Shabbat Nachamu | Tu B'Av
Parshat Vaetchanan
July 23-24 | 15 Av 5781
Masks are now required for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, to enter the building. Those who are fully vaccinated (ONLY!) are invited to join us for kiddush and seudah shlishit. Please note that children under 12 are not permitted to attend, but you are welcome to take food to go for them. As a reminder, if you have not yet been vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible.
  • Kiddush Fund donation by Linda & Ze’ev Korn in gratitude to Hashem for Ami reaching the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah with strength and recovery from long-Covid. Truly Nachamu Nachamu Ami! as this week's haftorah says.
  • Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Adeena Karsseboom Fitterman in memory of the Yarzheit of her uncle.
  • YP Kiddush is sponsored by:
  • Rena Asher in honor of Yona Remer on his graduation from his MBA program;
  • Jason Eisner;
  • Sarah and David Hirschberg in honor of the return of YP kiddush and getting to meet so many lovely people;
  • Hannah Keene in honor of the Los Angeles Dodgers winning the 2020 World Series for the first time in 32 years!
  • Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn and Akiva Newborn in honor of Ella's second birthday this Shabbat! And in honor of BDJ's lay leadership and our YP chevra!
  • Rachel Olshin in honor of Haagan Dazs' Dulce de Leche becoming the symbol of Jewish resilience.
  • Emil Stern in honor of Deb finding affordable kosher cheese;
  • Tzvi Wolf In honor of BDJ's professional staff and lay leaders for their tireless work over the last 1.5 yrs.
To sponsor in honor of a Simcha or Yahrzeit, click here.
  • Friday Night Candlelighting: 7:43 PM
  • Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM in the Beit Midrash

  • 8:25 Minyan will meet next week
  • Rechov Yeladim: 9:00 AM in the Upstairs Classrooms (until 11:45 am)
  • Shacharit: 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary
  • YP Minyan: 9:30 AM in the Beit Midrash. Bubbe's Kiddush to follow!
  • Torat Chayyim: Approximately 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary with Rav Yosef - Beyond Buttons: Who are the Biblical Caphtorim?
  • Mincha/Maariv: 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary
  • Seudah Shlishit in the Beit Midrash for those fully vaccinated
  • Nothing But the Pshat with Joey Lipner
  • Havdalah: 8:43 PM
  • Welcome: To new members Dani and Jonathan Korehe!
  • Welcome: To new member Mendel Weintraub!
  • Mazal Tov: To Rav Yosef Kanefsky on celebrating his 25th anniversary of serving the BDJ and greater communities! Kol hakavod!
  • Thank You: To Audrey Kraus and David Diamond who are offering to anyone who wishes to have them a full set of Igrot Moshe, a set of Mishnah Berurah, a significantly discounted full set of the Schottenstein (ArtScroll) Shas, and other sifrei kodesh. Contact David before August 1st.
  • Condolences: To Brenda (Harold) Walt and family on the passing of her mother, our member Cynthia "Toeks" Plax z"l.
  • Membership Forms have been sent via email. Please send in your membership renewal and high holiday seat requests by August 1st. If you have any questions, please be in touch with Adynna at
  • BDJ is hiring! Please pay special attention to our open Teen Minyan Director position. If you have any recommendations, please be in touch asap.
  • As many of you know, Rabbanit Alissa's father has been ill and is currently hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai. She will be taking family leave for the next few weeks in order to care for him.
  • BDJ Blood Drive – Sun., July 25th from 10:00 – 4:00 pm. SOLD OUT--Thank you to all our donors!
Weekday Minyanim
- Mincha/Maariv will be at 7:40 pm this week
- Midrash Group w/ Rav Yosef; Tuesday at 7:45 AM; Zoom and in person
What We’ve Learned:
As We Ever-So-Slowly (and Unevenly) Emerge From Covid
Even as we’re realizing that we’re not yet “Post-Covid” unfortunately, we already know that we have each learned important things over the past year and a half–things about life, love, and what's really important. Every one of us is invited to contribute to a compendium of thoughts that we are compiling to be called: What We’ve Learned: Looking Back at the Unforgettable Years of 5780 and ‘81.
