All of the most updated information and directions will always be found on the 'hub' page. See you, there!
Our first gathering:
Tuesday, January 23
at 6pm at St. Joseph's Church
Visit the First Eucharist Hub to view:
Videos for the children, PPT and Parents Mtg. video
Feb 17-18 at Holy Spirit and St. Joseph's Churches
IF you missed this weekend's blessing - you may do the 'Practice at Home' version with your family. WE will do a blessing over ZOOM on Tuesday eve. You're welcome to ask one of us at a Mass in the future and our priest or deacon will do the blessing portion.
Read through the Pew Banner Directions and note the final date to hand it in. Purchase materials for your pew banner. There are kits available online or you can do your own pattern. Early turn-in is appreciated!
Add Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter dates to your calendar and attend Masses.
Move through the textbook and do some of the Family Activities in the Parent text. You can use the Syllabus and Suggested Reading Schedule or go at your own pace.
You are receiving this email because you have: registered for Faith Formation for the coming year or have attended Summer Faith or are in Catholic School AND have completed or are completing First Reconciliation and registered for First Eucharist!
If you know someone should have received it and hasn't, please forward this email to them and contact us with their email. Thanks! Also, please do not 'unsubscribe'. This is our way of communicating to you about Parish News and Sacramental Prep.