I personally suffered greatly, for many years. Looking back, I see that all of this
happened, so that I would look only to God. Also, if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be
where I am now. He allowed this to happen not to me, but for me. Now I see that this
happened to mature me, so that I didn’t look to people, but only to God, as people had
let me down. Man, which includes women, will disappoint us, but God won’t. And we
know, that He works ALL things out for good for those that love Him and who have been
called according to His purpose. We keep our eyes fixed on Him, no matter what is
going on. This is what I tell men in prison with no date to go home, fix your eyes on
God is doing INCREDIBLE things through Mercy and Grace Ministries, which is His
Ministry! We do services at 17 prisons in three states. We are on Inmate TV in every
prison in California. We have a Letter Writing Ministry, which is writing men and
women in California and Idaho and women in Utah. You may not feel led to go into
prisons, but you can write a letter to one of our brothers or sisters, that’s incarcerated.
If you feel that God is tugging on your heart, please let us know?
We are having the Mercy and Grace Ministries on Sunday evening, November 6 th and
dinner is included. Please celebrate what God has done with us! Please pray for us and
if you feel led, give financially to this AMAZING ministry!
Love, Pastor Chris