March 20th, 2020
Shabbat Times: 
Candle Lighting
No services


  Forecast: 49

Birthdays and Anniversaries 
Erwin Dickman
Stuart Goldsmith
Marilyn Saposh
Laura Koszer
Marlene Perkal
Jack Reisner
Suzette & Steven Kolitch
Sally & Michael Seymour

or better yet: Stay inside! No visitors; no visiting; no shopping; no contact except by phone and computer
(see the Mel Brooks video at the end of the Shab Sha!)
- All Prayer Services are Temporarily Suspended
- The Congregational Second Night Seder Has Been Canceled
 -  All Synagogue activities (Shabbat services, Daily Minyanim, 'On the Road with the Rabbi') are suspended until further notice. 
It is our hope that by next Shabbat we will have live streaming capability up and running.
The Rabbi's Adult Education class, "The Legends of the Bible" had a trial run yesterday, and it went very well. You are invited to join us next Thursday at 11:00am
You can purchase the text (for about $10)) on Amazon: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg.
Please notify the Rabbi if you would like to join this class.
- The Rabbi is available to mark all congregational yahrzeiten with members individually (as he already did this past week). Please contact him by phone or by email for yahrzeiten and for any matters that are on your mind.
Modifying a common phrase: "If you need something, say something", and please bear in your minds and hearts that we are going to survive every sense of the word.
While the Office is closed physically, it is open remotely and we welcome your calls and emails:
We hope that the entire Congregation remains healthy and virus-free, and we pray for those who are stricken, for their families and for all who attend to them.

Torah Reading 552   Haftarah 580
After Moses' descent from Mount Sinai with the second set of tablets, he informed the people of God's instructions for the construction of the Sanctuary. Moses also emphasized the importance of refraining from any kind of work on Shabbat. The Israelites responded to Moses' appeal for voluntary contributions of material and assistance most generously; their donations exceeded what was required.
The total cost incurred in the construction of the Sanctuary was counted at Moses' command under the direction of Itamar, Aaron's youngest son. The weight of the gold amounted to 29 talents and 730 shekels; of the silver to 100 talents and 1,775 shekels, and of the brass to 70 talents and 2,400 shekels. The work, having been completed with the making of the priestly garments, was inspected and approved by Moses, who blessed the people for their magnificent achievement.
On the first day of the first month (i.e. Nisan, almost a year after the departure from Egypt), the Tabernacle was erected under Moses' personal supervision, and the contents were arranged in the prescribed order. A cloud covered the Tabernacle, which was filled with God's glory. Whenever the cloud lifted it gave the signal to the Israelites to continue their journey.
With the Sidra Pekude we conclude the Book of Exodus
From the second Torah scroll we read a passage from Chapter 12 of Exodus which proclaims the importance of the month of Nisan-the month in which Passover and the exodus from Egypt took place. This portion is always read on the Shabbat preceding the beginning of the month of Nisan, or on Rosh Hodesh Nisan itself, if it falls on Shabbat. It is one more reminder of the approach of Passover.
This Week's Yahrzeit Observances
We hope that our weekly listing of yahrzeit observances will serve 2 purposes:
1)     To remind those who have the yahrzeit for a second time, much closer to the date of the actual observance
2)     To alert friends and acquaintances that someone they know is observing a yahrzeit. We hope that you will show them your support by joining them at our minyanim, and helping to assure that Kaddish can be recited with a minyan 
Joan Alter will be observing yahrzeit for her father in law, Ben Alter on Friday evening, March 20th
Melissa Burton will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Fred Herman on Friday evening, March 20th
Carolyn Tauber will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Sidney Lippel on Friday evening, March 20th
Amy Rosen will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Dr. Lawrence Rosen on Friday evening, March 20th
Judith Auerbacher will be observing yahrzeit for her husband, Teo Auerbacher on Saturday evening, March 21st
Jean Burnick will be observing yahrzeit for her brother, Theodore Burnick on Saturday evening, March 21st
Robert Gordon will be observing yahrzeit for his mother, Regina Gordon on Monday evening, March 23rd
Joseph Lempel will be observing yahrzeit for his mother, Esther Lempel on Tuesday evening, March 24th
Martha Shemin will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Benjamin Zitomer on Tuesday evening, March 24th
Susan Davis will be observing yahrzeit for her mother, Eleanor Davis on Wednesday evening, March 25th
Ann Schaer will be observing yahrzeit for her father, George Gilsenberg on Wednesday evening, March 25th
Alfred Strauss will be observing yahrzeit for his aunt, Paula Kuhn on Wednesday evening, March 25th
Adrian Osian will be observing yahrzeit for his father, Alexandru Osian on Wednesday evening, March 25th
Reva Strasfeld will be observing yahrzeit for her mother, Ann Sachs on Wednesday evening, March 25th

Important/Interesting Reads 
Two Jewish Mathematicians Win "Nobel Prize of Math"             
Jews today are among the most socially intimate groups in the nation, according to data. The Jewish American community, from the most religious to the most secular, is at unique risk from the coronavirus because the density of Jewish social networks across all denominations is almost twice as thick as that of the average American.
Aging Poles Who Rescued Jews During the Holocaust Are at Risk from the Coronavirus. So this Jewish Group is Delivering Food to Them.   
What began as a free taxi service for the Righteous Among the Nations has become a frequently disinfected home delivery setup.          

