August 2019
Hurricane Matthew and tropical storm. Miami Beach_ South Beach_ Florida. Incline weather_ rain and wind. Dunes on a beach
Products Designed for Severe Weather Conditions

When you need products for HVAC projects located in areas that have severe weather, such as hurricanes and tropical storms, we want to be your best resource.
We are proud to represent Ruskin’s innovative products, including louvers designed for severe weather conditions. See our product feature for details. Also, visit our Learning Center to view additional resources.

Hurricane Damage Replacement
Severe weather conditions can unfortunately have a devastating impact, and sometimes, if damage occurs, immediate repairs need to happen. Contact your local TBCo branch if you need to fulfill equipment needs quickly. We’re here to help.
Manufacturer Feature
Product Feature:
Ruskin Severe Weather Louvers

Ruskin’s severe-duty louvers are engineered and tested to withstand debris impact, high-velocity wind-driven rain, and other extreme conditions typically associated with hurricanes and tropical storms.

View the brochure for additional product details, and please contact us if we can answer any questions.
Visit the Louvers section of our Learning Center to view product data information on these products:

EME3625DFL Wind-Driven Rain Resistant Stationary Louver
EME3625DFLMD Wind-Driven Rain Resistant Stationary Louver
EME5625MD Wind-Driven Rain Resistant Stationary Louver
Contact your local TBCo branch for additional product details.
Tom Barrow Company | (800) 229-8226 |