Kehillat Ohr Tzion

Rabbi Shlomo Schachter

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech

President Jeff Schapiro

25 Elul 5784

Davening Schedule

For a complete listing of holiday service times, please see the Rosh Hashanah schedule beneath the Rabbi's Message in the right column of this newsletter.

Friday, September 27

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:45 pm

Earliest Candle Lighting: 5:48 pm

Candle Lighting: 6:44 pm

Sunset: 7:02 pm

Saturday, September 28

Shacharit: 9:00 am (sharp)

Kiddush is sponsored by KOT.

Pre-Mincha Class: 6:15 pm 

Mincha: 6:45 pm

Havdala: 7:43 pm

Sunday, September 29

Selichot: 8:00 am

Shacharit: 8:30 am

Wednesday, October 2

Selichot: 6:00 am

Shacharit & Hatarat Nedarim: 6:45 am

Mincha & Candle Lighting: 6:35 pm


No donations this week.

Please remember to drop off your Dash's receipts in the bag in the shul foyer.


President: Jeff Schapiro

Rabbi: Shlomo Schachter

Newsletter: Joseph Enis

Chesed: Mireille Schapiro

Fun/Fund: Beth Weiss


Publicity: Phyllis Steinberg


Social Action: Phyllis Steinberg


Web Site: Karen Marks


Kiddush Sponsorships: Cheryl Stein

Web Site:

KOT depends on Voluntary ATID pledges to ensure that we can provide for all of our expenses. If you have made a pledge, the Board of KOT thanks you for your generosity. If you have not made a pledge or have questions regarding the Voluntary ATID program, please contact Steven Weiss at
Donate Now
It's Spring in Buffalo, and leaves are waiting to open on the Tree of Life at shul.

Have a leaf or a rock inscribed!
   $120 for a leaf
   $1000 for a rock

Kosher take-out available in Buffalo (Supervision by BVK):

BK Gourmet click here
Luscious by Lori click here

From the President:

Mazel Tov to the Stein and Redlich families on the upcoming wedding of Adam and Victoria. Since many of our congregants are hoping to attend the wedding, I encourage those who are still in town to make an extra effort to attend services this Shabbat.

This is another reminder to take any clothes you might think you have on the coat rack in the outer vestibule. Anything left after this week will be donated to Goodwill.

Finally, thank you to the Joseph and Kuritzky families for donating a new men's bathroom door. The carpenter has taken off the old door and has replaced it with a new door. This is known as "l'dor v'dor."

Shabbat Shalom,



From the Rabbi:

In Parashat Nitzavim we read that we are (29:9) "all standing together before Hashem."  (29:14) "Those who are standing here with us this day before Hashem our God and those who are not with us here this day." Appropriate perhaps that much of our congregation will be away this weekend to celebrate with the Stein family. Mazal Tov! But, that does mean that for anyone who is in town, your presence at shul this Shabbat is really appreciated. Please come to all three services if you can.

These passages about including people who aren't physically present is a really critical statement about our shared identity. In many contexts, a person who is not showing up is readily cast out. In football for example, it's fairly simple: If you don't come to practice and show up for games, you're off the team. Period. Similarly, if you don't come to work, you're fired. If you didn't pay your dues, you can't come into the gym. Terms and privileges of membership are fairly straightforward with most groups. But that's not the case here with our covenant. If you don't act Jewish, don't participate in Jewish community, don't show up for the rest of us, you're still a Jew. You're still with us even if you're not with us. You can't ever get cast out. Period.

This means on a practical level that our shared identity makes us responsible for people who aren't acting responsibly to us. It demands of us always to be emotionally the bigger person. Others may not even acknowledge their connection, or "identify with us." Yet we still consider them part of "us." It's easy to understand this dynamic in parent-child relationships. A child may want to ignore their parents, run away, escape or dissociate from their family. But the parent? Your mom is still your mom even if you run away. And, as your mom, when you want to come home, she'll welcome you back. Similarly, (Gen 42:8) "And Joseph recognized his brothers, they however did not recognize him."  

When the Torah tells us "you are all standing here today before Hashem," the "before Hashem" is the critical part, and it's not dependent on us. God sees us as all together, no matter what. Our petty grievances and internal conflicts don't change the fact that to God, we're all His children. As the prophet Malachi puts it, (2:10) "Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us all? Why do we break faith with one another, profaning the covenant of our ancestors?"  Who do we think we're fooling by pretending we're not together? 

As we prepare to stand before Hashem on Rosh Hashanah, every year Parashat Nitzavim reminds us that no matter what divisions we may feel in our hearts, no matter how much pain, blame or heartbreak we may be carrying, in God's sight we're all in this together. Before Hashem, there's no us and them, just a bigger us that may need some resolution in order to accept our us-ness. Good thing we've still got a few more days...

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Shlomo

Classes This Week

NOTE: The Thursday evening class is paused until further notice.

Rosh Hashanah Schedule

For some guidelines to the home rituals of Rosh Hashanah see the holiday primer here.

Sunday September 29

Slichot 8 am

Shacharit 8:30

Wednesday Oct 2

Slichot 6 am

Shacharit and Hatarat Nedarim 6:45 am

Don't forget to make an Eruv Tavshilin. Instructions Here

Mincha and Candle Lighting 6:35

Thursday Oct 3

Shacharit 9 am 

Sermon and Shofar (approximately) 10:45 

Children's educational program 11:00

Tashlich (approximately) 1:30

Mincha 6:30

Maariv 7:15

Earliest Candle Lighting 7:34

Friday Oct 4

Shacharit 9 am

Children's Program with R' Shlomo 10:30

Sermon and Shofar (approximately) 10:45

Mincha and Candle Lighting 6:34

Shabbat Ha'azinu

Shacharit 9 am

Shabbat Shuvah Drasha/Learning following Kiddush

Afternoon Class 6 pm

Mincha 6:30

Havdalah 7:30

Lulav and Etrog Order Form

Shul & Community Notes & Events

CPR and AED Training at KOT on October 27. Please let Mitch Steinhorn know if you are interested in attending. Number of attendees is required ASAP.


The online KOT Donation page has been updated. You can no longer use PayPal and the url has changed:


This is the time for the annual maintenance of the Eruv. Rabbi Lander is being brought in from Toronto to inspect, and, typically, the required repairs and upgrades cost several thousand dollars. The entire community benefits from the existence of the Eruv. Please give generously, so needed work can proceed without delay:

879 Hopkins Rd.
Williamsville, NY 14221