August 24th, 2018
Shabbat Times: 
Candle Lighting
Evening Service
Morning Minyan
  Forecast: 81/partly cloudy 

Shabbat Kiddush
Iris Coleman has sponsored today's kiddush in celebration of the birth of her grandson, Thiago Roi
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Austin Rosenberg
Sue Ann Koby
Sara Erlichman
Israel Gerstein
Terry Gottlieb
Stephanie Levi
Amy Rosen & Hugh Gilenson
Ilene & Paul Cohen

Saturday 8/25
Minyan 9:30 am
Minha 7:00 pm
Wednesday 8/29
Kohanim training & information session 7:00 pm
Thursday 8/30
The Israeli movie The Band's Visit Part 1 8:15 pm
Friday 8/31
Bible Study 11:30 am

KOHANIM: Raise your Hands!
Arnold Grodman, our Kohanic expert par excellence,and I
 invite you to join us at one of 2 information 
training sessions
 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel  
Wednesday, August 22   or   Wednesday, August 29
Even if...
  • You have never done this before
  • You don't know the words
  • You can't sing
  • You feel that you are not religious enough
  • You get nervous on a stage it!
We still want YOU!   We still want YOU!  We still want YOU!

Holy Rollers and Wrappers
No Experience Necessary
We're changing over the Torah mantles from their yearlong colors to HiHo white. Saturday, September 1 at 1:00 p.m. Please join us in the Main Sanctuary!

 Torah Reading  
This final group of laws, given by Moses to the Israelites, as they were poised to enter the Promised Land, is directed mainly toward the individual's responsibility to maintain lawful and humane relations with others. Chief among these rules are injunctions for proper behavior in domestic affairs, consideration for others and kindness to animals.
A partial list of the numerous topics covered in this week's portion follows: female captives; the first-born son's inheritance; execution and burial of convicted criminals; return of lost property; animals struggling under their burdens; removal of eggs and young from a nest; rooftop parapets; agricultural crossbreeding and other prohibited combinations; betrothal, marriage, divorce, remarriage, rape, adultery, inheritance, newlyweds, levirate marriage, widows, orphans, the mamzer ; laws governing relations with foreigners; the army camp; sheltering slaves; vows; vineyard and field workers; paying wages in a timely fashion; security for loans; testimony of close relatives; forgotten sheaves and leftover fruit; weights and measures.
The sidra concludes with a reminder to always remember the baseless aggression of the Amalekites towards the Israelites immediately following the exodus from Egypt. When the opportunity arises, the Amalekites are to be destroyed.

Okay, have to give it time until you get used to the page numbers, and that what used to be on one page might now be spread over 2...but that is because this new prayer book of ours is a treasure trove of explanations and commentary-and inspirational readings. And we are committed to explorating it together on shabbat mornings through brief, interactive moments throughout the shabbat miorning service, and through lengthier themed teaching duirng the sermon slot (not tomoorow, but next week!).
I feel sure that once you have encountered this siddur you will understand just how precious it is, and I hope that you will want to dedicate one or more volumes to the synagogue-perhaps in memory of someone or in honor of someone or recognizing a special occasion. Please call the Shul office; the cost is $54 per volume.

Last week I barely had time to catch my breath before Shabbat began, and I was remiss in not thanking those who made it possible for me to go away the week before worry-free, chief among them Diana and Dr. Avi Yacobi, Cantor Zim, Jeff Adler and my brain trust, Regina Friedman and Evelyn Baer.I would also like thank Ira Smilovitz for joining me, once again, in the task of rolling our Shabbat Torah from Deuteronomy to Genesis in advance of Rosh HaShannah.
The next big job is next Shabbat: changing all the Torah covers....and you're invited!


Tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m.

Mazal Tov to Iris Coleman and her children, Dr. Moriah Weissman and Willmy Lara, on the birth of Thiago Roi Lara, who will receive his Hebrew name during the service.At Iris' suggestion I will talk about Jewish naming customs and share some tales about naming a child

Tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.:

Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Ma'ariv & Havdalah
During Seudah Shlishit we will read:  Israeli Arabs and Jews Drive Past Another Turning Point by Daniel Gordis.   In it he discusses and contrasts the Druze protest over the Nation State Law and the more recent Israeli- Arab/Palestinian protest.                                                                                                                     

