August 2nd, 2019
Shabbat Times: 
Candle Lighting
Evening service
Morning Service 
Evening Service
7:52  pm
7:00 pm 
  Forecast: 85/mostly sunny

Shabbat Kiddush
Today's kiddush has been enhanced by Regina Friedman in commemoration of Sidney's yahrzeit.

Birthdays and Anniversaries 
Wayne Koby
Robert Gordon
Ann Rosenberg
Alvin Sussman
Solomon Grazian
Earl Schneider
Shira & Robert Feuerstein 
Andrea & Lior Elrom

Saturday 8/3
Morning Service 9:30 am
Minha, S'uda Shlishit (3rd Shabbat Meal), timely topic, Maariv and Havdalah 7:30 pm
Wednesday 8/7
On the Road with the Rabbi to the Museum of Jewish Heritage. RSVP required 12:45 pm
Thursday 8/8
Visiting Scholar Pamela Nadell- lecture topic "America's Jewish Women" 3:00 pm
Friday 8/9
Evening Service 7:00 pm
First-come, First-served
1. 1 opening for a member to join "On the Road" to the Auschwitz Exhibit on August 7  Call KAS ASAP before the slot go to the first person on the waiting list!
Remember: Artifacts from the Ann Frank House are also on display
2. We  have discovered 16 brand-new copies of Arthur Syzk's wonderfully illustrated Haggadah. They are available for the taking on the windowsill in the Chapel.
Cleaning Out the Closet in the Lobby
Cleaning Out the Cabinets in the Chapel
Talit bags, Tefillin bags and other assorted personal odds-and-ends are available for you to claim on the windowsill in the Chapel and the cabinets below.
Next Shabbat morning, afternoon and evening, August 10
We will be davening with
Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades (CBIOTP) 1535 Center Avenue
at 9:30 a.m.
Minha will be held there during the Kiddush,  and we will reconvene there for Tisha b'Av services at 9:15 p.m. after Shabbat

Torah Reading 957                  Haftarah 973
  Our double Torah portion begins with rules regarding the binding nature of - and the nullification of - vows, particularly those made by women.
The Israelites successfully defeat and slay the Midianites, including the five kings of the region and Balaam, the sorcerer. Nevertheless, the warriors are chastised by Moses for sparing the Midianite women with whom the Israelites had recently engaged in idolatry and promiscuity. The army is sent out again to complete the mission. The spoils of war are divided.
The tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of Menasseh possessed large herds and were desirous of settling on the conquered lands on the eastern side of the Jordan River. Permission is granted to them - provided they participate in the efforts to wrest the territory on the western side of the Jordan from the Canaanites. They agree and take a vow to this effect.
The various locales in which the Israelites encamped from the time of the Exodus until their arrival at the plains of Moab are enumerated.
Following an admonition to root out idolatry in Canaan upon its conquest, the land is divided by lot under the supervision of Joshua, Elazar and the leaders of the ten tribes whose peoples will occupy the territory west of the Jordan River.
Six Cities of Refuge are established - three on each side of the Jordan. These cities are to be given to the Levites and will serve as a place of sanctuary for anyone who has committed murder accidentally. Vengeful relatives of the deceased may not pursue these individuals into the Cities of Refuge.
One additional refinement is made to the laws of inheritance in order to maintain the tribal integrity of real property; in cases where daughters inherit their fathers' property, the heiresses may not marry men from other tribes.`

Tonight: Evening service at 7:00 p.m.
Tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m.
We welcome our friends from CBIOTP to our service this morning
(CBIOTP = Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades on Center Avenue)
Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Ma'ariv & Havdalah at 7:30 p.m.
During Seudah Shlishit we will read...
I'm an Israeli Settler. This is Why I Spoke with J Street's First 'Alternative Birthright' Group, Let My Know by Rabbi Uri Pilichowski  
(Last week, in the Shab Sha!, I brought you 2 essays by J-Street trip participants. One essay was more negative than the other. Tomorrow we will read Rabbi Pilichowski's rebuttal, of sorts).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

