Shabbat Inspiration, Worship Schedule, and LifeCycle Notices

Thursday, March 16, 2023 / 23 Adar 5783

This Shabbat, on the first anniversary of my installation as President of Beth Emet, I’d like to share some reflections about what leadership means to me. Over the course of this past year, I have grown to appreciate how important it has been for me to participate, in person, in all that Beth Emet offers. I really enjoyed attending the 6th grade Shabbaton at the Great Wolf Lodge. It was great to get to know some of the parents during lunch, participate (although I actually invited myself) in the famous Beth Emet prayer wear fashion show with members of the Klei Kodesh, and read the 6th grade students’ post-it notes as they shared their thoughts about becoming a Kabbalat Mitzvah. Here are some of my favorite student postings: “excited,” “happy,” “my brother survived and so will I,” “it will be a lot of work,” and “I feel excited but overwhelmed.”  This was just one of many wonderful opportunities I had throughout the year to engage with our community.  

This position also requires me to engage in important conversations and debate important topics including what the future of education looks like and how Beth Emet can "come back” in person after a challenging past few years. What I have really learned is how wonderful it is to be present -- experiencing WHAT and WHO makes Beth Emet so UNIQUE. Being present has provided me the opportunities to see both “all that works very well” and also see potential areas where we together might grow stronger. What I like most about this role, which should come as no surprise, is that Beth Emet’s secret sauce is the people. While getting involved is good for our collective community, what you gain is so much more: new relationships, putting your passions to work, and using your “secret sauce” to make us all collectively better. Find what makes you smile at Beth Emet, and step in.  Be open to the joy that follows from getting engaged.  

This Monday is our Annual Meeting, starting at 7:00 pm on Zoom. This is not a meeting per se, but rather an opportunity to hear from our leaders on the state of the congregation, both good as well as our challenges, and how we can continue to move forward from strength to strength. I invite you check it out to learn more about Beth Emet and vote for the new Officers and Board for the 2023-24 year. Should you have questions prior to the Annual Meeting, please email Geoff Prass.

Next Friday, March 24, during Kabbalat Shabbat Services, we will be installing our incoming Officers and Board of Trustees as well as thanking those who are outgoing. It’s a special moment in the annual cycle of the congregation, and we will be having an Oneg Shabbat at 6:00 pm, hosted by the Officers and Board of Trustees.

While the role of being President is a big responsibility, I remain grateful to our leadership, our Klei Kodesh, and each and every member of Beth Emet who are my partners in this important work.  

Lee Weintraub,

Beth Emet President

Worship Schedule

Friday, March 17

6:30 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat Service: Broadway Style

In-Person and Virtual (fusion worship)

Diane Weil will lead Shabbat prayers to Broadway tunes.

LiveControl Link

To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7

Saturday, March 18

9:30 am

Kahal Shabbat Morning Service

In-Person and Virtual (fusion worship)

Zoom Link

Ph: 312-626-6799 | Meeting ID: 833 6362 0227 | Passcode: 1224

This Shabbat we will be reading: Vayakheil-Pekudei/ Shabbat Hachodesh

Torah: Exodus 35:1-37:16,

p. 612, Follow Along Here

Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:16-25,

p. 1457, Follow Along Here

Not receiving Kahal email updates? Contact Miriam in our office who can add you to the Kahal Google Group.

10:30 am

Lia Friedman's Kabbalat Mitzvah

Sunday, March 19

9:00 am

Sunday Morning Minyan

In-Person and Virtual (fusion worship)

Join us on Sundays to daven (pray) the weekday Shacharit (morning) service! We are returning to the building! First-timers are encouraged!

11:30 am

Geniza Burial Ceremony


All community members are encouraged to bring worn-out prayerbooks, Torah commentaries, or text study sheets on religious topics to be buried in this ceremony. Feel free to drop them off in the front office during regular business hours all week. Click to learn more about Geniza Burial or to check what qualifies to be buried.

5:00 pm

Recognizing 20 Years of Service to the Community and Honoring the Rabbi Peter and Elaine Knobel Soup Kitchen at Beth Emet


Register and/or Donate

Beth Emet will celebrate the Soup Kitchen's service to the community, honor the volunteers who make it happen, raise money to ensure that it can continue its operations long into the future, and honor the legacy of Rabbi Peter Knobel, under whose leadership and in conjunction with a team of visionaries, the Soup Kitchen was founded in 2002. Sign up today for Sunday's celebration and consider a donation which will be matched dollar for dollar, through a generous gift from the Knobel family, to support the Rabbi Peter and Elaine Knobel Soup Kitchen.

LifeCycle Notices

Want to receive lifecycle notices for all births, weddings & death announcements?  

You can sign up for the mailing list through MyBethEmet (our member portal) on your individual page or contact Miriam.

Kabbalat Mitzvah

Lia Friedman

Parents: Joe and Natalia Friedman

Saturday, March 18

I am an eighth grader at Burley Elementary School in Chicago. My favorite subjects are math and writing, which I’d like to continue to pursue going into adulthood. I am an avid baseball watcher and player, among many other sports. I like to pass time by writing and playing piano. 

For my Gemilut Chasadim project, I volunteered at the Beth Emet soup kitchen, and hope to continue to do so after my Kabbalat Mitzvah. It’s crucial that all people have equal access to opportunities, though that’s unfortunately not always the case in our world. It’s important that we make all people feel included in our community, and provide them with food, hospitality, and other things they can’t otherwise access. If we all pitch in and give back, hopefully someday everyone will have the opportunities they deserve.

I’m looking forward to my Kabbalat Mitzvah because with it comes a great sense of accomplishment. I’m also looking forward to celebrating with friends and family, and I’m so thrilled to get share my joy with loved ones and the Beth Emet community.


Zoe McCarthy was born on Sunday, March 5. Zoe is the granddaughter of members Valerie and Keith Kretchmer. Read More.


Beatrice Safran died on Monday, March 6. Beatrice was the mother of member Judy (Ken) Flaxman; grandmother of Abie, Joel, and Seth.

Read more.

On this Shabbat, we observe the first yahrzeit of:

Michael Finnegan, husband of Nancy Glick

Carol Rosenbaum, mother of Gail Doeff

Consider making a donation to Beth Emet in honor of someone special or to honor the memory of a loved one on their yahrzeit. A notification will be sent. Questions? Contact the office


Monday, March 20

Passover Food Drive for The ARK through Sunday, March 26. Learn more.

7:00 pm

Annual Meeting

Virtual on Zoom

The Annual Meeting is a time set aside to hear from Rabbi Andrea London; Lee Weintraub, President; Mike Isaacson, Treasurer; Jeff Mann, Foundation President on the state of the congregation. Complying with the by-laws, we show accountability for finances, communicate our year’s accomplishments and challenges, and share plans for our synagogue’s future activities. We will also be electing the Officers and Board of Trustees for 2023-2024. View the official nominating letter here.

For a Complete Listing of Services and Programs-

Check Out Our Website!

Worship Support

To access worship services virtually, please check the latest info/links on the online calendar. Kabbalat Shabbat services are also posted on Facebook Live and the livestream will include virtual t’filah to follow along with the service.