This Week's Yahrzeit Observances
We hope that our weekly listing of yahrzeit observances will serve 2 purposes:
1)     To remind those who ha ve the yahrzeit for a second time, much closer to the date of the actual observance
2)     To alert friends and acquaintances that someone they know is observing a yahrzeit. We hope that you will show them your support by joining them at our minyanim, and helping to assure that Kaddish can be recited with a minyan 
Sheila Scherl will be observing yahrzeit for her father, William Meisler on Friday evening, August 24th
Stephen Obstbaum will be observing yahrzeit for his father, Irving Obstbaum on Friday evening, August 24th
Rhea Hess will be observing yahrzeit for her mother, Frieda Silberstein on Sunday evening, August 26th
Esther Eisdorfer will be observing yahrzeit for her husband, Murray Eisdorfer on Sunday evening, August 26th
Hennie Ostrower will be observing yahrzeit for her sister, Judith Kohl on Sunday evening, August 26th
Joni Rosen will be observing yahrzeit for her father, Dr. Lionel Rosen on Tuesday evening, August 28th
Gerald Topiel will be observing yahrzeit for his uncle, Max Topiel on Wednesday evening, August 29th
Lore Benario will be observing yahrzeit for her father-in-law, Ludwig Benario on Wednesday evening, August 29th
Nancy Schiff will be observing yahrzeit for her brother, Steve Edelstein on Wednesday evening, August 29th

Important Reads 
You have to be suspicious of everything you read-especially online (except for maybe Politico):
'One Cannot Simply Wish Away 5 Million People' 
The U.N. agency chief for Palestinian refugees warns funding cuts risk undermining Middle East stability 
PA Leaders Have Lost Interest in Institution-Building 
Good governance is no longer seen as being closely tied to the establishment of Palestine. 
Michael Cohen Turned on Trump at Urging of his Holocaust Survivor Father                                    
In Islam, Jerusalem Is Not Mecca                                                             

IDF Trains for War with Hizbullah 
Nasrallah Presents Hizbullah's Perception of Confrontation with Israel     

Palestinian Leaders Threaten Jerusalem's Arabs on Eve of City's Municipal Elections  
This piece dovetails nicely with the article we read last Shabbat afternoon, and expands on it:
As the conflict in Syria reaches a new phase, Russia is still a central player in it. Moscow's strategy during this chapter of the war, and whether it succeeds, will help determine the future of Russia's relationships with the United States, the European Union, Turkey and Israel, not to mention with Syria itself. And if the strategy fails, the conflict could escalate into an international war.

Can't believe that I am giving him his own sub-heading:
What Young Jewish Labour Voters Think About Corbyn 
Between Corbyn's anti-Semitism scandals and Brexit, young progressive British Jews are torn between their old political home and the divisive rhetoric of contemporary U.K. politics
Hamas "Salutes" Jeremy Corbyn as Fresh Links with Islamist Group Emerge
Jeremy Corbyn's Supporters See a Conspiracy Against Him
Scrutiny and rebukes about his alleged anti-Semitism are paradoxically helping to galvanize support for the embattled Labour leader.  


The Jewish Side of Cystic Fibrosis 
Ashkenazi Jews are particularly susceptible to a genetic mutation that causes the disease-and that mutation is particularly difficult to treat
Israel's GlucoMe Joins Merck to Battle Diabetes in Vietnam                                                           
Israeli Invention to Help Combat Cholera Epidemic in Cameroon 

And I had no idea such a defense system existed! It's quite remarkable.                                                                                        
Israel's Rafael to Produce Anti-Tank Missiles in Australia 

Last week I brought you news of the falsehoods offered about Israeli military at the Episcopal Convention. I feared that those false reports would lead to condemnation of Israel and a boycott by the Episcopal Assembly. It didn't get quite that bad. I am happy to report that the Episcopal Church still supports the 2-State Solution, and only promotes a special focus on Palestinian children
Here is a summary of their Convention's resolutions with respect to Israel:
Israel and Palestine
While investment-policy-related Resolution D019 Ending Church Complicity in the Occupation failed to pass General Convention, The Episcopal Church will follow the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in developing an investment policy designed to promote human rights in Israel/Palestine, per Resolution B016 Adopt ELCA Action on Israel/Palestine.
General Convention also passed Resolution B003 reaffirming the church's support of a two-state solution as well as lifting up Jerusalem as a Holy City for Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The resolution criticizes the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem as an obstacle to peace, and encourages continued prayers and advocacy for peace in Jerusalem. Resolution D018 Negotiating the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict also affirms the Church's hope for peace by a two-state solution.
Resolution B021 Support Aid to Palestinian Refugees and C038 Safeguard the Rights of Palestinian Children provides for the church's continuing aid and advocacy for Palestinians and refugees, with a special focus on Palestinian children. D027 Pursuing Justice in Gaza calls for U.S. investigation of human rights violations in Gaza, and D018.
Failing to pass General Convention were D038 Civil Rights and Equality for All in Israel, D039 Regarding Occupation and Apartheid, and D028 Freedom of Speech and the Right to Boycott.
Bishop Suffragen Gayle Harris, who made the false accusations has apologized:

