Practice Corner

Background Investigations: Informed Supervisors

Per the SOMB Juvenile Standards, qualifications of an Informed Supervisor (an adult that provides individualized, on-going daily supervision of a juvenile who has committed a sexual offense) includes an adult not currently under the jurisdiction of any court or criminal justice agency for a matter that the MDT determines could impact his/her capacity to safely serve as an Informed Supervisor but this does NOT require that the adult wishing to become an Informed Supervisor completes a formal background investigation by submitting fingerprints with CBI or the FBI. The SOMB Adult Standards does require this process for Approved Supervisors (an adult that supervises an adult offender’s contact with a specified minor child or children). For further information or questions, please feel free to contact Raechel Alderete, Standards Coordinator of the SOMB at 303-239-4197 or via email
Domestic Violence/Sex Offender (DVSO) Training Committee

DVSO Training Committee has announced two new co-chairs for the committee. Angel Weant, Probation Analyst and SOMB Member as well as Jesse Hansen, DVOMB Program Coordinator and SOMB Member are now taking the lead to continue to offer our stakeholders trainings covering a variety of topics. Thank you team!

We would also like to thank our previous committee chair, Merve Davies, and co-chair, Jalice Vigil, for their commitment to the committee.

We welcome new members to this committee. We work on planning for trainings for both fields as well as work on the annual conference. The committee typically meets on first Wednesday of the month 9-11am at 700 Kipling. I fyou are interested in joining, please email us here .
Policy Update

The Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) has passed a number of Adult Standards and Guidelines revisions over the past few months, including:
·   Section 5.751 - Making a provision for allowing contact with a grandchild on an unsupervised basis similar to what is allowed for the client’s own minor child
·  Updating the Definitions section
·  Changing the term ‘deviance’ to risk related sexual interests and behavior patterns throughout the Standards and Guidelines
·   Modifying the Introduction to Standards and Guidelines to include a discussion about the importance of person-first language when referring to individuals convicted of a sexual offense, and how this issue has been addressed within the Standards and Guidelines
·    Section 3.162 - Addressing the issue of clients who have appealed their conviction and providing guidance on how to proceed in treatment with these cases
The SOMB has worked hard to address new research and best practice, and is very excited about this recent set of changes. In particular, the SOMB has now identified a path for clients under appeal to receive treatment without the provider having to submit a variance. The SOMB is requesting that approved providers determine whether an offender has been offered limited use immunity (an Appendix on this is forthcoming) and how to go about finding this out. If the prosecutor is unwilling to offer use immunity and the client has been ordered into treatment but is currently under appeal, approved providers are now authorized to provide a modified treatment approach for this population that does not require addressing the sex offense of conviction. For more information on these changes, please see the most current version of the Adult Standards and Guidelines .  
NEW! SOMB Community Roundtable Discussions

The Community Roundtable Discussion is a new event hosted by the SOMB that will be conducted around the state. The purpose of the Roundtable Discussions is to improve collaboration, engagement and the exchange of feedback between the Board and communities statewide, in a safe and constructive manner. Community Roundtables are for professional members of CST’s and MDT’s to come together and start a dialogue about challenges, opportunities and ways to work together.

WHEN: November 21, 2019
TIME: 8:30am-3:30pm
WHERE: Division of Criminal Justice
2nd Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling
Lakewood CO 80215
COST: Free
CEUs: 7 Hours

***Lunch will be provided and space is limited!***
Research Corner

SOMB Data Collection System
Attention Treatment Providers, Evaluators and Polygraph Examiners!
The Colorado House Bill 16-1345 mandates the SOMB to collect data from the evaluators, treatment providers, and polygraph examiners at the time of service completion for each client. We are near completion in developing a new database system you will need to utilize in adhering to this mandate. In the upcoming months we are planning to host a series of short trianings to help you get familiar with the database. This training will introduce the brand new data management system and teach participants how to use it. Background, key issues, approved SOMB provider account set-up and main modules of the data system will be introduced. The in-person hands-on training will focus on login issues and specific strategies in using the system.

Providers will be able to update the following information with our brand-new SOMB Provider Data management system:
•Additional Languages Spoken
•You can add, edit, or delete your address information
•Counties that provider services (up to 10)

We have a few training options available for you. Please note: this training is only for SOMB approved treatment providers, polygraph examiners and evaluators.

WHEN: October 21, 2019
TIME: 11am-1pm ***Lunch will be served
WHERE: Division of Criminal Justice
2nd Floor Conference Room
710 Kipling
Lakewood CO 80215 REGISTER HERE

Colorado Springs: TBA
Fort Collins: TBA

Young Adult Survey
In August, a survey was distributed pertaining to the issue of historical cases and the utilization of the Young Adult Modification (YAM) Protocol. This survey was created based on a request of the Best Practices Committee to obtain answers and clarification from treatment providers, supervising officers, and human services providers regarding these types of cases and the use of the YAM Protocol. The answers to this survey have been collected and are due to be analyzed for a report to the committee in the coming months. The purpose behind this is to see if there are any issues with these type of cases and the Protocol in the Standards that is used to address them, and if such issues are identified by the Board and its committees will have to evaluate if a revision to the protocol and Standards are necessary.