Coronavirus and Weddings
We Used to Conduct Weddings in Cemeteries to Fight Epidemics - Really            
The Coronavirus Preys on Jews' Biggest Strength
  In the Persian Jewish community of Great Neck, N .Y., "social distancing is a wedding that only has 400 people."  
Defying Virus Rules, Large Hasidic Jewish Weddings Held in Brooklyn

Please note that a number of articles related to the Coronavirus pandemic appear under the Hi-Tech, below...
Israelis Stranded Abroad to Be Airlifted Home 
Netanyahu Trial Postponed After Courts Close Over Virus                                                                                       
Gantz Will Get First Chance to Form New Israeli Government  

 BDS / Anti-Semitism / anti-Zionism

Israeli-Made Oral Vaccine for Coronavirus on Track, but Testing Will Take Months
State-funded Migal Galilee institute has been working for 4 years on a vaccine that could be customized for various viruses, so it had a head start when COVID-19 emerged 
New Cellphone Tracking System Warns 400 Israelis Who Were near Coronavirus Carrier
Video: How Israel Uses Geolocation Data to Fight the Coronavirus 
How Israel uses geolocation data to fight the Coronavirus
How Israel uses geolocation data to fight the Coronavirus

Israeli Cybersecurity Firm Checkmarx Acquired for $1.15 Billion 

Corona Humor
Believe me, I know that this is no laughing matter: my cousin and her husband both have high fevers and other symptoms, and a distant relative in Seattle died of the coronavirus day-before-yesterday. Still, humor is part of our defense mechanisms and one way in which we try to cope and deflect...
"I feel like the new test for whether you're really a Jewish mother is whether you have enough food in the house to make it through 14 days of quarantine without having to panic-buy first."
Mel and Max Brooks' Coronavirus PSA is a Must-Watch 

Submitted by our shul President, Mark Altschul:


All of YIVO's Shine Online courses are now free!!!
As restrictions continue to be imposed to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, YIVO is offering our entertaining and enlightening Shine Online courses for free. These courses provide meaningful content to sustain our minds and soul during these uncertain times. We invite you to use this time to broaden your knowledge and learn about Jewish music, theater, literature, folklore and the history of our people and to access our many other free online resources.

Broadway is dark, but NYTF will bring the stage to you.
Starting this week, the longest consecutively producing theatre in the U.S. and the world's oldest continuously operating Yiddish theatre company is launching  Folksbiene LIVE!  - an online celebration of Yiddish culture featuring livestreamed theater, American Jewish performers, workshops, and other events - including a talkback with the cast of the award-winning  Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish  - to entertain audiences young and old.

SONG and Q&A
Monday, March 23 @2:00PM
"Love Duets Lunchtime Concert" with  Fiddler on The Roof in Yiddish's  Stephanie Lynn Mason and Drew Seigla, followed by a Q&A with online audience.

Tuesday, March 24 @7:00PM
"Lider un Mayses far Zise Khaloymes - Stories and Songs for Sweet Dreams: An Event for the
Whole Family"  The Sorceress'  Dylan Seders Hoffman

Dear friends,

Our thoughts are with you all in these formidable times.
We believe culture is not a privilege but a necessity. Therefore, we shall dedicate this week's edition to works of Israeli culture and art that can be accessed online, alongside innovative initiatives tackling the challenges that COVID-19 has inflicted upon us.
Wherever you are, please keep safe and healthy.

The Office of Cultural Affairs Team
Consulate General of Israel in New York

The Cosmos
An exhibit by Yonatan Vinitsky, made available online by Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

Idan Raichel In Your Living Room
March 22 | 4pm ET
A special online concert by Idan Raichel, organised by The Jewish Agency.

Gaga Classes Online
Gaga/people and Gaga/dancers classes, live-streamed 6 times a day, 7 days a week. Classes are entirely donation based and open to anyone. 

Short of the Week
Seventeen wonderful Israeli shorts are among the many films available to stream for free through this platform.

Jew­ish Lit­er­ary Con­ver­sa­tions in Quar­an­tine
A list of authors and vir­tu­al expe­ri­ences that will be con­tin­u­ous­ly updat­ed by The Jewish Book Council, aimed at sup­porting authors, their books, and book­stores dur­ing these uncer­tain times.

Art Source Podcast
Thoughts on innovation through the eyes of creatives, from leading artists, founders and more.

Haifa Theatre Facebook Stream
Daily | 3pm ET
Daily broadcasts of Haifa Theatre original productions.
In Hebrew

The 1st online zine in reaction to COVID-19. OPEN CALL. You send - they post.

Soviet Childhood
An exhibit by Zoya Cherkassky at Fort Gansevoort Los Angeles. View it online.

An online archive of the Israeli literary magazine.
In Hebrew

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