July 2020 Newsletter 
Serving the God of Second Chances

From January 2015 when he first arrived at His Mansion as a Resident until now, Clayton has walked a winding road. Twenty years of drug and alcohol abuse and three overdoses had led him to make the first steps towards repairing his then stagnant life.
"For the first time I took my eyes off myself and thought of my family," explains Clayton about his choice to go to His Mansion. It was here that Clayton was able to finally address his issues with anger and self-loathing to understand why he was pursuing such a destructive path.
Last fall Clayton brought his new family on a visit to His Mansion. "I learned so much about life and livin', I just wanted them to see how beautiful it is up there...also I wanted them to meet my other family", says Clayton. The family that taught him weakness means an opportunity to fall upon Christ and that the Lord wants to forgive us and be merciful to us, so that we can appreciate and enjoy His blessings in our lives and also be a blessing to others.