Beth Am News of the Week
February 11 - February 17, 2022
Services this week
Friday, February 11, 2022
11 Adar 5782
Saturday, February 12, 2022
11 Adar 5782

Follow along with us!
Dear Beth Am Family:
After meeting with the COVID task force last week, we are excited to announce we will be back in person for services starting this coming Shabbat, February 5th.
The following protocols will be in place:
  • Anyone in the Beth Am building must wear a high-filtration mask (N95, KN95, N94)
  • Strict social distance protocols will continue to be in place. We ask for your safety and the safety of others you sit in every other row of the sanctuary and remain distanced as much as possible.
  • Anyone in the building who is eligible to receive a vaccine must be fully vaccinated.
  • If you are not feeling well, or you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID, please do not come to Beth Am, until you get the results of a COVID test.
  • If you test positive for COVID, please let Alex Pomerantz know, so that we can do appropriate contact tracing. We can keep your identity anonymous if you wish.
Services will continue to be on zoom and live-streamed. Please refer to the link in the services section of this email to join by zoom.
Unfortunately, we will not be having Kiddush lunch through the month of February. The COVID task force will make a recommendation for March in the coming weeks.
If you are not comfortable joining us in person, you can always join us on our livestream by going to the Beth Am website and clicking the live stream link.
As always, Rav Tyler, Alex Pomerantz, and Adina Amith are available, and the office professionals can be reached by calling Beth Am. 
We look forward to seeing and greeting you.
Alex Pomerantz
Executive Director
Happening This Weekend
Around Beth Am
What are Beth Am Circles?

  • Circles create social and cultural opportunities to deepen your connection to Beth Am and Judaism while building relationships with fellow congregants.
  • Meet, socialize, and engage with other members who share your interests. Small circles groups gather on a regular basis, according to the group’s mission. Meetings may be in-person (observing social distance) or virtual, depending on the group’s format, and leaders of each group (to be determined)  keep the momentum going.
  • We're dreaming big and are open to feedback! Once we have several Circles going, we’ll see if we need to tweak anything and roll out more every few months. We hope to see Beth Am'ers connecting with each other around Baltimore and beyond!

Suggestion Box

  • Anyone with an interest can pull together a Beth Am Circle. Do you have an interest that you’d like to share with others?
  • Let us know what it is and we’ll help you set up a Circle!
The Religious Services Committee invites Beth Am members to a series of conversations with Rabbi Dratch and Rabbi Burg (who will join in when he returns from sabbatical). Within the framework of Conservative Judaism, our services have evolved over the years. We will meet to highlight the aspects of our services that Beth Am members find most uplifting and identify areas within the services that can continue to be enhanced and change.  Three sessions are planned: come for all or just those that interest you. 
Purim Is Coming
Around our Community
Sunday Tours at Capital Camps!
Voted “Best Jewish Overnight Camp” in the area by Washington Jewish Week and located just 70 miles from Baltimore, DC and Northern Virginia, Capital Camps is the community camp for children grades 2-12. Offering COVID-safe, in-person tours on Sunday afternoons! Families can join us at camp for a walking tour – see a cabin, our pool and lake, art and sport facilities, outdoor adventure course and so much more. We will answer all of your questions personally as we walk the grounds of camp. Tour dates and sign-up HERE!
Keep in touch!
Alexander Grass Rabbinic Chair 

Rabbi for Tefilah Leadership
Director of Youth & Family Education

Executive Director

Beth Am President
Director of Congregational Engagement and Programming

Administrative Assistant – Front Office

Financial Coordinator

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator
Helpful Information
Mazel Tovs
Please send any mazel tovs to the front office by 3:00 pm on Tuesdays to be included in this email and the Shabbat program

Transportation Assistance - Temporarily suspended

Cemetery Information
Read more here
Aliyah / Honor Requests - Contact Devora

Prayer Book / Siddurim Dedication
Complete the form here. Questions? 
Contact Devora

Memorial Plaques
Complete the form here
Questions? Contact Alex
Beth Am Synagogue | 2501 Eutaw Place | Baltimore | 21217