May 27, 2020

Dear Faith Family,

The Session has been prayerfully considering the plan for getting back together for in-person worship. Furthermore, we have also been discussing Jason Hubbard’s sabbatical, which was scheduled to begin this week. Please read the information below regarding worship services and Jason’s sabbatical:
Worship Services
Our desire is to get back together in worship in a safe manner. However, we understand that some will not be ready to attend an in-person worship service right now. We support each individual and family in their own decision related to in-person worship services. There will be more details coming soon. Here is our basic plan for the next few weeks:
  • Sunday, May 31st: A virtual worship service will be available for online viewing at 9:00am. (This is what we have been doing since March 22nd).
  • Sunday, June 7th: A live stream worship service broadcast will begin at 9:30am from our sanctuary. If you are unable to view the service at that time, a recording will be available for online viewing following the live stream broadcast. Only those essential to preparing and executing the worship service will be in the building for this service.
  • Sunday, June 14th: An in-person worship service with social distancing protocol will begin at 9:30am with on-site viewing rooms available. If you are unable to attend the service in person, a live stream broadcast will begin at 9:30am and a recording will be available for online viewing following the live stream broadcast.

Jason Hubbard's Sabbatical
Due to the ongoing issues related to the current pandemic, Jason approached the Session with a desire to postpone his sabbatical to next summer. Jason wants to serve our youth and church family during this unprecedented time. His sabbatical goals would also not be accomplished were he to take his sabbatical during this pandemic. The Session agreed it would be best to postpone it to a later date. 
Thanks for continuing to pray for and care for one another and our community during this time. Please let us know as needs arise for you as an individual or family. By God’s grace and with his help, we will get through this together. 

Grace and peace,

Pastor Doug 
Longview Evangelical Presbyterian Church | Website | 903.234.0032