Parshat Ki Tisa
February 18-19, 2022 | 18 Adar I 5782
Mazal Tov:
to Hal and Lenny Schloss on Barbara and Joey’s upcoming wedding and Joey’s aufruf this Shabbat!
Mazal Tov:
to Paige Schwimer and Daniel Mehrian on their upcoming wedding and their Aufruf/Shabbat Kallah this Shabbat!
Mazal Tov:
to Julie & Alex Fax and family on the engagement of their son Yair to Miriam Charnoff, daughter of Lisa and Jonny Charnoff!
Mazal Tov:
to Jake Zweig and parents Farrah Zweig and Leo Zweig and the entire family on Jake's upcoming bar mitzvah this Monday.
This Shabbat:
Friendly Reminder - Rav Yosef is visiting with family this Shabbat.

Rabbanit Alissa has had an unexpected medical emergency and is sorry to not be in shul this Shabbat. She is home recovering and sends her love and gratitude -- especially for the YP love!
Kiddush is sponsored by Lenny and Hal Schloss in honor of Joey’s aufruf this Shabbat and the upcoming wedding of Barbara Schloss and Joey Beyda.
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Deb and Theo Brandt-Sarif in honor of Alicia Brandt-Sarif, z"l, who passed away in Sydney January 9, 2022; beloved mother of Theo (Deb) Brandt-Sarif; grandmother of Trevor, Justin (Michelle) and Lauren; great grandmother of Benji Brandt-Sarif.
YP Kiddush is sponsored by:
  • Sari and Jason Ciment in honor of Lena’s birthday!
  • Paige and Daniel in honor of their wedding on February 20th.
  • Zev, Claire, and Dov Hurwitz in honor of Jamie Garelick, who has opened her home to our YP community time and time again.
  • Penina Smith and Yoni Biro in honor of Rabbanit Alissa, Akiva, Ella, and Judy for bettering our community! Thank you!!
  • Sara and David Hirschberg in honor of Alissa and all of the tremendous work she has done in building our community.
  • An Anonymous donation was made in honor of Paige and Daniel!! Mazel tov!
  • Avi, Yael, and Max in honor of Rabbanit Alissa.
  • Baila Hall, Joel Kosh, and Natan in honor of Rabbanit Alissa, Akiva and Ella.
  • Louis Keene is honor of Rabbanit Alissa. 
  • Rena Asher and Yona Remer in honor of Rabbanit Alissa's years of leadership and friendship. 
  • Adi and Boaz in honor of our Amazing Rabbanit.
  • Deb, Benny, Atara, Vered, and Chloe Smith - "We love you Rabbanit Alissa, Akiva, Ella, and Judy!"
  • Rebecca Pinnelas
  • Andy & Jeremy in honor of Rabbanit Alissa, this textbox is too short to fit all the things we are thankful for.
  • JJ Goldstein and Mitch Marmon "Thank you to Rabbanit Alissa for everything she has done for us and the community".
  • Holly in honor of Andy Medina and Jeremy Halpern for looking after me while my owners (Melissa & Noah Nathan) are away.
  • Noah & Melissa Nathan in honour of Rabbanit Alissa, Akiva, Ella & Judy for being our rock, our inspiration, and most importantly - our friends.
  • Jesse Martin-Miller for Rabbanit Alissa, a queen.
  • Zev, Claire and Dov Hurwitz in honor of Rabbanit Alissa. For everything.
  • Tzvi Wolf in honor of Rabbanit Alissa.
To sponsor kiddush/seudah shlishit to celebrate a simcha or honor a loved one, click here!
If you require an accommodation in order to participate in Shabbat services with BDJ please contact We welcome and support children, teens, and adults with disabilities, mental health conditions, and their families and caregivers. Please reach out if you have any questions and/or would like to request an accommodation.
This Week
Weekday Minyanim: Mincha/Maariv will be at 5:30 PM this week.
Note: Shacharit on Monday will be at 8:00AM (President's Day)
Monday, February 20th | 7:30 PM | BDJ Beit Midrash
Gemara Shiur w/Rav Yosef; A weekly (Every Monday!) text based talmud class. Zoom option!
Tuesday, February 22nd | 7:30 PM | Helperin's Backyard (9338 Oakmore Rd)
Parsha Plug w Rabbanit Alissa; Zoom option available! Email Rabbanit Alissa for details!
Shabbat, February 26th
Isaac Bryan Assemblymember Visit

Sunday, February 27th
A Heart of Many Rooms:
Session IV: A Nuanced Zionism & How it Can Save North American Zionism. with Professor Dov Waxman Register.
Friday, March 4th
BDJ Boomers Friday Night Dinner!

Shabbat, March 5th
Shabbat of Ruach & Recognition of Rabbanit Alissa with a Farewell Kiddush in her honor.
Get Ready for Purim!
  • Members: Please check your email from BDJ entitled "Order Mishloach Manot!" to order Mishloah Manot. If you need help locating your email, reach out to

  • If you are able to deliver packages between March 13-17, please click here. A route will be provided to you with approximately 10 deliveries in your neighborhood. 

