From the Rabbi:
Dear Community and Friends,
Earlier this week, I informed the shul that after June 2024, I will no longer be serving KOT in an official capacity. To say the least, it has been a difficult and emotional week.
Part of this difficulty stems from the closeness and admiration I feel for those in our community. It is difficult to describe, but I can say that I consider each one of you to be both a friend and a teacher. A teacher in life, as I've learned (and will continue to learn) so much just from observing and sharing time with you.
Every week, we recite a Misheberach (a blessing) for those who contribute to the community in one way or another: preparing wine for kiddush, setting up the chairs for services, setting up the candles, helping with a yahrzeit minyan, etc. KOT is a community that excels in this sort of unassuming giving and contributing. For me, this is exemplary, something I wish to emulate in my own life.
My family and I have received an outpouring of love and support. Words cannot describe the humbling effect and the level of gratitude that we feel. It amounts to a binding love that is not dependent on anything, and thus eternal (Pirkei Avot 5:16).
In this week's parsha, we read of the Jewish people's 42-stop journey in the desert. The Ba'al Shem Tov says that "The forty-two 'stations' [masei] from Egypt to the Promised Land are replayed in the life of every individual [Jew], as the soul journeys from its descent to earth at birth to its return to its source." We each have our own individual journey, and each stage in that journey is forever ingrained in our beings as an integral part of our growth. I can truly say that KOT is forever ingrained in my family's heart.
But, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is a great amount of learning, laughter, growth, and l'chaim's to be had. As George Foreman says, "The best is yet to come," so let us make it so!
Thank you, with love for being the gracious and caring community that you are.
Shabbat Shalom!
Upcoming Classes
NOTE: Wednesday's class is being paused until further notice.
Saturday at 7:50 pm - Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers)
Sunday at 7:00 pm - KOT Beit Midrash
Tuesday at 1:00 pm - Parsha Conversations
Wednesday at 7:30 pm - Teachings of Rabbi Sacks
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