Declaration of Liberation of Sex Trafficking Victims

"Get Up! Get Up! There's a snake on..."

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:36-39

The spirit world is in your hands; your relatives are in your hands – not only your relatives, but even your country is in your hands; even the task of setting the right tradition for your descendants is in your hands. You should always keep this in mind. Whether you, as a single person, accomplish or not, you will determine whether your ancestors and relatives will be liberated, and whether your descendants can be the chosen people of liberation. (66-76, 1973.3.17)  You should always be thinking that you are representing three ages. For this reason, you have to realize that the spirit world is in your hands and that your ancestors are at your mercy. If we gather the past, present and future together, and put physical and spiritual realms together, and lead them, they will come running to you. We should accomplish that mission. (66-76, 1973.3.17) SMM, CSG 913

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by explaining how earlier in the week the 2nd Queen suddenly told him “get up, get up! There’s a snake on your shoulder!” Fortunately, it turned out to be a “king snake,” which is not poisonous, like the one he had in Korea.

The 2nd Queen said it was a good sign from heaven. True Father loved the King Snake because it eats rattlesnakes. Good snakes want to be near True Father’s heir, a sign that heaven’s fortune is coming. Its skin looks like black leather, like the leather jacket of a biker. Many bikers are veterans who fought to defend our country.

The leader of the Memorial Day riders invited him to pray at next year’s event. God is preparing people to work with.

Kook Jin Nim was interviewed on Sebastian Gorka’s show on Friday (see below). He pointed out that by putting a former president and candidate in the next election on trial, the Communist revolution has begun in America.

The U.S. Capitol is like the altar of the world. The U.S. president has greater power than any king who has ever existed. Videos of the J6 protest show the entrapment of those who entered the Capitol by FBI informants. The J6 prisoners are being vindicated. It is laughable, but revealing, that wikipedia lists him as an organizer of the J6 "attack on the U.S. Capitol."

Sanctuary Service 6/18/2023

Jesus was judged as a violator of the law, as a felon. True Father was indicted with felony charges and imprisoned several times for the crime of preaching the truth.

We now see attacks on farming because it allegedly causes global warming. If you are a conservative Christian then you are labeled as a terrorist. Communist revolutions always go to genocide, often through starvation.

Pray for unity between the providential “micro” and the political macro. We are fortunate because True Father gave us 7 years to prepare for this time of tribulation.

Pre-trib rapture beliefs (dispensationalism) have infected the western world even though before the late 19th century no one believed that. A teenage girl in Scotland named Margaret MacDonald had a vision that faithful Christians would be taken up to heaven before the judgment and tribulation. This view was adopted by the Moody institute. The Scofield bible, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, stated that the church will be raptured. This is essentially a message that Christians don’t need to stand against tyranny.

Hollywood movies say if you’re “left behind” you’re doing worse, but Jesus says if you are left behind, like Noah’s family, that is good. In Matt 24:39 being taken away is judgment. We should stay and fight for the ideals of God's Kingdom.


Liberation Declaration of Victims of Sex Trafficking

by Hyung Jin Moon, 2nd King of Cheon Il Guk

Cheon-gi 14, HC 5.1 (June 18, 2023)

At the beginning of human history, God intended to see the world of His original ideal of creation established in the Garden of Eden with freedom, peace, unity, and happiness. In this world, the archangels, despite their far superior power, were to serve the children of God. Tragically, though, Eve committed adultery with the Archangel Lucifer, and Adam failed to keep God's commandment not to engage in sexual relations with Eve until blessed to her in marriage by God.

 As a result of the human fall, Satan came to dominate humanity in a world where centralized archangelic powers, whether governmental, religious, or financial, use artificial methods to rule over mankind, sometimes taking freedoms gradually and sometimes eliminating them by brute force. Today, we seek to establish God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, where the artificial structures of power, representing Satan, shall never again rule over humanity. To this end, the Tribal Messiahships must come together as one with the help of all ancestors in the spirit world.

During the ancestor liberation ceremony performed last year, I exercised my authority as the representative and heir of the returning Jesus, True Parent Sun Myung Moon, to liberate the spirits of all the babies in history who had died in the womb. Less than forty days later, the United States Supreme Court overturned a previous ruling that had allowed the murders of tens of millions of such babies over almost 50 years throughout the United States. Americans are now fighting to save these children in the womb in state capitols nationwide. Righteous people in other countries are also working in their countries to correct satanic abortions. We praise God for these encouraging developments.  

