Contact: Seth Morgan
January 10, 2018
CINCINNATI - Former State Representative and Conservative Leader Seth Morgan announced his endorsement today of Mary Taylor and Nathan Estruth for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Ohio.
"For some time, the conservatives of Ohio have been searching for a principled and practical alternative to the unacceptable candidacies of DeWine and Husted," said Seth Morgan. "Today, with the announcement of Nathan Estruth as Mary Taylor's running mate, I am thrilled to offer them our full support."
The announcement came after current Lieutenant Governor Taylor announced that Nathan Estruth of Cincinnati would join her on the ticket for Governor in the Republican primary of 2018.  Estruth is an experienced, proven business leader and job creator with extensive political and public policy experience as well.  With 26+ years of experience at Procter & Gamble, his experience includes global multi-national companies, venture and private equity backed high growth companies, large and small retailers, franchising, health care service and diagnostic companies, and several start-ups. He has been long known as a conservative champion nationally and in Ohio through his efforts to coordinate strategic and tactical efforts for conservatives.  His efforts have included organizing and leading successful strategies for notable US Senate members, and funding and supporting conservative causes in Ohio.
Seth Morgan continued, "For a long time we've known and admired Mary's record of leadership - standing up to Jon Husted against tax increases in the Ohio House, serving as a beacon of inconvenient truth during the Strickland failed Governorship as Auditor, and standing up to John Kasich against the expansion of Obamacare in Ohio as Lieutenant Governor.  But now, with the addition of Nathan, we have a powerful blend of an experienced stateswoman with a skilled 'outsider' strategist and businessman.  I am convinced that they will bring meaningful and helpful change on behalf of Ohio's people and families - and am proud to lend them my full support!"
Seth Morgan is a former State Representative and Republican Candidate for Auditor of State in Ohio.  Morgan serves on multiple boards promoting or advocating for conservative values and causes, both nationally and locally.  Morgan is the CEO of MLA Companies in Dayton, Ohio.

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 Friends of Seth Morgan
7208 Howland Place
Huber Heights, OH 45424
David Stacy, Treasurer