Dear Shabazz Community,

This is such an exciting time of year. Students are just settling into their second-semester routines, and, as a community, we are also starting to review what actions and changes we took this year while looking ahead to next year. First semester grades and student evaluations are in, and hopefully, they reflect all the great work our students did the first semester.

We want to make sure we offer a huge welcome to the students and families that joined our Shabazz community for the second semester. 

I truly believe the school community and safety begins with strong, trusting relationships among students and staff, and with true engagement in classrooms. Our school vision is based on the belief that  all  students can be successful if they are well-understood and well-supported, and that's on all of us-students, families, and staff. Working together, we can make sure every single student is well-understood, well-supported, and truly connected to our school community.

Please remember that students don't have school next Friday, February 7 , since we have a Staff Professional Learning Day. Also please note that  Tuesday, March 3 is for Juniors only , who will be taking the ACT at Shabazz that day. We will plan on supporting our students by making them a big breakfast to make sure they're ready to go.

Please know we're here to help and are committed to working with you to help every student succeed.

Mary J. Jankovich