Shabbat Shalom logo
June 3, 2017 - 9 Sivan 5777

Parashat Naso

This week's parasha includes the well-known and deeply moving Priestly Benediction, "May HaShem bless you and keep you; may HaShem shine His countenance upon you and be gracious unto you; may HaShem lift His countenance toward you, and grant you peace" (BaMidbar/Numbers 6:24-26). These verses have resonated with the Jewish People since ancient times. I remember seeing a silver amulet at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem that is thought to be amongst the oldest Hebrew fragments recovered by archeologists (from the 7th century BCE), and it features these immortal words. What may we learn from the context of this important blessing?

Immediately preceding the Priestly Benediction, we find two very different situations presented by the Torah. The first concerns the "sotah", or "woman accused of adultery." This is followed by the case of the "nazir", or individual who voluntarily takes on a considerably more rigorous discipline than that mandated by the Torah. Perhaps the first instance, the sotah, is meant to remind us that there is a sacred dimension to our most significant interpersonal relationships and these deserve the attention and protection of the Torah's laws. Perhaps the second instance, the nazir, reminds us that even unmitigated enthusiasm for serving God needs to be tempered by the constraints and guidance offered by the Torah. Both instances deserve to be encouraged by the blessing of God's illumination, support, and peace.

Immediately following the Benediction we find that the Tabernacle is finally raised. Once we are able to be mindful that our human relationships are potentially holy, and that our drive to holiness must be kept within human bounds, we are ready to be blessed by the symbol of God's presence; the Tabernacle.

B'yedidut (w/friendship),
Rabbi Mitch Levine signature  
Rabbi Mitch Levine
[email protected]  
This Week's Shabbat Schedule 

Candle lighting:  8:37 pm
Shabbat morning services: 9:o0 am in the Harry & Bella Wexner Sanctuary in honor of Hayden Spector's Bat Mitzvah
Babysitting: 10:15 am (Room 210 for children 5 years old and younger) 
Woodchoppers: 6:00 pm
Havdalah: 9:38 pm
Shabbat Service leaders:  Leah Weintraub, Sheila Everett and Adam Davis
Gabbaim: Stephanie Wapner, Leah Weintraub and Michal Adar
Torah Readers: Simon Spector and Ed Frankel
Haftorah Reader: Hayden Spector
Usher: Laura Clubok

Kiddush is sponsored by Drs. Martin Eidelberg and Seth Golpin in honor of their niece, Hayden's Bat Mitzvah.

Minyan Service Times - June 3-9
Sunday morning services on are at 9:30 am.  Monday through Friday morning services are at 7:00 am.

Please support our members to properly remember the yahrzeits of loved ones at 
evening minyan:  

Thursday, June 8 at 7:00 pm - Mike Gertner will be saying Kaddish for his father, Abraham Gertner.
If you are saying Kaddish for a loved one, please invite family and friends to help make a minyan. Thank you to all who have been helping us make minyans!
Please do a mitzvah, and help make a minyan!

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, June 7 - Mahj
Saturday, June 10 - Graduation Kiddush
Sunday, June 11 - Annual Meeting
Tuesday, June 13 - Book Club
Saturday, June 17 - New Member Shabbat

Photo of the Week 

Jennifer Rosichan and her daughters enjoyed the delicious food at the Sisterhood's High Tea.
Contact Us
Agudas Achim
2767 E. Broad St.
Bexley, OH 43209

Simchas for the Week
Happy Birthday to: Brenda Davidorf, Cobby Rubin, Alexandra Schimmer, Carol Steiner, Jerry Cabakoff, Chase Dworkin-Dahlman, Alice Kramer, Eli Helfgott, Jesse Shkolnik, Lawrence Gaba, June Gutterman, Sandy Lichtenstein, Gary Robins, Emily Winnegrad, Robert Schwartz, Olivia Beckman, Svetlana Golba and Joan Waldman.

Mazel Tov to:  Andrew, Ilana and Nathaniel Spector on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter 
and sister, Hayden Spector. Mazel Tov also to grandmothers Marcia Spector and Melva Eidelberg.

Yahrzeits this Week


This week we mark the following yahrzeits and remember:

Marshall Lashen, Estene Silbert, Ida Bornstein, Elliott Feldman, Wayne Rudolph, Miron Zilberman, Eula Posey, Abe Wolman, Sadie Block, Zlata Slutzker, Abraham Gertner, and Shloyman Vaysberg.

Meal Trains - UPDATED
Lynn Endich, a long-time member of our synagogue who regularly attended Shabbat morning services, is now confined to her home due to mobility challenges. She would appreciate having a meal prepared for Shabbat.

Mazel Tov to Jessica Garrett Mills & Andrew Mills on the birth of their son!

Amy Palmer's father recently died. Please help make them meals, so she has one less thing on her mind.

Please do a mitzvah and assure that Lynn has a Shabbat dinner and the Mills & Palmer families have meals.

Sign up for Lynn's Meal Train here:  Lynn Endich Meal Train
Sign up for the Mills' Meal Train here:  Mills Meal Train
Sign up for the Palmer Meal Train here: Palmer Meal Train

Mahj on Wednesdays

Love playing Mahj or want to learn?

Have fun playing and/or learning with our Mahj on Wednesdays group!

Games begin at 6:30 pm at Agudas Achim.

Upcoming dates:

June 7 & 21

Email [email protected] for more details.

Graduation Kiddush
Do you have a graduate in your family/home? We'd like to celebrate them with a special graduation kiddush on June 10! From preschool to medical and law school - Mazel Tov to your graduate(s)!

You may co-sponsor the Graduation Kiddush for $36 per graduate. Please call Beverly in the shul office at 614-237-2747 x14 or email [email protected].

We look forward to celebrating with you!
Annual Meeting
Sunday, June 11 at 10:30 am

* Election of new officers and trustees
* Strategic planning update
* Light breakfast will be served
Book Club
Tuesday, June 13 at 1:00 pm at Agudas Achim.

Join in their lively book discussions.

They will be discussing  The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman.

For more information about the Book Club, call Helena Schlam at  614-267-9516 or email  [email protected].

Looking ahead, July's club will be held on  Monday, July 31, and the book is We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter.

Around the Community

To view a list of Community Events, click here.