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Contact Jackie Rosender
248-444-2430 or jrosender@jslmi.org
May 23 - Eight Over Eighty
Which of our distinguished honorees is a Jewish News Columnist? Who is a founding member of The Cancer Thrivers Network? Support our biggest event of the year! Help us celebrate the honorees and become a sponsor and purchase an ad honoring this delightful class of community greats. Learn more about this virtual event at jslmi.org/8over80
May 21 - Oldest Americans Brunch
Do you know someone over 95? Help us honor our community elders who are 95 and older! Register here: jslmi.org/oab
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
James Baldwin
We get strength from this quote. Let’s link arms, team up (virtually) and look at everything that must be done. Earth’s survival is intimately and reciprocally connected to human survival. We are noticing the gentle signs of Spring, daffodils, violets, robins, and warmer temperatures. Our minds race forward to freedom and sun-kissed days without the need for jackets (or masks) ... Passover is just around the corner and we pinch ourselves in gratitude that we have seen the end of the COVID winter. Signs of Spring on our JSL campuses include more activities in residential pods such as Current Events and Art classes, Boutique shopping, and Wellness activities. Our mask-wearing residents and JSL staff anxiously wish to come together for communal dining and so much more. Some will go home to their families and celebrate the holidays - safely and proactively abiding by CDC recommended practices of social distancing, continued handwashing and mask wearing until we are certain that our community can be free.
As we get closer to surviving the challenges of COVID-19, we realize that the fate of humanity is tied to the fate of our planet. We have faith that we are conquering the pandemic, but there is much work to do to save our planet from global warming and human conflict. Keeping our eyes on the future with our hopes and dreams, let’s appreciate and savor the present as we grow to age in grace and gratitude in celebration of the new season. We must work together with the shared goal of healing ourselves and our planet. We repeat the Shehecheyanu and with gratitude thank The One for helping us to reach this day.
Wishing you a Sweet and Happy Passover.
Fleischman residents enjoyed this lovely 'model Seder' led by Avi Schreiber and sponsored by Elaine Beresh!
Fleischman residents have enjoyed receiving letters and cards through the Letters Against Isolation program!
105+ year old Fleischman resident, Rachel Fox, appreciated a letter she received from a program participant, a retired veteran named Dan. They enjoyed writing to each other, sharing their hopes and dreams. Here is Rachel with a photo of her pen pal.
By Leah Kadosh
Had I only gotten out of hosting last year’s seder, dayenu! But here we are, another pandemic Passover, which begins this year at sundown on Saturday, March 27 and lasts through April 4.
Passover celebrates our liberation from slavery in Egypt and rebirth as a free people; it is the most widely celebrated Jewish holiday among American Jews! We prepare by cleaning our homes of hametz (leavening), refrain from eating most carbs, attend or host two (Zoom) seders, and renegotiate with our oldest child that this year will absolutely be the last year they have to sing the Four Questions.
The Passover story — you can find a short recap here — is foundational in Jewish tradition, spanning four of five books in the Torah. Symbolic themes are prevalent throughout: slavery, faith in God’s deliverance and miracles, feminism, rebirth, and freedom.
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BEHIND THE MASK: Meet our Devoted JSL Family
For five years, Zynobia Adams has been our live-in Building Attendant at Prentis Apartments in Oak Park. She is inspired and motivated knowing that she helps to make a positive difference in our residents’ lives.
Her favorite JSL memories took place before the pandemic, when JSL always had live entertainment in the dining room, and all the residents would turnout for the fun, participating, dancing, and singing and having a great time. She misses the time when residents could come and go as they pleased. “The hustle and bustle was welcomed. The pandemic has been difficult for us all.”
Zynobia suggests we concentrate on the positive. “Hang in there, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.” She loves to cook. Her favorite foods bring her pleasure. She enjoys seafood like lobster, cod, shrimp, king crab legs along with pasta. Her favorite dessert is homemade peach cobbler. She enjoys exercise, shopping and watching movies.
