
Together Actively Building Community

                                       TABC CHADASHOT

Candle Lighting
6:52 pm

Ma Chadash?
It Happened @ TABC
Book Day
Go Storm!
College Corner
Mazal Tov
School Calendar
Expansion Update
Parnes Hayom
Support Your School
Alumni Search
Volunteers Needed


Important Dates

Sophomore Parent College Meeting: April 10
Book Day: April 18
Junior College Fair:
May 23


Celebrate Israel Parade: June 2, 2013
Alumni Picnic:
June 9, 2013


June 11, 2013

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Rabbi Ezra Wiener's Weekly Sunday Shiur

Donuts & OJ at 8:45 am followed by shiur on topics in massechet Shabbat. The Shuir ends by 9:50 am. 


Rabbi Ezra Wiener 

March 22, 2013 ~ 11 Nissan, 5773

Parshat Tzav
Shabbat Hagadol
Wishing the entire TABC Family a Chag Kasher Ve'Sameach
It Happened @ TABC


This week Rabbi Howard Jachter organized pre-Pesach shiurim for our alumni. A large crowd of alumni joined the shiurim (and complimentary lunch) delivered by Rabbis Yosef Adler, Ezra Wiener and Sariel Malitzky.  Rabbi Adler addressed bedikat chametz as a Torah obligation, Rabbi Wiener added perspective
on hagalat keilim (kashering utensils for Pesach) and Rabbi Malitzky
discussed the role of Korech at the Seder.  We look forward to
maintaining and growing our relationships with our alumni, as they join us for shiurim and happy occasions. 


Alumni Learning 


This past Monday night, we held our annual Pre-Pesach Parent Son Learning. Many parents, students, and alumni joined together for an evening of Torah. Parents and students prepared ma'areh mekomot together and enjoyed Rabbi Josh Kahn's shiur on "Mechirat Chametz - The Real Deal?"  This was a very special way for the TABC family to engage in intensive Talmud Torah as part of our Pesach preparations. 

Thursday night was our big Late Night Learning. The building was rocking with the kol Torah of so many of our students, alumni, and rebbeim.  We joined together for round robin discussions, shiurim, chaburot, chavruta learning, and a kumsitz. Of course, it was a great chance to savor some last minute chametz.  The students enjoyed a BBQ, Dougies, and Chinese food.


This week current students had the pleasure of hearing presentations and divrei Torah from our alumni. In addition to many alumni divrei Torah at the Thursday evening Late Night Learning, Rabbi Howard Jachter invited Eitan Rapps ('06) to address the Israel Advocacy Class. Eitan, who works at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Israel, taught our students how to defend Israel from unjust accusations of being an Apartheid State. He focused on the full civil rights granted to Arab citizens of Israel and the justice of Israel's separation barrier. In addition, Eitan delivered a Pesach dvar Torah to many of our freshmen before one of the daily mincha minyanim. Special thanks as well to Zev Kahane ('09) and Neil Bodner ('11) who also made very well-received Pesach divrei Torah to our current students.

Rabbi Chanales
Rabbi Yehuda Chanales' Y7 shiur learns about Pesach

Dozens of our alumni joined us this week, taking advantage of their yeshiva or college breaks. Alumni, in addition to taking advantage of the dedicated shiurim for them, reconnected with their administrators, Rebbeim and teachers. The presence of alumni added to the special pre-Yom Tov feeling that pervaded the school this week. In the words of one alumnus: "It is great to be back at TABC to witness the special ruach that permeates the building."



Mazal Tov to Dani Peyser ('14) on receiving the title of "Regional Champion" in the Chidon HaTanach! We wish him luck in the National Finals!

Mazal tov to AJ Book ('16) and Jacob Adler (SINAI '16) on their siyum of massechet Megillah.  They have been learning together at night seder and shared their celebration with everyone at night seder last week.

Book Day Preparations Well Underway
Out of the Depths
Book Day Coordinators, Dr. Carol Master and Mrs. Leah Moskovits, are happy to announce that Book Day preparations are well under way! The students have registered for sessions of their choice via Google Drive. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting day that will take place on Thursday, April 18th.

On Tuesday, the Storm hosted JEC for its third game of the season. Soccer Ball Down 3-0 and at the end of the 1st period, TABC stormed back with 4 unanswered goals, leading 4-3 at halftime. In the 2nd half TABC broke the game open scoring 5 more unanswered goals, en route to sealing a 9-3 victory. Goals were scored by Alex Malech ('15) (2 goals), Calev Minsky ('16) (2 goals), Doni Kilminick ('15) (1 goal), Ben Shelling ('15) (1 goal), Amiel Rimberg ('16) (1 goal), Benjy Weil ('16) (1 goal), and Michael Benichou ('15) (1 goal). Physically stifling defense by Ben Book, Doni Kilminck, Alex Malech and
Michael Benichou, and solid goal-tending by Rami Levine, with a full-team participation. Next game is April 11 at Kushner. 

College Corner
TABC is happy to announce that Noam Vaanunu ('13) was accepted to the Macaualy Honors Program at the College of Staten Island. He was also offered a position in the Honors Program in City College of New York's Grove School of Engineering. We look forward to many other college acceptances in the next few weeks.
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov 2
  • Mazel Tov to Josh Weinberg ('05) on his engagement to Elisheva Rose
  • Mazel tov to Steven Davis ('06) on his engagement to Jillian Schlussel
2013-2014 School Year 



Due to the early Rosh Hashana, the first day of sessions for the 5774 - 2013-2014 school year will be Wednesday, August 28th. More information on the school calendar to follow.

Expansion Update
  • Building steel on the administration building is 75% complete
  • Site work is 75% complete
  • The detention system on Tryon Ave is continuing
  • The concrete in the gym will be poured on April 3rd.
  • All outside skin on the existing building has been removed and new insulation and studs for EFIS is being installed.  


Steel Up
Parnes Hayom


On Tuesday we dedicated our learning to the memory of Avraham Yitzchak ben Moshe Yaakov, beloved great uncle of Yaakov Linder ('12), Jonathan Rosenberg ('12), Jacob Rosenberg ('15) and Cobi Rosenberg ('17), by the Tapper, Linder and Rosenberg Families.
We dedicated a day or learning in advance of the yartzheit of Moshe ben David Meyer, beloved father of Renee Fromowitz and beloved grandfather of Noam ('14) and Ariel ('16) Fromowitz.
If you would like to set up a day's learning please contact Mara Miller in the office and she will ensure that your day of learning is set up in advance.
If you have any questions about the program please contact the school office.  


Much learning takes place within the hallowed walls of our yeshiva. Your support entitles you to a share of all that learning. We can think of no greater reward! 


Support Your School
We are very proud of the amazing support our students, parents, faculty and administration continue to show to the students on our athletic and academic teams. Whether it is a packed gym for hockey, basketball or wrestling, or a crowded Bergen County Courthouse for Mock Trial, the TABC Family's energy has helped contribute to our great success. Thank you!
Alumni Search

Do you know any TABC Alumni who are not part of the AlumniAlumni Search Online Community? Please let us know if you know any alumni who we may have lost contact with over the years. We would love to reconnect! Please forward this email to them with the link to the Alumni Online Community or send an email to Rabbi Howard Jachter, Director of Alumni Relations. 

And if you have any alumni news, please share it with us. Thank you!

Volunteers Needed
Family involvement at TABC is critical to our success, and we are so grateful for the contributions that parents and alumni make of their time, skills and resources. We invite you to participate by clicking here to view a list of committees and opportunities to get involved in the TABC Family. Complete the form and make an impact today! 
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