December 2-3, 2011/7 Kislev, 5772
Shabbat Shalom! 
Temple Mount Sinai
is the Reform Jewish Congregation serving El Paso, Texas.

We are a congregation of supportive, caring and diverse people with a rich history.

Temple is a place for prayer, ritual, spirituality, education, wholeness and healing, social action and celebration.

Join us as we explore, through these elements of sacred living, the richness of Jewish faith and tradition.
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Following are articles about what's happening at Temple in the week ahead, and the days that follow. Please take a moment to look it over; we hope you find it useful and enjoyable.


Our newly-published December issue of "Messages from the Mountain" is available here; if you receive the physical copy, look for it in your mailbox in the next few days.


May your Shabbat be peaceful, and may the new week be filled with all good things!


Rabbis Bach and Bellush

This Shabbat 


Bima flowers are lovingly provided by Sig & Olga Rosen in memory of Leo Rosen, by Sue Feldblum in memory of Henry Cohen, and by Sara Mansfield in honor of Lyndon & Randee Mansfield, David & Shelly Mansfield, Michael & Ashley Mansfield and Shane & Melissa Poteet.


On Friday, December 2, our Oneg Shabbat at 5:45 pm is sponsored by Fifi Heller-Kaim and Boris Kaim in memory of Jon Heller and by Bob & Sara Shiloff in memory of Abe Hill, Rebecca Horwitz & Philip Terk.


Our Family Shabbat Service follows at 6:15 pm. We will be celebrating "Camp Shabbat", when some of our campers will talk about their Jewish summer camp experiences. The Kiddush following services is sponsored by the Krasne Discretionary Fund.


On Saturday, December 3, Torah Study begins at 9:30 am, followed by our Shabbat Morning Service at 10:30 am. B'nai Mitzvah class will meet at noon in the Zork Library. At 7:30 pm, renowned speaker Lori Palatnik will be talking about "The Gift of Life: Why I Donated My Kidney to a Stranger". The event is being held in Schwartz Hall and there is a suggested donation of $10.

Bikkur Cholim --Visiting the Sick

Temple wants to know if you or someone you care about is hospitalized, ill, or would just enjoy a call or visit from the Rabbi or a member of the congregation. Please let us know.
Looking Ahead


On Sunday, December 4, Religious School begins at 9:30 am and Gesher will meet at 10 am. WRJ will be baking Chanukah cookies at 9:30 am in the Temple kitchen. At 10 am, Lori Palatnik will be doing a special presentation for all girls in 6th-12th grades. Her topic will be "How to Get Your Parents to Do Whatever You Want Them to Do," and it is open to all girls in the El Paso Jewish community. Dessert & Discuss will meet at 6:30 pm in Zielonka Hall.


On Tuesday, December 6, WRJ will be decorating Chanukah cookies in the Temple kitchen at 9:30 am. Adult Hebrew will meet at 6 pm in the Zork Library.


On Wednesday, December 7, Yoga will meet at 9 am and Hebrew School will begin at 4:15 pm. Shir Chadash will rehearse at 5:30 pm, and there will be a Board of Trustees meeting at 5:30 pm in the Temple board room.


On Thursday, December 8, WRJ will have their final cookie session at 7 pm in the Temple kitchen.


On Friday, December 9, Ron Bernstein of the Jewish National Fund will be speaking at Shabbat Services (click here to learn more about Ron).


On Sunday, December 11, we will be having our annual Chanukah Family Event jointly with B'nai Zion Talmud Torah. All students and their parents are welcome to join us at B'nai Zion at 9:30 am for a celebration of learning, fun, crafts and food.

Albertson's Community Partners

Support Temple while you shop for groceries

Please remember to use your key tag each time you shop for groceries at Albertson's. All you need to do is have the card scanned when you check out. Temple will earn 1% of your shopping total each time you scan the card, at no additional cost to you.
If you need an additional key tag, they are available in the Temple office.

Christmas Day Mitzvah Project


On December 25, Temple will be participating in a special Mitzvah Project.  We will be serving a holiday meal at the Rescue Mission of El Paso.  There are four two-hour shifts available throughout the day for us to assist the Mission and those El Pasoans who are less fortunate: 

8 am-10 am
10am-12 pm
12 pm-2 pm
2 pm-4 pm

If you are interested in participating in this mitzvah, please contact Elisa in the Temple office at 532-5959 or email her at and let her know which shift you would prefer. 
Are you on Facebook? Connect to Temple!

If you spend a few minutes a week, or each day (or more) on Facebook, please take a moment to "Like" Temple Mount Sinai. It's a great way to stay in touch with what's happening throughout the week.