Parshat Korach
June 11-12 | 2 Tammuz 5781
Virtual Learning and Chesed is sponsored by

  • Kiddush-To-Go treats this week sponsored by the families of our graduates (see listing below).
  • Melissa & Noah Nathan in honor of Josh Kahn and Zev & Claire Hurwitz for their kind hospitality

To sponsor in honor of a Simcha or Yahrzeit, click here.
  • June 15 State Reopening - We are eagerly awaiting further guidance from the state and county ahead of the stated June 15th reopening. As soon as we have further information, we will gladly share it.
  • Mazel Tov: To Lev Fishman & Elisha Fishman, parents Shana & Mordechai Fishman and siblings Caleb and Tehilla on Lev and Elisha's Bnai Mitzvah this Shabbat!
  • Mazel Tov: To our 2021 Graduates! Thank you to all of our sponsoring families! Please come by Saturday morning for a special treat after davening.
Mazal Tov 2021 Graduates!

  • Kayla Ablin – Sponsored by: Lisa and Jason Ablin in honor of Kayla’s graduation from Barnard College with a major in psychology
  • Noa Ablin – Sponsored by: Lisa and Jason Ablin in honor of Noa’s graduation from Shalhevet
  • Joseph Blumofe – Sponsored by: Sandy, Noah, Abby and Rachel Blumofe in honor of Joey’s Graduation from Shalhevet HS
  • Gideon Ciment – Sponsored by: Sari and Jason Ciment in honor of Gideon’s graduation from Emerson Middle School
  • Leah Cohen – Sponsored by: Rena Selya Cohen in honor of Leah’s graduation from Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy
  • Rebecca Cohen – Sponsored by: Rena Selya Cohen in honor of Rebecca’s graduation from Shalhevet
  • Hannah Diamond – Sponsored by: Audrey and David in honor of Hannah’s graduation from Emory University with a major in psychology
  • Sarah Feuer – Sponsored by: Jeffrey Feuer and Orli Low in honor of Sarah’s graduation from Shalhevet High School
  • Avtalyon Z. Goldberg – Sponsored by: Yechiel and Miriam Duman Goldberg in honor of the graduation of Avtalyon Z. Goldberg
  • Joshua Helperin – Sponsored by: Joanne and Robby Helperin in honor of J.J.’s graduation from the University of Maryland in computer science
  • Michelle Hirschhorn – Sponsored by: Gary and Lilia Hirschhorn in honor of Michelle’s graduation from the University of Toronto
  • Mina Hoffman – Sponsored by: Daria and Yechiel Hoffman in honor of Mina’s 8th Grade Graduation
  • Gavriel Katrikh – Sponsored by: Rena and Mark Matrikh in honor of Gavi’s graduation from Spivak Educational Center
  • Aliza Katz – Sponsored by: Gail Katz & Mayer Bick, Sophie, Ayala and Sam in honor of Aliza’s graduation from Hillel
  • Calanit Katz – Sponsored by: Miriam Katz in honor of Calanit’s graduation from YULA Girls High School
  • Danielle Lowe – Sponsored by: Sylvia, Robert & Jeremy Lowe in honor of Danielle's completion of her MSW at USC, in Mental Health
  • Eliana Melmed – Sponsored by: Hetty and Gil Melmed in honor of Eliana's graduation from the University of Chicago with a major in Public Policy
  • Ilan Merkin – Sponsored by: Sharon and Nick Merkin in honor of Ilan’s graduation from Maimonides
  • Yoni Merkin – Sponsored by: Sharon and Nick Merkin in honor of Yoni’s graduation from YULA
  • Leila Nelson – Sponsored by: The Nelson Family. “Mazel Tov Leila on your graduation from Hillel. Love Mom and Abba”
  • Yael Maayan & Akiva Raphael Rubin – Sponsored by: Molly and Zach Rubin in honor of the graduation of Yael Maayan and Akiva Raphael from Shalhevet
  • Sara Schechter – Sponsored by: Dan and Dena Schechter in honor of Sara’s graduation from Hamilton High’s Music Magnet
  • Eliana Swarz – Sponsored by: Mike, Adynna & Gavi in honor of Eliana’s graduation from elementary school
  • Jacob Toczek – Sponsored by: The Toczek family in honor of Jacob’s graduation from NYU
  • Alexa Unterman – Sponsored by: Mommy, Paige, Maya and Moshe in honor of Alexa’s 8th Grade Culmination from LACES
  • Rose Yasgur Lipner – Sponsored by: The Yasgurs & Lipners in celebration of your graduation from NYU nutrition and dietetics, from your family
  • BDJ is hiring! Job listings and details are here. Please share with anyone you think would be interested. 
  • Teen Minyan Director
  • Administrative Assistant 
** Masks are still required for everyone inside the BDJ building, except for those under 2 or with special needs. **
  • Friday Night Candlelighting: 7:46 PM
  • Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM in the Beit Midrash
  • Rechov Yeladim: 9:00 AM in the Upstairs Classrooms
  • Shacharit: 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary
  • Mincha/Maariv: 7:35 PM in the Sanctuary
  • Seudah Shlishit in the Beit Midrash for those fully vaccinated
  • Nothing But the Pshat with Charlie Carnow
  • Havdalah: 8:50 PM
Rechov Yeladim

