Session Update- Week Five
February 13, 2018
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
[email protected]
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Last Thursday, we completed legislative day 18 of 40. Which means today marks halfway finished with this years session! 

We had a productive week in the Senate as we passed legislation dealing with critical issues such as healthcare, veterans affairs, and adoption. All Senate bills receiving favorable consideration now move to the House for further discussion. 

House bills which passed the Senate last week have now been sent to Governor Deal, where he will either veto or sign the bills into law. You can read full bill summaries in my update below.

As we continue to review legislation, meeting schedules and days under the Gold Dome are becoming more hectic. Legislators are working tirelessly to ensure their bills make the Crossover Day deadline, which is set earlier this year than past sessions. 

I will continue to keep you up to date in all that is happening on Capitol Hill. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me anytime. As always, it is an honor to serve as your voice under the Gold Dome. 
Session Update- Week 5

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Health Care
Veterans Affairs
State Rule Changes

Senator Harbison in Action