Lana Del Rey Defends Israel Performance: "Music Is Universal"   
This essay points to the hypocrisy and double standard that is applied to Israel. Lana Del Rey is also performing in Russia (home of Novichuk and rulers of annexed Crimea) and Turkey (an increasingly autocratic and theocratic regime that has detained an American pastor, claiming he is a spy). Why no outcry about her concerts in those countries?
When the same yardstick that is applied to Israel is not applied to other countries with objectionable behavior and policies, that is not just hypocrisy; it is ANTI-SEMITISM.
Why Doesn't BDS Boycott Turkey or Russia?    
I remind you again, that the difference between AIPAC and J Street or ZOA, is that AIPAC is non-partisan. AIPAC will never endorse a candidate (and it avoids an embarrassment like J Street and Tlaib). AIPAC's role is to foster bi-partisan support for Israel. kas
J Street Withdraws Support for Rashida Tlaib Over Refusal to Endorse Two-state Solution                                       
Left-wing lobby group states it 'will not endorse candidates who don't endorse the two-state solution' after the Palestinian-American congressional nominee walked back on statements she made prior to winning the primary
Did J Street Get Played?                                                                                                                                                     

After getting J Street's endorsement, Rashida Tlaib changed her mind about the two-state solution.    
Despite the boycott...

Study: Israel's Exports to Gulf States Worth $1 Billion (often through a third country) 

M & A
PepsiCo-From Boycotting Israel to Buying SodaStream for Billions   
Another blow for BDS                                                                         

From Today's NYT: A Leonard Bernstein Centennial
Leonard Bernstein, the musician and conductor, would have turned 100 years old tomorrow.
Bernstein, who died in 1990 at the age of 72, wrote symphonies and operas as well as scores to ballets and Broadway plays, like "West Side Story," "On the Town," "Wonderful Town" and "Candide." He was also the director of the New York Philharmonic from 1959 to 1969.
"He was eclectic down to his fingernails," said Humphrey Burton, a friend of Bernstein's who also wrote the biography "Leonard Bernstein." "He's not your average classical composer. He's not your average showbiz composer, either. He struck a chord with a far broader range of listeners than the norm."
He was the rare kind of classical music conductor whose fans would lunge at his car and tear at his clothing.
But fame came to Bernstein through a stroke of luck.
A Jewish boy from the Boston suburbs, Bernstein moved to New York City in his early 20s and spent time playing piano at the Village Vanguard in the West Village and working at a music-publishing house. At 25, he was hired as an assistant conductor at the Philharmonic.
"Normally all the assistants did was to get the scores ready, read the mail, do the chores, take notes, that sort of thing," Mr. Burton said. But one snowy Sunday afternoon in 1943, the guest conductor from Germany was sick, and Mr. Bernstein took over the program, to great success.
"Lenny rode his luck and he was front-page news from then on," Mr. Burton said. Later, as the Philharmonic's musical director, he turned it into the best orchestra in America, Mr. Burton added.
"He used it as a political instrument," Mr. Burton said. "He went to Berlin when the wall was up. He went to Russia, and made friends with the Russians - tried to as part of the Nixon peace offensive, and so on."
"And he changed the face of music, temporarily, at least, by making a generation, maybe two, very much more aware of classical music than they ever had before," Mr. Burton said. He brought classical music into the homes of Americans by insisting that the Philharmonic's concerts for young people were televised.
But he will be remembered most, Mr. Burton said, for the work he left behind.
"It still strikes people's imaginations," Mr. Burton said. "A work like 'West Side Story' is universal. It touched a nerve at the time, and because the play was about bigotry, and the need for tolerance, it's still as relevant as it ever was."
The New York Philharmonic is celebrating Bernstein during August with Bernstein-themed programming on its radio program "The New York Philharmonic This Week," hosted by Alec Baldwin, on WQXR 105.9

