Greetings –
This is an update regarding the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board’s work on the  Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders and the Assessment, Treatment and Supervision of Juveniles Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses .
Included in this bulletin regarding the Adult and Juvenile Standards and Guidelines:
  1.  Ratifications Approved by the Board
  2. Solicitation for Public Comment
  3. Board Meeting Agenda Items
  4.  Any other changes made or updates
On February 21, 2020, the Board did not ratify or finalize any changes to the Adult or Juvenile Standards.

On February 21, 2020 the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) approved the following revisions to the Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders and the Assessment, Treatment and Supervision of Juveniles Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses:
  • Introduction to the Standards (Adult)
  • Language is being added to the Introduction of the Standards to provide clarification on the statutory definition of a sex offender 
  • This language also serves to provide clarification on other cases of those individuals who may be in need of evaluation and/or treatment that do not fall under the statutory definition of a sex offender, or do not fall under the standards.
  • Removal of Section 10 - Adult Standards Only
  • The SOMB does not have purview over individuals who have not yet plead guilty to an offense that would make them a Sex Offender per statute.
  • Appendix Addition (Adult)
  • An Appendix is being added Regarding the Statutory Purview of the Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders is being added to replace Section 10.
  • The Appendix provides guidance on applying the SOMB Standards to cases not under the purview of the board as Best Practice, although they are not required to comply with the standards in these cases.
  • Also provides a short list of common cases providers deal with, not an all-inclusive list.
  • Revisions to Section 2 (Juvenile)
  • Language is being added for Evaluators to make not only a recommendation for management and supervision but to also include a recommendation regarding sex offender registration.
  • Revision to Section 3 (Juvenile)
  • An Introduction was added to section 3 discussing treatment for juveniles must be individualized and shall follow the fundamentals of Risk, Need and Responsivity.
  • Revisions were made to 3.130 when considering the treatment content areas and adjustments to content or modalities may be needed based on the unique factors of a juvenile.
  • Discharge summaries shall be submitted within 30 days.
  • A new Discussion Point was added when providing a recommendation regarding whether registration should/should not continue.
  • The research within the Juvenile Standards was reviewed to see if there is new research relevant to the Standard as well as removing references to adult research.

The Board is now seeking your input on these revised sections of the Standards. All public comments are due on March, 16, 2020 and will be provided to the SOMB on March 20, 2020. (Please note, when public comment is presented to the SOMB, your identifying information is not included.) On March 20, 2020, the SOMB will review your comments to determine if these comments need to be incorporated into additional Standards changes prior to ratification and publication. 
To view the proposed change to the Adult Standard click here . To view the proposed Appendix, click here . To submit public comment,   click here .
To view the proposed changes to the Juvenile Standards click here . To submit public comment, click here .
  • The 2019 Lifetime Supervision Report was presented by the Department of Corrections and the Sex Offender Management Board Staff.
  • Staff proposed updates to Section 4 and the Administrative Policies of the Adult and Juvenile Standards. Revisions will be made and they will be presented to the Board as a decision item in March.

  • Staff is working to update Provider Applications as well to reflect changes in the standards.
As you review this updated information and questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact a Standards Coordinator via email or telephone.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Erin Austin                                                      Raechel Alderete
Adult Standards Coordinator                      Juvenile Standards Coordinator
303-239-4499                                                 303-239-4197
[email protected]                                 [email protected]