National Website
National Storefront

Volunteer Opportunities

This is your National and we need you to make it successful. It takes an army of volunteers to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Please volunteer to help!  

Registration Booth

Contact Libby Hargrove


home: 952-941-1313

cell: 952-334-6987

Email Libby

Trophy Table

Ringside seat so you won't miss any of the action! 

3 hour shifts. 

Regional: Sat and Sun

National: Thurs - Saturday

Contact Jan Stephenson jtstep15@outlook.com

Email Jan


Help set up the convention center decorations on Friday, September 30th at 3:00 pm. 

Please join us ringside if you would like to help.

Welcome Bags

Have fun catching up with friends while you stuff the Welcome Bags.

Thursday, Sept 29th, 4pm. 

Topaz room at the host hotel. 

Contact Jan Stephenson jtstep15@outlook.com

Email Jan

Ring Stewards

Stewards needed for the conformation, obedience and rally rings. 

Contact Ann Wulbrecht to volunteer for the conformation ring awulbrecht@comcast.net

Contact Karen Fuss for obedience and rally. kafuss@prodigy.net

Email Ann - Conformation
Email Karen - Obedience/Rally

Friday Night Fundraiser and Awards Banquet and Silent Auction

1.     Set up Health and Rescue silent auction items during the Regional (Sat and Sun) and National (Wed-Fri). 1 Hr. in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon. 

Contact Catherine Eiswerth at ceiswerth@binnie.com

2.     Set up the Friday night auction and banquet, meet at 3pm in the Sunflower Room on Friday, Oct 6th..  We need volunteers to help sell raffle tickets during the banquet and to help take down auction at the end of the night. 

Contact Catherine Eiswerth at ceiswerth@binnie.com

Email Catherine

Awards at the National

Members have commented that the awarding of ROM’s at the Annual meeting is really flat. The Friday Night Fundraiser and Awards Banquet is a lot more energized and conducive to presenting awards.  

The following awards will be given out Friday night:

  1. Judith Fellton Award
  2. DPCA Lifetime Achievement Award
  3. ROM Awards
  4. DPCA Volunteer of the Year Award
  5. AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award
  6. Gwen DeMilta Futurity/Maturity Awards


Please join us Friday night to celebrate the successes of your fellow DPCA members!!!!!


Obedience/Rally Raffle

We will be holding a raffle at the Obedience ring Saturday through Tuesday to raise funds to bring in an obedience seminar at the Denver, Colorado National in 2023. Donated items are welcome! 

Please contact Karen Fuss at kafuss@prodigy.net to donate.

Contact Karen to Donate

Obedience C Match

The DPCA will host 2 OC Matches. Sign-up sheets will be available at the Obedience Ring 1/2 hour before the OC match.

$10 per run for 10 minutes of ring time. Both matches will be held in the Obedience Ring in the Events Center.

       Match 1 Friday, September 30, 2022 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

       Match 2 Monday, October 3, 2022 10:00 am to 1:00 pm


National and Top 20 Catalogs

Both catalogs may be pre-ordered on the DPCA website. We will use the number of pre-ordered to catalogs to determine how many catalogs to order for the National.  

To ensure you get a National or Top 20 catalog, please pre-order. 

You will save the 9% tax that Kansas charges by doing so.  

National Catalog
Top 20 Catalog

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