Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished,

one of his disciples said to him,

"Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."  ~Luke 11

Explore this Sunday's Scriptures Here
Family Zone - Activities for all ages

From the Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

The theme of prayer is found clearly in our weekend readings for Sunday mass. In our first reading from the book of Genesis, Abraham has an intense conversation with God imploring for mercy. Amazingly, God says "yes" to every request Abraham makes! God obviously loved Abraham greatly and would extend that love even to those undeserving.

In the psalm response, the author praises the Lord for hearing his prayer even while in the presence of the Angels. "Because of your kindness and your truth; for you have made great above all things your name and your promise. When I called you answered me; you built up strength within me."

In the Gospel passage from Luke, chapter 11, Jesus, after praying, is asked by one of his disciples... "Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.” 

Prayer is essential in our relationship with God. We need opportunities to pour out our hearts to God, to voice our needs, our worries, our concerns about the welfare of our children and grandchildren. We need to pray with our spouse, and we need to come to mass and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We need to plant the seeds of faith and prayer in the hearts of our family. We all have a "toll-free" conversation line to God!

On a final note, I wish to thank everyone who assisted in helping with this past weeks' Vacation Bible School. A fun time of learning and games and a wonderful concluding liturgy at the Friday noon mass helped make for a wonderful week for our young people. This event is another example of our parish mission here at Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish.

We have much to pray for in our troubled world but also have much thanks to give God who loves us the best of all.


May God bless you!

Fr. Gonyo

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From the Deacon's Desk

Dear Cursillistas, 

Do you remember your Cursillo encounter with Christ? Do you remember the joy in your hearts when you could lay down your burdens with our Lord? Christ is counting on you to keep fanning the flames. Do you think we could pull together and re-kindle the flames of Cursillo in Irondequoit?

The next weekend for Women’s 89 is November 3-6 at Notre Dame Retreat House. If you are interested in helping me fan the flames, please call me at the parish office or send me an email [email protected]. We can’t live our Christian lives alone. Let’s share the joy with others.

Peace and Blessings, Deacon Lon 

Bible Studies will begin in late September.

Would you like to help Mark Keller and I facilitate small study group sessions? I would like to create a small group of facilitators to help unpack the Mysteries of Revelation. Facilitators will meet with Mark Keller and I in the first week of August. Small groups can merge to compare thoughts occasionally. 

As we enter into the Eucharistic Revival, if we could get all the small bible study groups in our parish to have a common focus on the Book of Revelation. Perhaps no book in the Bible fascinates people more, yet relatively few people have studied the book, especially from a Catholic perspective.

Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come is an intriguing 11-session study program that shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. The presenter Jeff Cavins pulls back the veil on the rich symbolism present in Revelation. Discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean and see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the "end times." Explore the Church's teaching on the second coming of Christ and the Last Judgment. Understand how God, the Divine Bridegroom, and the Church, his spotless bride, enter into a heavenly, holy and mystical marriage every time we celebrate Mass. 

After this study, Mass will never be the same for you. 

Peace and Blessings,

Deacon Lon

Eucharistic Adoration

Job Opportunity

Catechetical Coordinator 

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish is seeking a full-time (35 hours/week) Catechetical Coordinator. The Catechetical Coordinator is responsible for planning, overseeing and administering the parish religious education program in a parish, utilizing a variety of resources. This may include; recruitment and training of volunteers; planning 

programs for families, teens, children; and evaluating program curricula. Applicant should (minimally) be certified as a Catechetical Leader (or be enrolled in the Diocesan Certification program), but preferably have a Bachelors Degree in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, and/or Religious Studies.


  • BS in Religious Studies or related field and three years’ pastoral ministry experience (campus setting preferred).  
  • A strong experience of God in one’s own life, and an ability to both share one’s personal faith journey and enable others to do the same.
  • Active membership in a faith community of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rochester. 
  • Ability to articulate a personal vision of spirituality, justice and community. 
  • Excellent interpersonal and group communication skills.  
  • Ability to function effectively in a team or collaborative ministry setting. 

Additionally, we are working to recruit a part-time

Confirmation Coordinator 

Interested candidates , or someone you know, please send a cover letter and resume to Annette Syracusa, [email protected]

Saint Kateri School 

We are currently enrolling

Preschool—5th grade!

Saint Kateri School is currently accepting registrations for all classes, Preschool 3 year old—5th grade. Small class sizes and high expectations allow us to meet your child where they are in their learning and help them to grow into their full potential. 

More information and registration paperwork can be found on our website:

 You can schedule an in-person tour by calling

our Main Office at (585) 467-8730

Adult Formation



Alpha is a place to connect with other people who are open to exploring life, faith, and meaning. Each session includes a time to connect with others, hear a short talk on an element of the Christian faith, and then a chance for each person to share their own questions with the group. We’d love to hear your perspective!

We will start the series meeting via Zoom

Wednesday evenings: 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Contact Mark Keller

[email protected]

for more information and to register.

Legion of Mary

We, in the Legion of Mary, cannot donate large sums of money or great gifts to any organization, but we do bring God’s love and mercy to those we serve (both our priests and our neighbors). We are the hands and feet of Mary, who takes what we give and presents it to her Son. This presentation of Mary earns us more graces than we can accumulate on our own.

God created us for a purpose. We were not made for his amusement. Some of us were made to do great things and others small things, but in the end, we are made to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We, in the Legion of Mary, try to do just that. We are asked to perform the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. There is nothing difficult or overly time-consuming about this task.

At the end of our lives, when we come face to face with our Creator, I want only one thing. That is to hear the voice of God saying, ”You have done well, my good and faithful servant.” I want the same for all of you.

For information on the

 Legion of Mary, 

Contact Janice Caretta (266-0672) or email [email protected].

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