January 25, 2013
14 Sh'vat, 5773

MJCDS Maggid


the weekly newsletter of

 Madison Jewish Community Day School


This past week we met the Michael Johnson, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County, who shared his story with students. He spoke about growing up in the projects, and how he set and achieved his life goals to help others. 
We not only need to set goals for ourselves, but must create a plan or a roadmap for how to achieve them, he told the students.  Michael talked with the children about their goals for the future, and challenged them to create roadmaps for themselves that include not only specific steps towards making their dreams a reality, but also what supports they have from their families, schools, friends, and communities that will help them along the way.

Students were inspired by the presentation and immediately set about creating the "roadmaps"  Mr. Johnson spoke about.  

Fourth and fifth graders created a video thank you note for their guest, whom they described as "inspiring" and motivating"  Ilana commented, "When you ended, as soon as I got a chance I started making my roadmap. I felt really excited to grow up!  
Many many thanks to Michael Johnson for his visit.  We plan to take him up on his offer to visit again to hear students present their ideas about their futures. 

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Rebecca 
In This Issue
SMART night
Manna Cookies
Community Events
Photos of the Week

Grades 3-5 do a "table" reading of a play in social studies class


K-1 students explore Antarctica in their specially equipped vehicle.
Mark your Calendar...SMART* night is coming!
Tuesday, Feb 26, 5:30 pm
*SMART=Sandwiches Music and ART
Join us for a light dinner at 5:30, followed by a musical performance and art displays created by our students.  If you'd like to volunteer to help with dinner, please contact Rabbi Rebecca.  
Torah for your Table
We recently discovered an adorable site full of kid-centered, creative parasha related crafts and projects written by Emily Shapiro Katz. Among her suggestions for this week's parashah, Beshalach, is a recipe for Manna Cookies, inspired by this part of the Bible's description of manna, "its taste was like wafers made with honey." Here's the recipe. 
For more ideas, visit 

1/2 c. butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
2 c. flour
2 tsp. honey
Cream butter and sugar; add eggs and mix well. Add honey and vanilla. Add flour slowly. Drop by half teaspoon on cookie sheet then bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes or until done. We rolled the cookies in powdered sugar so that they were white like Manna. 
Community Announcements

Tu Bishvat Seder with Yehonatan

Sunday, January 27, 4 -6 pm, Beth Israel Center 
Enjoy Israeli wines, songs, fruits, arts and crafts for all ages with Yehonatan, our community shaliach. For more info, write to Israel@jewishmadison.org.


K'tantanim - Israeli Dance for Preschoolers
Sunday, February 3, 3:30-4 pm, 
Beth Israel Center  

The Yonim Israel Dance Troupe offers a special class about once a month for 3- to 5-year-old dancers. Cost is $5 per session. Send questions or RSVP to Dana Prager via email at yonim@jewishmadison.org.


Yonim Season Opener

Sunday, February 10, 1:00pm, The Waisman Center

Yonim Israeli dancers perform new dances for the first time this season.

Hamantaschen Making Marathon/Open House 
Sunday, February 17, 2-6 pm, Temple Beth El  
Join us for an afternoon of baking, filling, folding and fun! Come for the whole time or just drop by for a little to help. There will be a dough-making tutorial from 2-2:30 and the rest of the time will be spent filling, folding, baking and packaging for sale at the Feb. 24 community Purim carnival. This is an all-ages event! Contact Ellen Weismer at program@jewishmadison.org or 278-1808 x232 with questions or to register.
Wed. Jan 30:  Madinah Academy of Madison visits MJCDS
Thurs. Jan 31:  Gym at YMCA (bring your sneakers)


Fri. Feb 1:  Kabbalat Shabbat 1 pm
Let's stay in touch!  Keep the lines of communication flowing with your child's teachers by calling school at 608-204-9900 or by emailing them at:

Marla Becker marla@madisonjewishdayschool.com

Geri Goldman geri@madisonjewishdayschool.com

Clara Lazimy clara@madisonjewishdayschool.com

Rabbi Ben-Gideon rabbi@madisonjewishdayschool.com


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