church office.

Contributions can also be made by placing a cheque or cash in an envelope, making sure your name and address are clearly marked on the envelope.

Finally, a debit or credit card can be used in the church office.

And whatever method you use to give your donation to the church, you may designate the amount and the fund you wish it to benefit, e.g.; General, Capital, Faithworks, Refugee Sponsorship, PWRDF, etc.

I would be glad to answer any questions. My phone number is 905-294-4139.

For those of you wishing to give by E-transfer, please send your email to :

The password is: giving

Thank you to everyone for your generosity and commitment to Grace Church.