This Week's Yahrzeit Observances
We hope that our weekly listing of yahrzeit observances will serve 2 purposes:
1)     To remind those who have the yahrzeit for a second time, much closer to the date of the actual observance
2)     To alert friends and acquaintances that someone they know is observing a yahrzeit. We hope that you will show them your support by joining them at our minyanim, and helping to assure that Kaddish can be recited with a minyan 
Hyla Epstein will be observing yahrzeit for her mother, Carrie Abrams on Friday evening, August 2nd
Ilene Cohen will be observing yahrzeit for her grandfather, Benjamin Hirsch on Friday evening, August 2nd
Nancy Green will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Isador Levitt on Friday evening, August 2nd
Phyllis Breit will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Joe Schinder on Saturday evening, August 3rd
Lorelei Schwartzman will be observing yahrzeit for her father-in-law, Philip Schwartzman on Saturday evening, August 3rd
Terry Plawker will be observing yahrzeit for her husband, Ilan Plawker on Sunday evening, August 4th
Adam Plawker will be observing yahrzeit for his father, Ilan Plawker on Sunday evening, August 4th
Richard Fasman will be observing yahrzeit for his mother, Rosalie Fasman on Wednesday evening, August 7th
Alex Salit will be observing yahrzeit for his wife, Gloria Salit on Wednesday evening, August 7th
Elsie Zeilberger will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Morris Blumenthal on Wednesday evening, August 8th
Rhea Hess will be observing yahrzeit for Brother-in-Law of Fred Hess on Wednesday evening, August 8th

Important/Interesting Reads
This is a phenomenal and important essay! It traces the history of the liberal notions of anti-colonialism and Edward Said's "Orientalism" from the 1970's to today's BDS, intersectionality and anti-Zionism. It's a must-read!

The Real Reason The Left Hates Israel  
"It's not anti-Semitism but ignorance [of history and facts] that has placed Israel at the pinnacle of the world's evils for most the Left."                 
An interview with journalist Matti Friedman about The Real Israel:

Nobody Hijacked Israel. It's Just No Longer What Its Pioneers Thought They'd Created 
"This country does not rest on socialism and secularism. It rests on a bedrock of Jewish identity that has a lot to do with people who came here from Baghdad, Aleppo and Casablanca, and understand things that are deeply important about being Jewish in the Middle East and the Arab world."
Survey of American Liberal Jews: Strong Concern about Anti-Semitism, Strong Support of Israel but Less So for Those Under 60                                                                                                   

Is Rep. Elaine Luria,a Navy Veteran Officer, the Democratic Party's Next Great Jewish Hope?  
She captained ships in the Navy, made a fortune on mermaids, and was elected to Congress. Then she met Ilhan Omar    

Monday's Google Doodle Celebrates Chiune Sugihara, a Diplomat Who Saved Jews During WWII  
Saudi Twitter Users Respond By Criticizing Palestinians in Attack on Saudi Blogger at Al-Aqsa Mosque      
Hmmm...this may be the next "On the Road" (next 2 articles):

More Than 650 Years Later, A Medieval Jewish Tragedy Is Told    
6 Stunning Finds from the Met's Exhibit on Medieval Jewish Treasure
For over 500 years, the items were stashed away in the walls of a house in the town of Colmar,France

Jerusalem's Film Festival Kicks Off a New Round in Israel's Culture Wars
 Should the government help pay for art? And if so, does it get to pick and choose favorites?          
Remembering Melville's Overlooked Poem of The Holy Land  
In "Clarel," Melville, ahead of his time in so many ways, proved to be for the ages, treating Jews with humanity at a time when nearly no other Christian writers cared to. He observed, "The Jews dare not live outside walled towns of villages for fear of the malicious persecution of Arabs and Turks. Besides, the number of Jews in Palestine is comparatively small. And how are the hosts of them scattered in other lands to be brought here? Only by a miracle." 

The Last Great Hope of the Israeli Left   
 A new Labor Party ticket led by two Mizrahi candidates wants to steal votes from the right with appeals to Israel's working class, but if it fails it could kill the left's chances for good 
Israel Upgrades Two Neonatal Units in Ghana                                                                      
The Advantages of Pre-College Service    
And unemployment is at 4%                           
Aliya Statistics for the First-Half of 2019                                           

BDS / Anti-Semitism / anti-Zionism
This reminds me of the "Not in Our Town" campaign in Billings, Montana some years ago, where upwards of 10,000 people placed paper reproductions of Hanukkah menorahs in their windows:

Statistics of Anti-Semitism in US Are Mis-Leading  
California Gunman Posted About Anti-Semitic Screed Before Killing 3 at Festival                                          

John Mann MP: It Is Vital that Non-Jewish Allies Call Out Anti-Semitism, and Show Others How to Combat It    

