Beth Am News of the Week

November 30th - December 7th

Shabbat Services

Friday, December 1st, 2023 | 19 Kislev 5784

  • 5:45 PM - Shabbat is Awesome – Join Rav Tyler and Rav Daniel for a joyful and engaging Shabbat experience for kiddos 0 – 5 and their families.
  • 6:30 PM - Dinner for everyone (if you missed the registration deadline, please email Susannah).
  • 7:30 PM - LAB Kabbalat Shabbat Services – 2nd to 5th grade LAB students will lead Kabbalat Shabbat for their final tefilah unit project. 

Saturday, December 2nd| 19 Kislev 5784

  • 8:30AM - Hybrid Torah Study led by Rabbi Burg
  • 9:30AM - Sanctuary Shabbat led by Rabbi Burg, Rabbi Dratch, and Abby Woloff. Remarks by Dr. Yizhar Hess.
  • 9:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Movement led by Jane Berg
  • 10:00AM - Jr Discovery Lab (Ages 2 -5) in the Moadon
  • 10:30AM - Kids Kahal (K - 7th grade) in the Lounge
  • 11:00AM - Shabbat Yachad (birth to 5 years old) in the Moadon

Click here for this week's Torah portion.

Click here for Shabbat Services.

Click here for the Shabbat Program.

Click here for Torah Study.

PLEASE NOTE: The Beth Am office will be closed on Monday, December 4th due to the staff attending the Conservative/Masorti Convening.


Happening Tonight!

Heschel's Passover Eve

A play by Eran Shavit

Thursday, November 30th | Doors at 6:45PM, Show at 7:15PM

Beth Am Sanctuary

A one-man play that follows Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel as he prepares for his Passover seder in 1968.

This event is free and generously sponsored by the Pavich-Geroff Family.

Childcare will be available in the Moadon from 6:45 - 8:15 PM. Please email Susannah if you plan to drop off your child.

Tickets will be available at the door!


Israel Support Resources

Please consider the important organizations and initiatives below: 

Broad support for Israeli society during this time of crisis: 

Fighting hunger on both side of the Israel-Gaza border 

Learn more about and fight for the release of our Israeli hostages: 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rav Tyler or Rav Daniel.

Upcoming Programs

Dr. Yizhar Hess

Saturday, December 2nd

During Shabbat Services

Dr. Hess will join us and provide remarks during Shabbat Morning Services about Israel and the current situation. Learn more about Dr. Hess here.


Potluck Kiddush Lunch

Saturday, December 2nd

Potluck Kiddush lunch is back! Please fill out the form below with what you plan to bring. Each item must be parve/dairy and please label your items with the following distinctions: Kosher kitchen, gluten free, vegan, dairy free, and contains nuts. 

The fabulous kiddush crew will be providing a vegan and gluten-free option as well.


Bitzror HaHayim: Death Cafe

Sunday, December 3rd | 10 AM

Have difficult or confusing questions you need help answering about death and dying? This is your opportunity to learn about end-of-life options and ask your questions. Led by Gilchrist Death Doula Ed Noley and Hospice Social Worker Rachel Weitzner.

What is a Death Café?

Learn more about Death Cafe here.


Hazak Classic Cinema Club

Sunday, December 3rd | 1 PM

The group will gather at Marcia Amith's home for a classic movie, popcorn, candy, and a discussion. Please RSVP with Susannah.

If you are interested in hosting future dates or being added to the interest list, please contact Susannah or call the Office at 410-523-2446.

Situational Awareness Training

Wednesday, December 6th

7 PM | Zoom

Beth Am's Bitachon Safety and Security Task Force is pleased to continue its educational efforts and offer training in Situational Awareness to anyone in the Beth Am community, free of charge. Now, more than ever, maintaining focus on safety and security is vital.

Training in Situational Awareness provides the foundation for learning more advanced concepts and practical techniques in safety and security awareness going forward.

