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Caring for Older Adults Since 1907
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By Jo Strausz Rosen
In the family album I barely saved from the recent flood in my basement is a fading photograph of a younger me – grinning wildly into the camera, eyes closed tightly, tousled hair, sunlit sky, future unknown, and I remember the mantra in my head that is always there to this day, “Be Happy.” It was the early 70’s and I was hopeful. I was into Transcendental Meditation, my generation’s wonderful music and feeling cool. Even though the news was grim, I was determined to make a difference and spread light to those who need it.

We have come a long way since those days in many beautiful ways and we all know it’s harder to maintain the mantra. Every human on earth at some time or another has faced darkness, lived through it and made it to the light on the other side. Our daily time machine begins with morning light and moves through the day into the darkness of night. We are given 24 hours with all the possibilities to make the best of our time, to live our lives and begin each light-filled day with renewed hope and purpose.

Sometimes we just need a reminder. The passage of time through the growth of my children and grandchildren is my reminder. The mirror is my reminder. JSL residents striving to live their best lives is my daily reminder.

The music and lyrics from the 70’s when I was coming of age, calls to me.
Sittin’ in the morning sun, I’ll be sitting when the evening comes. Watching the ships roll in, and then I watch them roll away again. I’m sitting’ on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away. I’m sitting on the dock of the bay WASTING TIME.”   Otis Redding

Time is our gift. Don’t waste it. What are you doing with your allotment?

My friend, artist Andrea Smith, posted this on Facebook this week and I believe it to be true and I have always loved her attitude and tried to emulate her:

Hold the light. Be the light. The light holds no judgement, no negativity, and no separation. We have been pitted against one another. If you are reading this, I trust you want peace. Then forget all the BS and just be the light. Remember, making others wrong only disturbs our peace and adds to the collective confusion. Everyone thinks they “know.” The only thing I do know is that light works. Where there is light, there is no separation, hate or anger. Where there is light there can be no darkness. The need to be right is our ego. We are here to let go of ego. Let go of sides. It’s us. One planet, human beings, love, beauty, peace and harmony. We have to feel it to heal it. Hold the light. Be the light. You are the light. Feel it.”

“Time it was, and what a time it was, it was

A time of innocence, A time of confidences

Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph

Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you.”          
Simon and Garfunkel
Congratulations to JSL volunteer, Nancy Handelman on being named Volunteer of the Year from LeadingAge Michigan!
Make an impact in your community while having fun! Apply to become a volunteer at JSL today. For questions, contact Leslie Katz 248-592-5062
We may not have loved all the rain last month, but the flowers in the Teitel gardens sure did! Come visit
and find beauty on the Oak Park campus tended by our residents.
By Theresa Juva-Brown

Three decades ago, Florence “Flo” Filion Meiler was approached by her friend, Barbara Jordan, the head of track and field for the Vermont Senior Games, with a big request.

“She says, ‘We are desperate for track people. I want you to try the long jump.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute, Barb. I’ve never done track before,’” recalls Meiler, who was an accomplished tennis player and water skier. Jordan responded in turn: “I think you would be good at it.”
With that nudge, Meiler jumped into the world of track and field at age 60, eventually taking on more jump events, including pole vault at age 65, throws, hurdles, pentathlon, and steeplechase. 
Increase your strength and flexibility with this 20 minute gentle Pilates video for seniors.
Contact us to learn about our private suite rates!
Contact Jill Bengle
LIVE, With Us.
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Oak Park residents recently enjoyed a beautiful evening of wine and conversation in the Teitel Winter Garden.
The Benefits of Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity is the presence of differences within a given setting. In the workplace that can mean differences in race, ethnicity, gender or any other number of things.

Inclusion is the practice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging and support from the organization. Research shows that an inclusive work environment improves business outcomes.
To learn more about the benefits of inclusion in the workplace:
This article from the Harvard Business Review, explores the Three A’s of Inclusion (Awareness, Authenticity and Accountability).
The Diversity and Inclusion Revolution: Eight Powerful Truths, from the Deloitte Review outlines the business case and strategies for both diversity and inclusion. A lengthier article aimed at leadership.
This short video starring a group of employees from Accenture stresses the importance of a positive, inclusive work environment and demonstrates that bias can appear in both expected and unexpected ways.
This video helps to understand intergroup anxiety and strategies to gain comfort in interacting with others of different groups.
In this video Janet Stovall shares how, lessons learned about diversity and inclusion at work can have power outside the work environment.
Have you ever felt excluded at work? How did it make you feel and how did it impact your work?

What are ways to promote inclusion in your work team? Let us hear your thoughts about Inclusivity.
Lamb with Figs

Spice Mix
 1/4 teaspoon Gefen Cinnamon
 1/4 teaspoon Black Pepper
 1 tablespoon Salt
 1 tablespoon Smoked Paprika
 1/4 teaspoon Coriander
 1/4 teaspoon Gefen Cumin

Lamb With Figs
 4 Lamb Shanks
 Oil, for frying
 2 Shallots, sliced
 5 Cloves Garlic, roughly chopped
 1 tablespoon Tuscanini Tomato Paste
 2 cups Alfasi Cabernet Sauvignon or other dry red wine
1 cup Chicken Broth, such as Manischewitz Chicken Broth
1/2 cup chopped Dried Figs
Fresh Mint, for garnish

Prepare the Lamb With Figs
1) Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150 degrees Celsius).
2) Mix the spices in a small bowl and season the lamb shanks with the mix.
3) Heat a skillet with some oil. Add the seasoned lamb shanks (work in batches if needed) and brown about five to eight minutes on each side.
4) Place the lamb shanks into an oven-safe dish.
5) Add the shallots and garlic to the skillet and sauté for about five minutes. Add the tomato paste, wine, broth, and figs to the skillet and bring to a boil.
6) Pour the sauce over the lamb and cover the pan tightly. Transfer the pan to the oven and cook for four to five hours or until the meat is falling-off-the-bone soft.
7) Best served over mashed potatoes or couscous. Garnish with fresh mint.

Recipe is from
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, Community Chaplain
Raised to Great Heights

This article was sent to me by a family of a resident I visit. The Karnofsky’s are a Jewish family who immigrated from Lithuania to the United States. They took pity on a seven-year-old boy and brought him into their home.

There he stayed and spent his nights, where for the first time in his life, he was treated with kindness and tenderness. When he went to bed, Mrs. Karnovsky sang him Jewish and Russian lullabies, which he sang along with her. Over time, this boy became the adopted son of this family. Mr. Karnofsky gave him money to buy his first musical instrument, as was the custom in Jewish families.

Later, when he became a professional musician and composer, he used these Jewish melodies in compositions such as “St. James's Hospital” and “Go Down Moses.” The little boy grew up and wrote a book about the Jewish family who adopted him in 1907. In memory of this family and until the end of his life, he wore the Star of David and said that in this family he learned "determination and to live a real life." This little boy's name was Louis Armstrong!

Enjoy some inspiration - Shabbat Shalom by Phone
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program Jewish Senior Life
248-592-5039 •
This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Amanda Martlock

We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
Shabbat Shalom
Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Jennie Klepinger, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.
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