  • Yeshivat Chovevei Torah's 2nd Annual Climate Conference: July 25 at 4:00 PM PST. Click here to register.
  • Jewish Family Service LA is seeking pantry volunteers for Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM at Pico and Robertson. Email Joyce Williams:
August 5th-10th
Contact: Albie Cohen

Many of us have many fond and meaningful memories of packing (and delivering) survival kits for the homeless, through our annual partnership with The Giving Spirit. While the pandemic forced The Giving Spirit to suspend much of its operation, they have just invited us to volunteer with them in August (5th-10th), in a setting that will be created with health concerns very much in mind. Volunteers will be packing kits specifically designed for women and girls, who represent the fastest growing and most vulnerable segment of homelessness. There are two shifts per day from August 5th to August 10th, with each shift lasting 2-3 hours, but volunteers are welcome to stay longer. Full details are here. Please take advantage!!!
Esther bat Devorah Bella (Mayer Schames' mother) * Emanuel ben Hinda (Mr. Sassover) * Bella Rivka bat Rosa (Aharon Shimoni's sister) * Shulamit bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson) * Michael ben Malka (Max Wozniak) * Chaya bat Bela (Mayer Bick's mother) * Tziporah bat Tova (Mrs. Sassover) * Chayim Menashe ben Fruma (Manny Klein) * Chava bat Helen (Eva Magid) * Masha Hinda bat Malke Roisa * Tova Chaya bat Leah Malkah * Hersh Yaakov ben Chaya Leah (David Stein's father) * Saureet bat Yehudit (Saureet Hayill) * Nechama Bracha Bat Yechiela * Moshe ben Shoshana (Martine Porter Zasada's uncle) * Yehezkel ben Kaila (Fred Toczek's father) * Mordechai David ben Margalit (Zev Hurwitz' father) * Sarah Golda bat Fradyl (Rav Yosef's mother) * Shlomo haCohen ben Rachel * Micha'yel ben Tzipporah (friend of Mina Rush) * Shalom David Ben Feigel (father of Boaz Hepner's friend) * Yair ben Bella Rivka (Sheryl Shimoni's nephew) * Aharon Avram ben Adina (Aron Wolf) * Esther bat Liba (Jill Lefferman's mother) * G'dalyah Reuven ben Bracha (Gary Linder) * Miriam Yosefet bat Leah Malka (Tobi Inlender's sister) * Masha Libi bat Shulamit (Sheryl Shimoni's sister) * Laurie Higashi * Shoshana Raizel bat Chaya (friend of Miriam Katz) * Leah Rivka bat Ada * Shulamit bat Miriam * Avraham Yitzchak ben Devorah * Yoseph Ben Gittel Pessel * Bracha Merel bat Rivka (Bernice Epstein) * Baruch ben Sara (Rabbanit Alissa's father) * Ida bat Raya * Lev Binyamin ben Masha Libba * Rivka Chanah bat Tziporah (Ariella Moss' mother) * James Schnellbacher (Debra Smith’s grandfather) * Zechariah Ben HaRav veHeChazan Tehillah (R. Alissa's brother) * Gershon Ben Chayim v'Diverta (Gary Hirschhorn) * Yitzchak Shlomo ben Mirel Devorah (Chaim Plotzker’s son) * Amichai Yehoshua ben Leah Feigele (Ami Korn) * Leah Chaya bat Basha * Wolf Isaac ben Nediva * Shana bat Chia (Jillian Isaacs) * Sarah Freida bat Raizel (Rachel Olshin's mom) * Illana bat Elke (Heather Thau's mother) * Gilad Tal (Julie Sugar's cousin) * Baila Malka bat Ada Etti (Ze'ev Korn's mother)