Beth Am member Bob Raffel, an expert in the field with experience in law enforcement, aviation security, and Homeland Security in the U.S. and abroad, will present an interactive talk on the subject.

The presentation will on Zoom. Expect the event to last about an hour, including time for Q&A and any open discussion.

Next available training:

Sunday, Dec. 17th | 1PM on Zoom


Chanukah Klei Kodesh

Beth Am's 49th Anniversary

Friday, December 8th

Join us for a special Chanukah Klei Kodesh Kabbalat Shabbat led by Rabbi Daniel Burg, Rabbi Tyler Dratch, and Uncle Ira's Hebrew Washboard Ensemble! We will also celebrate Beth Am's 49th Annivarsery.

5 PM - Proneg for families with young children (0-5) who wish to eat dinner before services.

6 PM - Klei Kodesh Kabbalat Shabbat Services 

7 PM - Chanukah Shabbat dinner 

Children 0-3 | FREE

Children 3 - 12 | $6

13 and up | $15

Please RSVP by December 5th.


Chanukah Fair

Sunday, December 10th | 9:30AM

Celebrate Chanukah with crafts, singing, storytelling, and candle lighting! Activities for kids of all ages!

Stay tuned for the full Chanukah Fair schedule coming soon!


 Rainbow Circle Latke Party

Sunday, December 10th | 2 PM Private Home near Patterson Park


Join the Beth Am Rainbow Circle for a Latke Party! 

Bring appetizer, dessert, or drink to share. Latkes provided! 

This event will be held at a Rainbow Circle member's home near Patterson Park. 

Please RSVP by December 7th for the address. 


Moving Traditions: Tzelem

Next meeting

Sunday, December 10th | 3PM

The Tzelem program from Moving Traditions is a transformative teen group for LGBTQ+, nonbinary, and gender-expansive teens and allies to explore who they are through Jewish and gender lenses with a trained mentor.


Beth Am Chanukah Party & Latke vs. Hamantaschen Debate at R. HOUSE

Thursday, December 14th | 6 PM

Join the Beth Am community at R. House for a joyous evening of Chanukah celebrations! We will schmooze, sing, light candles, and enjoy one of our favorite yearly traditions, the Beth Am Latke vs. Hamantaschen Debate! 

6 PM | Schmooze, eat dinner, sing, light candles with the whole family!

6:45 PM | Latke vs. Hamantaschen Debate, moderated by Tom Hall. 

RSVP encouraged.

3rd Annual Latke vs. Hamantaschen Debate

Thursday, December 14th |6:45 PM | R. HOUSE

During the Chanukah Party!

Moderated by Tom Hall


Dr. Ben Sax

Dr. Benjamin Sax is a renowned scholar and practitioner of inter-culinary dialogue. Among his many accomplishments, he resolved the milenna-old Pakora/Anjee Barfi debate in India, the recent Sigara Boregi/Tavuk Gogsu debate in Turkey, and of course, most famously, that stubborn Canadian Fried Dough/Beaver Tail Pastry Debate in Canada. 

Rabbi Faith Cantor

As a rabbi of 18 years, learning and teaching the history of the Jewish people has always been her passion. Recently, she discovered an unknown tractate of Talmud - Masechet Ochel - The Tractate of Food. Using this ancient text, Rabbi Faith is looking forward to teaching us why not only Latkes taste better but fulfill a mitzvah of Chanukah. Hamentachen are not even mentioned in this sacred text.   

Charles Rammelkamp

Charles Rammelkamp has always been known for his spirit of compromise. Did you hear about the time two mothers came to him with a dispute about a son? See Kings 3:16-28. Latkes and Hamantashen? Piece of cake.


BAYITT Shabbat

Friday, December 15th | 6 PM

Join us for our monthly Shabbat services and potluck dinner! Please bring a dairy/parve dish to share.

BAYITT is Beth Am's young adult group for 21-39 year olds.