Zynobia hopes to live a long and healthy life but she fears another pandemic. “I dream of being around to see my great nephew, Amir, and my great niece, Aniyah graduate from high school and college, get married and have children. She wishes she would win a multi-million-dollar lottery jackpot where she says, “I would love to visit and explore Hawaii with my family.” She loves to travel and has cruised around Jamaica, and the Eastern and Western Caribbean Islands. After the pandemic, she wants to take “a very nice vacation.” Zynobia’s favorite book is the Bible. She is filled with joy spending quality time with her family and friends and she really enjoys working for JSL.
We’re happy you like it here, Zynobia. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you to volunteers of Haddassah and The Shul who packaged lovely Passover gifts for our Fleischman residents.
It's time to stock up on our cozy knits with our boutique's Winter Sale! Find great discounts on our best winter items at:
Jewish Senior Life’s CEO, Nancy Heinrich played sous chef to her son Daniel as he led an intergenerational cooking demo and story workshop and a fascinating virtual charoset prep on behalf of Boston's Vilna Shul. The whole episode took place in Nancy’s Huntington Woods Kitchen. Enjoy!
Lamb Mock Noodle Kugel
Main ingredients
- 4 finely chopped leeks
- 1 pound cooked Passover noodles
- 1 pound ground lamb
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 1/4 teaspoon Gefen Allspice powder
- 1/4 teaspoon Gefen Cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1 tablespoons black butcher pepper
- 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts
- 1/2 cup Haddar Kosher Salt, to taste
Prepare the Kugel
- In a sauté pan, sauté leeks until soft.
- Cook noodles according to instructions, using plenty of olive oil and salt. Strain pasta and move to a bowl and mix it with the cooked leeks.
- In a pot, heat up olive oil and saute the lamb with the salt and spices until cooked.
- Remove meat and mix with the pasta and leeks. Add the rest of the ingredients into the bowl and mix. Check for salt and pepper.
- Place some of the pine nuts in the bottom of the kugel pan and pour the mixture into the kugel pan. Cover with aluminum foil and cook 8 to 12 hours in oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. To serve, flip kugel pan and remove from the kugel.
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, Community Chaplain
Passover Reflection
Passover is in the air. The pleasant sound of the Dayenu melody is ringing in our ears.
“If He had brought us before Mount Sinai, and not given us the Torah, it would have sufficed!” (One of the Dayenu stanzas)
What would have been the virtue of having arrived at Mount Sinai but not having received G-d’s precious Torah?
Having arrived, means having arrived in body, mind and soul. The Israelites arrived in unity as men and women with one heart, “We have been through so much together in Egypt. We long to connect with a Higher Being who will provide us with purpose and meaning by which to live our lives.”
Standing as one at the foot of Mount Sinai was a merit in its own right. Unity, peace, and camaraderie alone is priceless, even if it was not followed by the giving of Torah.
Today, we revisit that era in history. We are walking away from restriction and confinement into what we hope is safety and a return to normal living. Let us reunite, reconnect, and refresh new relationships. Greet with a “hello” or “good day” to a stranger crossing our path.
Hopefully as we will once again mingle with one another, we please our Creator when we are together. Let us aspire with open hearts to resume our lives with zest and passion.
We pray that the eternal redemption will surely follow. Happy Passover.
Shabbat Shalom by Phone - Enjoy some inspiration
Dial Toll free: 605-313-4107 Access code: 270368# (Reference number not needed). Dial # to hear the most recent recorded message.
Passover Seder Recording
Beginning Wednesday, March 24th please call the conference number and enjoy a half hour Passover Seder service filled with favorite melodies and insights.
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program, Jewish Senior Life 248-592-5039 • dpolter@jslmi.org
This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Amanda Martlock
We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
We are so grateful for your financial contributions.
Please continue your engAGEment with JSL.
Your support enhances the lives of our residents.
Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Jennie Klepinger, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.