Session Update- Week Nine
March 13, 2018
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
[email protected]
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

As of last Friday, we officially completed 32 of our 40-legislative day session. During week nine, we passed the amended 2018 fiscal year budget, along with many House bills reaching our chamber following the Crossover Day deadline. All House bills passed by the Senate, now head to the Governor's desk for his final approval. 

Along with passage of the "baby budget" we also addressed issues pertaining to public safety and education. Below you will find a highlight of what we accomplished over the last week to help our great state move forward for the benefit of all Georgia citizens. You can read my full update from week nine below.

Week nine of our legislative session also brought about "qualifying week" on Capitol Hill. Qualifying week gives citizens who wish to run for state office the opportunity to sign up to do so. I am pleased to announce that after much thought and prayer, I have decided to seek re-election to continue my service as your state Senator under the Gold Dome! All offices, including Georgia's statewide constitutional offices will be decided during the 2018 election cycle. I will send you more information in regard to campaign efforts through the May 22nd primary and beyond following the completion of our legislative session, scheduled to end March 29th.
This week brings the tenth week of the 2018 legislative session. While we have accomplished a great deal thus far, there is still much to be done. I will continue to update you through day 40 to keep you informed on major happenings under the Gold Dome. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me anytime. As always, thank you for allowing me the honor of representing our district interests on Capitol Hill!
Sponsored Legislation
Senate Resolution 859
Last Wednesday I had the true privilege welcoming U.S. Army Ranger Daniel Boatwright, to the Senate. Ranger Boatwright is one of the only members of the 2nd Airborne Infantry Ranger Company that is still living. This Company served during the Korean War and was the United States Army's first, last and only all African-American ranger unit. The Senate gave Ranger Boatwright a standing ovation for his service and dedication to our country.
Repealing the Historic Chattahoochee Compact
Last week, I carried House Bill 777 to final passage. HB 777 repeals the Historic Chattahoochee Compact between Alabama and Georgia which served as an avenue to promote tourism and historic preservation throughout our region. However, the state of Alabama recently repealed its financial support of the compact, and HB 777 simply relieves Georgia of any responsibility to continue funding the agreement.
Session Update- Week 9

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Public Safety
Amended Budget
Bills of Interest

Senator Harbison in Action
ATLANTA (March 7, 2018) | Sen. Ed Harbison (D - Columbus) was pleased to honor Ranger Daniel Boatwright with Senate Resolution 859 at the state Capitol on Wednesday, March 7, 2018.

"Ranger Boatwright and the 2nd Airborne Ranger Company's integrity is why I strive to do everything I can to make our state a better place," said Sen. Harbison. "These men have not received the recognition they deserve. They fought tirelessly for our country, during a time of heightened racial tens ion and I consider it a great honor to ensure that their stories are persevered in American history."

Ranger Boatwright is one of the last surviving soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Ranger Company. The 126 men of the 2nd Airborne Ranger Company fought in Korea from Christmas Day of 1950 until the fall of 1951 and are the first, last and only all black ranger company in United States history. Ranger Boatwright, from Keysville, Georgia, wrote a book documenting the company's experiences in persevering American values and freedom.