March 1, 2024 * Parshat Ki Tisa 

Shabbat Shalom

Click here to Join us for Shabbat Services!

Friday Night

  • 6:30pm - Kol Shira Musical Shabbat Services & Pride Shabbat

Saturday Morning

  • 8:30am - Chumash with Rashi
  • 9:30am - Shabbat Services followed by a Kiddush Luncheon
  • 12:00pm - Conversations with Rabbi Blatt

Kiddush Conversation with Sara Walsh

Saturday, March 2, after Shabbat Morning Services

This Shabbat morning, wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, to honor survivors, remember those lost to breast cancer, and support the progress we are making to defeat breast cancer. During services we will hear from Sara Walsh, Florida Program Coordinator for Sharsheret, the Jewish breast and ovarian cancer community. After services, we'll have a chance to continue the conversation with a Q&A.

Helping Israel

Our Partner Synagogue in Beer Sheva

A few months ago, I introduced you to Eshel Avraham, our sister congregation through the Masorti Movement located in Beer Sheva. They are a wonderful congregation, which has been around for 45 years, with their own building and a school with close to 200 children, from ages 3 months to 6 years old. Their sanctuary does not have a safe room so they have been meeting in the school building. They are unable to fully open their school, however, because they are short two shelters in that building. If you are able to make a donation, they would appreciate it. You can donate here.

Purim is coming up next month and Kol Ami is looking for Megillah Readers and Spiel Players. If you are interested in reading Megillah (even learning just a verse or two!) or playing a part in our Star Wars themed Purim spiel, please email Rabbi Blatt at

Have a Chat with Rabbi Blatt

No matter the reason, you can always pull up a seat in Rabbi Blatt's office! To schedule a time, call Joanna in the office at 813-962-6338 or click the link below to be connected directly to Rabbi Blatt's calendar.

We remember our Beloved

on the occasion of their Yahrzeits

Murray Daniels, Grandfather of Stacy Gad & Lisa Caine,

Father-in-law of Marilyn Daniels

William Morgenstern, Father of Lloyd Morgenstern

Charles Hoffman, Father of Richard Hoffman

Estelle Rabin, Mother-in-law of Rochelle Rudowsky

Sara Garvis, Grandmother of Judith Sachs

Maxim Lieber, Father of Steven Lieber

Arthur Michel, Father of Claude Lewkowiez

Gloria Bassel, Mother of Jennifer Flansburg

Morris Berman, Father of Daniel Berman

Helen Sanders, Grandmother of Brian Sanders

Myron Caine, Grandfather of Larry Caine

Harriet Klein Jacobowitz, Mother of Steven Jacobowitz

Sam Chudde, Father of Roberta Lipschutz

Brandel Hendel, Grandmother of Nancy Graff

David Hanoch Hendel, Grandfather of Nancy Graff

Erma Sprinczeles, Grandmother of Erma Ruffkess

Jean Cohen, Mother of Frances Kline

Irving Jaffe, Father of Mark Jaffe

Muriel Haber, Mother of Todd Haber

Hope Teller Schwab, Cousin of Linda Shanker

Frank G Freedman, Brother of Steve Freedman

Samuel Litvin, Grandfather of Susan Pross

Alfred Mackler, Father of Harvey Mackler

Zachary Daniel Solomon, Son of Karla Solomon

Fred Berkowitz, Father of Andrea Weiss

Zachary Daniel Solomon, Son of Mical Solomon

Faye Silverman, Mother of Susan Hyatt

Janice Baker, Mother of Gregory Baker

Shabbat Events Coming Up

Friday, March 8 Pizza & Pajamas Shabbat

Friday, March 15 Holy Happy Hour

Make a Minyan! 

Available to help last minute for a minyan occasionally? Want to be notified when someone has a yartzeit so we know we will have ten? Join our Kol Ami WhatsApp group! Click this link (from your phone) to join:

Learning Opportunities

Weekly Talmud Study with Rabbi Blatt.

Thursday at 10:30am - March 7 & 14

Join our Talmud Class - an all levels discussion of Talmud.

Zoom link:

Parsha Study with Rashi

Saturday at 8:30am - March 2 & 9

A weekly discussion of the Haftarah of the week.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 795 031 104

Rabbi Rachel Blatt | | 813-962-6338
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