  • Check out our website for juicy Purim Details.
In Case You Missed It
Rabbanit Alissa's Source Sheet can be found below:
Around the Community
Jewish Teen Initiative Gender, Sexuality, & Suicide Prevention Parent Workshop. Feb. 22 via Zoom or Mar. 24 in person. Details/Registration Here.

Shop ACHI: American Communities Helping Israel. Supporting Israeli businesses. More Info Here. Now Offering beautiful purim cards.

JWRC's production of Something's Rotten BY women FOR women (March 24, 27 & 28) featuring our very own BDJ members! Get Tickets Here.
Save a Life/Pikuach Nefesh: A dear member of the YICC community, Dr. Howard Abramowitz, is in need of a kidney transplant. Interested in learning more about kidney donation or to test to see if you are a match email Renewal.

Walk With Sally a non-profit that supports families impacted by cancer. Info & resources here.

JDAAIM Resources & 2022 Program: Click Here.
Misheberach List
Esther bat Devorah Bella (Mayer Schames' mother) * Emanuel ben Hinda (Mr. Sassover) * Bella Rivka bat Rosa (Aharon Shimoni's sister) * Shulamit bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson) * Michael ben Malka (Max Wozniak) * Chaya bat Bela (Mayer Bick's mother) * Tziporah bat Tova (Mrs. Sassover) * Chava bat Helen (Eva Magid) * Masha Hinda bat Malke Roisa * Tova Chaya bat Leah Malkah * Hersh Yaakov ben Chaya Leah (David Stein's father) * Saureet bat Yehudit (Saureet Hayill) * Nechama Bracha Bat Yechiela * Moshe ben Shoshana (Martine Porter Zasada's uncle) * Yehezkel ben Kaila (Fred Toczek's father) * Mordechai David ben Margalit (Zev Hurwitz' father) * Sarah Golda bat Fradyl (Rav Yosef's mother) * Shlomo haCohen ben Rachel * Shalom David Ben Feigel (father of Boaz Hepner's friend) * Yair ben Bella Rivka (Sheryl Shimoni's nephew) * Esther bat Liba (Jill Lefferman's mother) * G'dalyah Reuven ben Bracha (Gary Linder) * Miriam Yosefet bat Leah Malka (Tobi Inlender's sister) * Masha Libi bat Shulamit (Sheryl Shimoni's sister) * Laurie Higashi * Shoshana Raizel bat Chaya (friend of Miriam Katz) * Leah Rivka bat Ada * Shulamit bat Miriam * Yoseph Ben Gittel Pessel * Bracha Merel bat Rivka (Bernice Epstein) * Baruch ben Sara (Rabbanit Alissa's father) * Ida bat Raya * Lev Binyamin ben Masha Libba * Rivka Chanah bat Tziporah (Ariella Moss' mother) * James Schnellbacher (Debra Smith’s grandfather) * Zechariah Ben HaRav veHeChazan Tehillah (R. Alissa's brother) * Yitzchak Shlomo ben Mirel Devorah (Chaim Plotzker’s son) * Leah Chaya bat Basha * Wolf Isaac ben Nediva * Sarah Freida bat Raizel (Rachel Olshin's mom) * Illana bat Elke (Heather Thau's mother) * Gilad Tal (Julie Sugar's cousin) * Baila Malka bat Ada Etti (Ze'ev Korn's mother) * Farah bat Mozelle Tobe (Brenda Robin's mother) * HaRavYitzchak ben Tobeh (Audrey Kraus' father) * Avraham Chaim ben Rivka * Susan Bercovici (Daughter-In-Law of Rica Bercovici) * Sarah Yaffa bat Elka Tzivia * Aaron Ben Mai * Nechemya Ben Gittel (father of Carly Mann) * Aliza Talia Sarah bat Dina Rachel (Rachel Lesin Kasirer's friend) * Tzvia bat Yona * Gila bat Shoshie (mother of Michaly Lahat) * Avtalyon Zerachyah Ben Miriam Bracha (Avi Goldberg) * Eran Yakov ben Sara (Sara Naor's father) * Aliza Sara bat Miriam Chaya * Reuven Menachem HaCohen ben Chaya Golda (Zane Anthony Mendelson) * Rachel Chana bat Rivka (Rochelle Frimmer, Debi Pomerantz's Aunt) * Daniella Leah bat Zeeva * David Aharon Yizchak Ben Micha’el HaCohen (David Stein) * Miriam Aliza bat Shifrah Chana * Ariella Rivka bat Tzippora * Ronen ben Yehudit * Chaya Rachel Bat Carmi Adina (Hallie Schiff) * Boaz Yaakov Ben Leah Rivkah (Boaz Hepner) * Moshe ben Mildred (Jeff Feuer's Stepfather) * Rabbanit Aviva Aliza bat HaRav veheChazan Tehillah.