Ocasio-Cortez Signs On As Co-Sponsor Of Omar's BDS Resolution   
AOC Just Gave an In-Depth Interview on Israel, Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Bernie Sanders   
During a 12-minute segment on an array of Jewish topics, Ocasio-Cortez said, "criticizing the occupation doesn't make you anti-Israel." and this.                                                                                                     
Ilhan Omar's Guide to Israel                                                                                                                                                    The controversial congresswoman is headed to the Holy Land. Here's an itinerary that will help her see a few things that might change her heart and her mind.   
1.Tz'fat for its Jewish historical claim   
2. Parents Circle-Families Forum to experience the loss on both sides                                                                            
3. S'derot to experience PTSD and see how Israel protects its citizens           
4. A West Bank Checkpoint to talk those on both sides and see just how difficult this whole situation is                
Opinion: What The New York Times Got Right and Wrong About BDS: An Exchange                     
 JTA editors discuss the newspaper of record's attempt to explain the boycott movement against Israel.               
Canadian Court Rules that West Bank Wines Are Not "Product of Israel"  
Forget the Squad, Politicians Like Chellie Pingree Represent the Real Threat to Israel                                                  

The Palestinians
Hamas, Israel Agree on Gaza Hospital, Despite PA Opposition                                                            
New PA Textbooks Are Worse Than the Old Ones                                                                      
IDF: Hamas, Islamic Jihad Emotionally Abuse the Children of Gaza                                                                  

Incendiary Balloons: A National Security Lawyer Witnesses and Defines Hamas War Crimes 
Iran and Egypt Battle for Influence in Gaza                                                                                                

Leaked Report Accuses Top UNRWA Officials of Corruption   

Iran / Syria / Hezbollah                               
Iran to Restart Activities at Arak Heavy Water Nuclear Reactor  

U.S. Defense Experts Analyze Iranian Behavior 
UK Naval Commander: Iran Trying to Test Britain's Resolve in Gulf     
New U.S. Oil Makes Inroads Into Asia as Buyers Plug Iranian Gap                                                                                                                    
Iran Says Senior Revolutionary Guard Commander Killed in "Israeli Attack" in Iraq 
U.S., Israel Working to Upgrade UNIFIL's Mandate to Weaken Hezbollah                                             
Countries ask to permit the int'l force to freely enter Lebanese villages

Video of Latest Arrow-3 Defensive Ballistic Missile Test in Alaska                                                     
Israel Working on System to Counter Hypersonic Missiles                                                              

Israeli Technology Promises to Revolutionize Bone Healing     
Israel Provides $56 Million Boost for Joint U.S.-Israel Research Projects                                                                       


In 2018, more than 1,850,000 Jews of all ages, in dozens of countries, on six continents, connected to each other and to Israel through The Jewish Agency's work.  

Explore our 2018 Performance Report >
After Tragedy: Offering Aid and Solidarity.No matter the situation, the people of Israel will never have to face the aftermath alone. Together we carry a message of great hope.

Read more >
From Ukraine to Israel: Home at LastThe Jewish Agency gives people immigrating to Israel the tools they need to settle into promising new lives.

Read more >
Fighting Anti-Israel Sentiment on CampusNo one should feel the need to hide their Jewish or pro-Israel identity. We empower young Israelis to help Jewish students feel safe and connected on campuses around the world.

Read more >

The U.S. Role in Combating Global Antisemitism
August 7 at 1:00 P.M.
The US State Department has played a critical role in combating global Antisemitism through its office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism. Elan Carr, newly appointed to the post, has already made a significant impact in the fight against the world's oldest hatred. How does the US currently see the problem of global Antisemitism? What are we doing to address it?

Elan Carr
Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism
U.S. Department of State

David Bernstein
JCPA President & CEO

To learn more and register,

Gallim- Andrea Miller
Jacob's Pillow
Aug 7-11
Jacob's Pillow
For more than a decade, Brooklyn-based Gallim has embodied human connection through bold, raw, transformative works. A former dancer with Batsheva Dance Company and, most recently, the Metropolitan Museum of Art's first choreographic Artist-in-Residence, Artistic Director Andrea Miller has established herself as a perpetually groundbreaking artist who brings unbridled vulnerability and sensitivity to her work.

Eli Degibri Quartet
Aug 6 | 730pm
Smalls Jazz Club
As described by the legendary Herbie Hancock, Eli Degibri (el-ee deh-jeeb-ree) "is a very talented composer, arranger, and performer whose music treads uncharted waters." His latest album, Cliff Hangin', was given a perfect 5-star review from DownBeat Magazine, praising Degibri's "virtuosic melodic purity" and recognizing the album as a masterpiece. He is currently working on his next release, a special tribute to legendary saxophonist and one of Degibri's first inspirations, Hank Mobley.

