Session Update- Week Eleven
March 27, 2018
District 15 
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Senator Ed Harbison  
Georgia Senate
432 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
[email protected]
From the Desk of 
Senator  Ed Harbison

Today we gather for day 39 of the legislative session. Thursday, around midnight we will conclude our 40 legislative day obligation on Capitol Hill! This week will yield long days and nights due to the 100 bills we must review and vote on prior to adjournment. 

Last week was hectic as we completed committee hearings in preparation for our final week. See below my full update of what we passed in our efforts to move Georgia forward! 

Next week, be on the lookout for my final session update. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you for allowing me the honor of representing our district interests on Capitol Hill!
Sponsored Legislation
Senate Resolution 1024
In addition to passing many bills, I also had the opportunity to welcome  the Green Beret Special Forces Soldiers through Senate Resolution 1024. SR 1024 honored the 12 man Green Beret team who was sent to Afghanistan immediately following the 9/11 attacks. The soldiers fought alongside Afghan Northern Alliance against the Taliban regime on horseback. Their story is chronicled in the new movie 12 Strong. 

Session Update- Week 11

The latest in session news can be found right here. Make sure you stay on top of your Georgia issues. 

Senator Harbison in Action