RSVP by December 12th for the address.


Beth Am & Red Cross

Blood Drive

Tuesday, December 19th | 1-6 PM

Please consider donating at the Beth Am Blood Drive in partnership with the American Red Cross. Your donation will go towards lifesaving treatments for cancer, traumatic injuries, and blood disorders.

Tickets Now Available!

Gam Ki Elech:

Turing Our Sorrows into Songs

An album release concert with Rabbi Ilan Glazer, Sherri Vishner Glazer & friends

Sunday, January 21st | 7 PM

Beth Am

Beth Am Synagogue is honored to host the album launch concert of Gam Ki Elech: Turning Our Sorrows Into Song, an album of original melodies given to Ilan and Sherri by their son Shemaryah Zichri, of blessed memory.

Rabbi Ilan has been the house drummer for Uncle Ira's Hebrew Washboard Ensemble at Beth Am for the last 3 years, and now he and Sherri, along with other Washboard members and musical friends, will launch the album here at Beth Am.


The 13 melodies on the album are all from our liturgy and psalms - these melodies have brought hope to Ilan and Sherri and already to many others. When our hearts are heavy with sadness, music is one vehicle to comfort our hearts, soothe our souls, and give us space to feel, process, and begin healing the sadness and pain we carry.

7 pm Optional Ma'ariv Evening Service

7:30 pm concert with reception to follow

Community Happenings

Check out all upcoming events within the Reservoir Hill Neighborhood and around Baltimore City here!

Volunteer Opportunities

Congregant to Congregant

Beth Am congregants care for each other with loving kindness and compassion. Our members reach out to comfort each other during times of illness and mourning, and we celebrate together in times of joy. We also consistently reassure our oldest members, many of whom are no longer able to travel to Beth Am, that they are not forgotten.


To do that we actively engage individuals and families by helping connect them with each other, with their synagogue community, and with the teachings and values of Jewish tradition. This has proven to be an enriching experience for our members.


Do you like to cook? Make deliveries? Welcome people to your Seder? Deliver Mishloach Manot? If you are interested in volunteering for C2C, click here to learn more about our programs and volunteer opportunities.


Do you enjoy socializing? Become a Visiting Volunteer for special Beth Am members! If you are interested in volunteering, or you would like a visit, fill out the forms below. We will be in touch to match you with someone based on location and common interests.


Click here to Become a Visiting Volunteer

Click here to Request a Visit


To learn more, contact:

Joyce Keating - 

Aimée Adashek - or 410-615-6115



Are you a new parent or grandparent? Please let Susannah Kolstad know at We have a small gift for you to celebrate this important mitzvah!  


Kiddush Team: Volunteers Needed

Join the Beth Am Kiddush Crew and be part of creating the healthy, delicious Shabbat lunches that make our community so special. There are roles for people of all schedules, skills, and comfort levels with cooking.

Email Ashley Pressman and Rachel Weitzner at


Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg

Alexander Grass Rabbinic Chair 

Rabbi Tyler Dratch

Assistant Rabbi

Director of Youth & Family Education

Alex Pomerantz

Executive Director

Sally Scott

Beth Am President

Susannah Kolstad

Director of Congregational Engagement

Jennifer Millard

Financial Coordinator

Devora Cohen

Office Manager & Assistant to Rabbi Burg

Asella Medina-Smith

Communications & Programming Coordinator

Helpful Information

Mazel Tovs

Please send any mazel tovs to the front office by 3:00 pm on Tuesdays to be included in this email and the Shabbat program

Transportation Assistance - Email Meg Berman for more information.

Cemetery Information

Read more here

Aliyah / Honor Requests - Contact Devora

Prayer Book / Siddurim Dedication

Complete the form here. Questions? 

Contact Devora

Memorial Plaques

Complete the form here

Questions? Contact Alex

Beth Am Synagogue | 2501 Eutaw Place | Baltimore | 21217

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