The Bible tells us how the evil of Satan desires to see the innocent and most sinless among a civilization killed as sacrificial offerings to himself. A society that fails to protect the life and rights of its weakest and most sinless of its citizens will degenerate into death and destruction. A child in a womb is a human being with an eternal soul with the most precious opportunity to experience life. A nation that does not protect the sanctity of life for its most vulnerable and innocent, a baby in a womb, stands under God's righteous, Holy anger and judgment.

The fight against abortion continues, and this year we add to the battle by liberating the souls of people who lost their lives in sex trafficking and pedophilia related to crimes. 

Sex trafficking is a modern form of slavery. By its nature, reliable statistics are hard to find. The documentary film “Contraland” put out by Vets For Child Rescue gives some of the best information available. According to this information, some 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect, some as young as six years old. 

Pedophilia is perhaps the most pernicious form of sex trafficking. Over 71 percent of trafficked children show suicidal tendencies. 

Just recently, a 17-year-old boy in the United States took his own life after being threatened into sending predators compromising photos of himself and then being unable to pay the $1,000 the predators demanded in exchange for not exposing him. 

Shame is only one of the means for sex traffickers to control their victims. Others include starvation, rape, gang rape, physical abuse, beating, confinement, forced drug use, and shame. 

Each pedophile predator harms and average of 70 children, and they tend never to stop. 

Trafficking victims face physical risks such as drug and alcohol addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, sterility, miscarriages, forced abortions, vaginal and anal trauma. Vets for Child Rescue is one of many organizations focused on the mission to bring the predators to justice and to help victims rebuild their shattered lives. 

Therefore, I, Hyung Jin Moon, the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God as the direct chosen Blood Lineage of True Father, with all the authority endowed in me by True Father--the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings, hereby declare the liberation of 210 generations of all the ancestral lines in the spirit world represented here with all their faithful descendants. Further, with the authority endowed in me by True Father I declare the liberation of all people who lost their lives in sex trafficking and pedophilia related crimes to be separated from Satan’s claim, and to be liberated to leave the fog-like spirit world of limbo under incessant accusation, ownership and torment by the Satanic hosts. These most innocent human spirits are now freed from their unacknowledged place of being forgotten souls, to those who are remembered and named to enter into the presence of the King of Kings in Heaven and to never again be under the dominion and slavery of Satan and his hosts. 

These ancestors and the millions of forgotten spirits will unite with God in the spirit world and the Kingship of God in the physical world to bring about the purging of Satan’s authority over this world and to bring about the Kingdom of God “on earth as it is in Heaven.”  

Satan attacks most ferociously when he is at the brink of defeat. Whatever his attack, the world and the entire cosmic realm stand at this “end of days,” to witness and endure the “last persecution of the righteous” and to finally witness the actual coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.  

There is no salvation apart from Christ and today there is celebration in the spirit world as 210 generations of ancestors together with the liberated victims of sex trafficking crimes return to our True Father in Heaven who is also in our midst at this exact moment in time. The liberated spirits stand as a spiritual army of God to work with God’s people, to glorify the King of Kings and to prepare the way for His Kingdom of Freedom and Responsibility, The Kingdom of God, Cheon-Il Guk, that is quickly coming to this world! AJU AJU AJU!

(Download Speech Text with Father's Words on Ancestor Liberation)

President Trump is right about the Communists in America. Justin Moon on AMERICA First

Who, really, was Sun Myung Moon, the Korean spiritual leader seen by his followers as the returning messiah? And what was his motive for spending billions in the late 20th century on a secular media empire that included The Washington Times?

My meetings with him, few and brief though they were, reinforced a conclusion reached as a “participant-observer” in his media companies from 1976 to early 2013: Sun Myung Moon understood the media challenge in the United States in ways his disciples whom he charged with running those newspapers struggled to grasp. It certainly went far beyond an exercise in large-scale public relations for a new religion.

What he envisioned was much more profound. After all it was the post-World War II mass media that had redefined reality for billions of people worldwide in ways that excluded God and the essence of Judeo-Christianity.

This book makes no effort to proselytize or persuade in matters of faith and Divine intervention. Such for each individual is the most personal, precious and essential knowledge. No, this is simply a record what I, a journalist, saw at the “Second Coming.”

— R.J. Morton

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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