The Day
Jacob's Pillow
July 31- August 4
Jacob's Pillow
World-renowned cellist Maya Beiser, legendary dancer Wendy Whelan, and seminal choreographer Lucinda Childs join forces to present the highly-anticipated world premiere of THE DAY, with music by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Lang.
This momentous melding of multi-genre creative genius, created collaboratively by Beiser and Childs, explores memory, life's journey, resilience, and survival of the soul through the shared language of music and dance. THE DAY was co-commissioned by Jacob's Pillow.

Art Omi
Dance Showing
Aug 3 |2pm
Art Omi
Every summer, Art Omi: Dance brings together ten accomplished dance artists from around the world for three weeks of creative exchange.
Gilad Jerusalmy is an independent dancer and creator for stage and media from Tel Aviv, Israel. He studied at SEAD- Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Austria; Maslool - Professional Dance Program in Tel Aviv-Jaffa; Hakvutza (The Group) - School for Movement and Dance for Adults, Tel Aviv-Jaffa; and the Thelma Yellin High School for the Arts in Giv'atayim as a theater major
Residents experience each other's creative process and the freedom to play in this collaborative residency program.
Join us this Saturday at 2 p.m. for the annual Dance Showing, when the dance artists-in-residence present unique pieces created in collaboration over the past three weeks. This showcases features site-specific dance pieces which engage the artworks and landscape at Art Omi.

Classical Bridge
Aug 1-11, 2019
Cary Hall | Merkin Hall
Classical Bridge is proud to present a series of concerts and ensembles featuring Michael Katz on the cello and Shmuel Ashekenazy on the violin.
For more information and tickets click here

So&So Sunset Opera
Aug 24 | 730PM
Brooklyn Army Terminal
Greatest hits of opera accompanied by a symphony orchestra with the sunset as a backdrop.
So&So is a collective of international musicians focused on producing symphony experiences. Founded by violinist, conductor Daniel Zinn, the group now brings opera scenes to the Brooklyn Army Terminal.
Daniel Zinn is a classical violinist who was born in Jerusalem. Currently studying for his Master's in New York, he holds a B.A in music from the Jerusalem Academy of Music.
Free admission.

Hanna Senesh
(a play with music and song)
Previews July 24 - 28
Opening night July 28 | 6:30pm
Performances July 29 - August 18, 2019
Museum of Jewish Heritage
An award-winning play.
Written and Directed by David Schechter.
Developed in collaboration with Lori Wilner.
Based upon the diaries and poems of Hannah Senesh, translated from the Hungarian by Marta Cohn and Peter Hay
Music composed and arranged by Steven Lutvak.
On the eve of the Holocaust, many left Europe for Palestine to save themselves.
Very few went back to save others.
This one-woman show tells the true story of Hannah Senesh, the heroic young Jewish woman who escaped from Axis-allied Hungary in 1939 to the safety of British Mandate Palestine. There she joined Haganah and then bravely volunteered for a daring Special Operations mission to parachute back into Europe to save Jews from the Holocaust. Hannah's story and indomitable spirit, along with the moving diary and poetry that she left behind, serve as an enduring inspiration to people everywhere standing up to the powers of hatred and oppression.

Mika Rottenberg : Easypieces
June 26- September 15
New Museum
This exhibition marks the first New York solo museum presentation of work by New York-based artist Mika Rottenberg.
Employing absurdist satire to address the critical issues of our time, Rottenberg creates videos and installations that offer subversive allegories for contemporary life. Her works interweave documentary elements and fiction, and often feature protagonists who work in factory-like settings to manufacture goods ranging from cultured pearls (NoNoseKnows, 2015) to the millions of brightly colored plastic wholesale items sold in Chinese superstores (Cosmic Generator, 2017).

ZAZ10TS presents:
Nature of Wonder
Artist Shony Rivnay
June 13- September 2
10 Times Square
Titled "Nature of Wonder" by Shony Rivnay provides a glimpse into obscurity, freedom, and a natural curiosity that we all experience in our creative lives. It is an opportunity to think, but also to let go of thinking. It is a pathway into joyous viewing and a simple understanding of how things work.
June 13, 6-8PM

Lili Almog Studio
Watersheds Moments- selection from the Jerusalem Bienale
thru August 14
The Laurie M. Tisch Gallery