We are inviting you to complete the HolyCow! Church Assessment Tool (CAT), an on-line survey that will help us gauge the strength, vitality, and trends in our church. The information gained from this assessment will be valuable in helping the Vestry and Parish Profile Committee of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church as we make decisions about the future of our church. The results from this survey will be used to develop our Parish Profile, which is needed to support the new Rector search process. Your response is very important to us.
We are asking you to go online by clicking the link provided and tell us about your experiences in and priorities for our church. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. We ask that you take the on-line assessment as soon as possible, but before August 31, 2024. If you prefer to use a paper copy, please come to the office, and we will provide one for you.
All answers are strictly anonymous. We have no way of matching any assessment to a particular person, so please feel free to candidly share your perceptions, opinions and experiences. The assessment will take approximately 35 minutes to complete. Please set aside enough time to complete the survey all at one time. Our future together is dependent on your participation and honest answers.
Considerations while taking the HolyCow! Congregational Assessment Tool Survey:
· Focused thoughtful attention, Complete in one sitting, Start with a Prayer.
· Questions referring to ‘Our Rector’ should be answered in the context of our current Rector.
· Make sure you thoroughly read the instructions and the questions.
o Some of the questions are negatively worded and seem to imply something is wrong.
o This is a surveying technique to help keep people’s minds engaged.
o This does not imply that there is something wrong with the church.
When you are ready, click this link and begin:
Hard copies available in the office.
If you have questions, please contact Tim Frawley at 979.429.0841 or Martha Johnson at 979.245.2557.
Many thanks and Blessings,
Tim Frawley
Senior Warden, Vestry
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church