Systems for Tank Truck Unloading and Mobile Fluid Power
Serving our customers is at the heart of what we do!
To our partners,

Amidst the rapidly evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to provide an update to our valued partners. We have been blessed with good health and the foresight to start taking steps over two weeks ago to mitigate virus spread. Today, we are continuing to adjust our policies and procedures to protect the health of our customers, team, and to ensure supply chain stability. Eliminating travel and unnecessary face-to-face interactions are the current norm.

One of those measures is to provide vehicle-side assistance for parts and service orders. If you are picking up parts or delivering a project for our service team: stay in your car, call us, and we’ll do the heavy lifting. Upon arrival, simply dial (515) 262-2858 and we will pull your order and load it for you so that you can stay in your vehicle. This phone number can also be used to bypass our receptionists and go directly to our Parts team for expedited handling.

We will be doing what we can to assist with transportation solutions to get completed new tank trucks home and placed into service. Currently, we are exploring distance learning options for drivers if they are unfamiliar with the systems on their new truck.

To date we have no significant absenteeism or delays. We are monitoring this daily and are committed to promptly notifying you of future delays. Our Parts, Production, and Service departments are open and fully operational.

At Seneca Tank, we are passionate about serving the commercial trucking industry. We know you provide essential services to our country. Our Tank Truck Unloading customers are fueling generators at hospitals and hauling food products that supply our grocery stores. Our Mobile Fluid Power customers are building and operating vehicles that save lives, power utility companies, and keep our roads safe. We believe this is a crucial time for our country to see the work ethic and patriotism possessed by the trucking industry.

Our goal is to equip you to execute your mission, and provide a level of customer service that allows you to focus on YOUR customers through this challenging time.

God bless and protect the Trucking Industry and may God bless the USA!

SJ Risewick
President – Seneca Tank

Learn more
Tank Trucks
The ST-model series is the industry's most versatile custom configurable product line. 300+ options including capacities from 2700 gallons to 6500 gallons. Take advantage of reduced lead times and multi unit pricing on a single order.
Mobile Fluid Power
Seneca Tank provides scalable solutions to meet your needs. Our product experts are knowledgeable in tractor wet kits, hydraulic systems, and power take off solutions. Shipped same day or installed in our shop.
5585 Northeast 16th St. Des Moines, IA 50313