Wagner On Trial at the Bayreuth Festival 
 (Jewish and Israeli) Directors confront the composer's anti-Semitism and give his work a feminist spin.                      
The Chosen Wars: How Judaism Became an American Religion

An Interview with the author of  Chosen Wars: What People Get Wrong About the History of American Judaism Before the Civil War        

Pop Culture

The Secret Jewish History of Aretha Franklin 
To understand the close ties between the singer Aretha Franklin and Jewish musicians, writers, and performers, one need not have seen the 1982 TV special starring Rodney Dangerfield  

How a Jewish Music Producer Helped Aretha Franklin Get Her Big Break   
 The Opera Singer's Yiddish Spirituals    
The winner of last year's 'Yiddish American Idol' brings 'historic African-American-Jewish music' to life on his new record      

When Did Jews Start Sending New Year's Cards?    
The Rosh Hashanah holiday card-where did it come from and are you supposed to send one?       

Daniel Silva and the Art of the Beach Read   
The new bestselling spy thriller, 'The Other Woman,' excels at this one thing                                              
Israeli Gymnast Sets World Record at World Cup, Wins Gold                                                          
Israeli Gymnast Wins Second Gold Medal 
  Worth the trip? Just maybe....

Smokin' in Jerusalem   
Harvey's Smokehouse is the first and only restaurant serving authentic American barbecue in downtown Jerusalem-and it's kosher.            
WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY USING THE WORD VERKLEMPT?  (I didn't think it was so sudden; I thought it started with Mike Meyers imitating his mother-in-law, Linda Richman. kas)  



Dear Friends,

As the summer winds down and we prepare for another school year, I wanted to let you know about an exciting new AJC New Jersey program, Leaders For Tomorrow (LFT). It is the kind of forward-thinking program that has me so excited and honored to play a role with AJC New Jersey's volunteer leadership. As a parent, I know how important it is to prepare our children for the challenges they may face on their college campuses, including anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias. LFT works to develop the skills our children need to be strong Jewish leaders. I urge you to encourage your high school students to apply! More details about the program and how to apply can be found below.

Sheri Goldberg


Dear AJC NJ Lay Leaders,

American Jewish Committee (AJC) is pleased to introduce to the families of New Jersey, an exciting, award-winning leadership development opportunity for rising high school sophmores, juniors, and seniors - Leaders For Tomorrow (LFT).

LFT will build on AJC's mission to develop young Jewish leaders who can advocate for the Jewish people, Israel and human rights around the world, and serve as positive change agents for their peers and community. AJC's goal is to ensure that graduates of the program enter college with knowledge and confidence to engage in ongoing dialogue regarding anti-Semitism and Israel.
Leaders For Tomorrow
Leaders For Tomorrow

LFT will consist of seven live, interactive training sessions on Sundays from 5:00pm to 8:00pm beginning in the Fall of 2018. These sessions will take place in Millburn, NJ and will include dinner.

Dates of the program are as follows:

October 21
November 18
December 16
February 10
March 17
April 21
May 19

Topics covered will include past and current Israeli affairs, challenges facing global Jewry including the BDS movement, among others, and how to effectively utilize strategic networks in advocacy. These lessons are important for students of all backgrounds as they approach college and are transferable to myriad facets of life.

We encourage applications be submitted as soon as possible. Admission to this program is highly competitive. Participants will be selected based on their application, and one or more subsequent interviews.

The deadline to apply is Friday, September 7. There is no cost to apply or participate.

Please reach out to Dena Dubofsky with any questions at or 973.379.7844.


Rabbi David C. Levy                      Dena Dubofsky
AJC NJ Regional Director           AJC NJ Assistant Director

$59 Orchestra Seats (reg. $89)
1. ONLINE: Click Here or Visit & enter code: VITLSP
2. BY PHONE: Call 212-947-8844 & mention code: VITLSP
3. IN PERSON: Print this offer & bring to The Westside Theatre 407 W. 43rd St. Btw 9th & 10th Ave 
Vitaly, celebrated as one of the most unique and innovative illusionists in the world, brings his most ambitious work yet, An Evening of Wonders, to New York audiences for a strictly limited engagement June 13 - September 30 at the Westside Theatre. "He is an ingenious inventor, full of charming surprises and amazing magic" hail Penn & Teller. Creating a theatrical experience that takes the audience on a magical journey blending art and illusion, Vitaly conjures some of the most amazing spectacles ever witnessed and dazzles us with the realization that ours is indeed a world of extraordinary wonder and beauty!