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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the newsletter of the International Collaborative and the Maasai Stoves & Solar Project. "Twende" means let's go!  So much is happening with the Project and we are very pleased to share an insider view with you.

It was wonderful to meet new friends at the Andover fundraising party at the home of Chris and Ken. Thank you for hosting and for introducing all to Ugali, a national dish of Tanzania that Maasai women cook on our stove.
Ugali, American style

When the Project comes to a new village, women want the stove as soon as they see it in a neighbor's house. But it is often their husband who controls the money to buy a stove.


We held a meeting in February attended by 200 men and women from the villages of Losiwa, Esilalei, Losimingori and Salela to get feedback related to purchasing stoves, especially from the men. Because Maasai men often have many wives, each with her own home, the men worry about the cost of buying multiple stoves.


But the men are beginning to realize that buying the stove and solar system increases the real wealth of a family. Read below to read the story of Mr. Masiaya Kimiti, who exemplifies a man embracing the positive changes that the stoves are bringing.  



Robert V. Lange, Founder
Maasai Stoves & Solar Project
The International Collaborative
Researching indoor pollution levels

Thank you to Intern Olivia Winokur who joined us for a month in Monduli  between semesters at Cornell, and continues her important study of indoor air pollution.


Maasai boy with CO monitor 
Maasai boy wearing a carbon monoxide monitor 

Olivia and Kisioki, Project Manager, launched our new pollution monitoring program measuring particulates and carbon monoxide levels. Our stove reduces the pneumonia-causing particulates from smoke. We already know the household level of improvement and now need to determine individual exposures.


Olivia's preliminary measurements using portable carbon monoxide monitors are beginning to show us how to relate indoor smoke monitoring to personal exposure.  


We are now seeking funds to purchase portable particulate monitors. With this study, we hope to confirm that our stove reduces smoke exposure to below the level that the World Health Organization says is necessary for good health (0.075 mg/m3).  



A new attitude towards caring for the family 


We are happy to introduce Mr. Masiaya Kimiti, pictured here on the bottom right next to Project Manager Kisioki Moitiko.

Masiaya has a boma in the village of Losirwa with seven homes for his seven wives and 23 children.
Masaiya Kimiti and family
Masaiya Kimiti and Family

After attending the February village meeting and visiting homes already using the stove, he took action. Masiaya sold one small cow and six goats, purchasing stoves and solar electric systems for all seven of his wives.  


He told us that our Project is successful and valuable because it addresses his two most important concerns: smoke in the home and excessive women's labor due to wood-gathering.


Masiaya is making sure his friends visit his boma to see that the smoke is gone, and how much more time his wives save with less wood required. He wants to be sure his friends understand why the stoves are such a good investment.

Thank you, Masiaya, for your insight and confidence! It is men like you whose participation in the Project fosters real improvements in family health and well-being.
Read more about the impact of our work.


July, 2013
In This Issue
Indoor pollution research
Men are changing
Puppy in Maasai Lands
View a video
Welcome to our organization
Volunteer opportunities
Puppy in Maasai Lands
Video and Photo 

View a video from our early days and see Maasai Stoves & Solar and our community in action, filmed by Brian Petchers.  


Soon we will add our new videos--stay tuned.   


Thank you to photographer Philip Lange for the use of your fine photos that tell our story so well.  


Welcome to the Maasai Stoves & Solar Project of the International Collaborative (The IC) also known as the International Collaborative for Science, Education, and the Environment.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-government organization based in America and Tanzania.

Like us, are you dedicated to improved quality of life, health, and well-being for the developing world, and to a healthier environment for all?

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For more information contact: Robert V. Lange
International Collaborative
Maasai Stoves & Solar
81 Kirkland Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
+1 508.735.9176

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