As a part of our return to normal, we are bringing all Rechov Yeladim groups back into our building starting THIS SHABBAT. We are facing a shortage of counselors as we enter the summer months so if you know a high schooler (or returning college student) who is interested in working in Rechov Yeladim, please be in touch with Claire Hurwitz at
Weekday Minyanim
  • Mincha/Maariv will be at 7:50 pm this week
  • Our Congregational Meeting is Thursday Night and will affect the times for mincha/maariv that evening. Mincha will be at 7:00 pm (just prior to the meeting) and Maariv will be at 8:30 pm (just after the meeting)
- Midrash Group w/ Rav Yosef; Tuesday at 7:45 AM; Zoom.
- Shiur b'Ivrit - Thursday at 8:15 PM; Zoom.
How in the World did Covid-Halacha work? Part One
Shabbat, June 19

Rosh HaShanah davening finished in record time in 2020. The ordinary rules and practices around Torah reading were also altered dramatically in light of Covid-spawned health concerns. Ditto for the rules of Mikvah preparation. Join Rav Yosef as we look back and explore how halachic authorities (including our own) set priorities and arrived at decisions during the pandemic, and to gain deeper understanding of halachic process more generally.
Sharing Privilege: Making Space for Boaz and Ruth
Shabbat, June 26

Within our Shul community there exist economic, social, identity and other disparities which in turn affect social and religious access in myriad ways, including in many well-hidden ways. Our community is invited to share and to listen to the stories of community members who are often overlooked, to the end of making our community a more inclusive and participatory space. Just as Boaz opened his field for Ruth to glean, we will together identify ways to enlarge our space for the many Ruths among us.
Panelists include Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn, BCC and BDJ Members Cindy Kaplan Abrookin, and Rhoda Weisman. If you would like to relate a personal story about an experience when you felt like a "Ruth," please click here no later than Wednesday, June 23, 2021. Anonymous submissions are welcome, and will be read by a panelist.  
  • Yoetzet Ilana Gadish's Goodbye Party will be held on June 17th from 8:00 - 10:00 pm at the home of Alison & Evan Anziska's home (2131 Duxbury Circle). Desserts will be served. 
Chana Leah bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson's sister)* Esther bat Devorah Bella (Mayer Schames' mother) * Emanuel ben Hinda (Mr. Sassover) * Bella Rivka bat Rosa (Aharon Shimoni's sister) * Shulamit bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson) * Michael ben Malka (Max Wozniak) * Chaya bat Bela (Mayer Bick's mother) * Tziporah bat Tova (Mrs. Sassover) * Chayim Menashe ben Fruma (Manny Klein) * Chava bat Helen (Eva Magid) * Masha Hinda bat Malke Roisa * Yurachmiel Nussem Ben Reuben (Nan Gold's brother) * Tova Chaya bat Leah Malkah * Hersh Yaakov ben Chaya Leah (David Stein's father) * Saureet bat Yehudit (Saureet Hayill) * Nechama Bracha Bat Yechiela * Moshe ben Shoshana (Martine Porter Zasada's uncle) * Yehezkel ben Kaila (Fred Toczek's father) * Mordechai David ben Margalit (Zev Hurwitz' father) * Sarah Golda bat Fradyl (Rav Yosef's mother) * Shlomo haCohen ben Rachel * Micha'yel ben Tzipporah (friend of Mina Rush) * Shalom David Ben Feigel (father of Boaz Hepner's friend) * Leah Rivka bat Ada (Boaz Hepner's mother) * Yair ben Bella Rivka (Sheryl Shimoni's nephew) * Aharon Avram ben Adina (Aron Wolf) * Esther bat Liba (Jill Lefferman's mother) * G'dalyah Reuven ben Bracha (Gary Linder) * Miriam Yosefet bat Leah Malka (Tobi Inlender's sister) * Masha Libi bat Shulamit (Sheryl Shimoni's sister) * Laurie Higashi * Shoshana Raizel bat Chaya (friend of Miriam Katz) * Rav Daniel ben Rivkah * Leah Rivka bat Ada * Harav Tzadok ben Miriam * Shulamit bat Miriam * Avraham Yitzchak ben Devorah * Yoseph Ben Gittel Pessel * Bracha Merel bat Rivka (Bernice Epstein) * Aharon ben Rosa * Baruch ben Sara (Rabbanit Alissa's father) * Ida bat Raya * Lev Binyamin ben Masha Libba * Rivka Chanah bat Tziporah (Ariella Moss' mother) * James Schnellbacher (Debra Smith’s grandfather) * Zechariah Ben HaRav veHeChazan Tehillah (R. Alissa's brother) * Leib ben Rivka * Gershon Ben Chayim v'Diverta (Gary Hirschhorn) * Yitzchak Shlomo ben Mirel Devorah (Chaim Plotzker’s son) * Amichai Yehoshua ben Leah Feigele (Ami Korn) * Leah Chaya bat Basha * Wolf Isaac ben Nediva * Judith bat Haika * Shana bat Chia (Jillian Isaacs) * Sarah Freida bat Raizel (Rachel Olshin's mom)