Shabbat Shalom!

This Week's Torah Portion

Sh'lach L'cha

Numbers 13:1−15:41

June 25, 2022

26 Sivan 5782

The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying, "Send emissaries to scout the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelite people; send one man from each of their ancestral tribes, each one a chieftain among them." - Numbers 13:1-2

Read text at

Join Us This Weekend


Erev Shabbat

June 24

6:30 PM

In-Person via RSVP


Live and Interactive on Zoom

Meeting ID:

916 3232 7896

Passcode: shalom

Join us for a special Erev Shabbat Worship celebrating inclusivity with Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein, special guest speaker and TEOT member Xhris Castillejo and musical accompanist Dr. Jeremy Peterman.

All are always invited to worship with us so please invite your friends!

And join us after services for an Oneg Shabbat in our Social Hall.

Saturday Torah


June 25

9:15 am

Torah Study

led by TEOT member Thea Weiss


Live and Interactive on Zoom

Meeting ID:

958 5868 0146

Passcode: Torah

Each Saturday morning, we gather online to examine the Torah portion assigned to the week through the lens of Mussar, a Jewish ethics-based framework where we work on improving our soul-traits. While searching for new insights regarding how our ancient tradition applies to our modern lives, we use “The Mussar Torah Commentary,” edited by Rabbi Barry Block, as the basis for this year’s discussion. 

 No prior Torah Study experience required, just hop online and BYOC ("Bring Your Own Coffee")! 

Saturday Worship Service

June 25

10:30 am

Saturday Morning Worship Service led by TEOT member Thea Weiss


Live and Interactive on Zoom

Meeting ID:

958 5868 0146

Passcode: Torah

During our informal (and interactive) Shabbat Morning worship, we dig deeper into the meaning of our traditional prayers and liturgical music, while including modern, interpretative versions that challenge our understanding of our tradition, as well as a short Torah reading. Each week, we include a prayer for healing and the Mourner's

Kaddish in case you would like to remember those we love who are struggling and those we have lost.  All liturgy, including English readings and transliteration, are projected on screen.

Join us next Friday night, July 1st at 6:30 PM

for our *ONLINE ONLY* Erev Shabbat Service

Live and interactive on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 916 3232 7896 | Passcode: shalom

We will return to both in-person and online services on Friday, July 8th! 

Celebrate Good Times... come on!

June 24 - June 30

Happy Birthday!

Meryl Briscoe

Sharon Nalepka

Grant Shapiro

Evan Stewart

Delaney Stock

John Volk

Jessica Williams

Kenneth Willmott

Happy Anniversary!

Scott and Kimberly Mason

Jeremy and Dawn Miles

Stephen and Susan Ochs

Marla and Wayne Tannenbaum

Mi Shebeirach / Healing List

We send our prayers for r'fuah sh'leimah (complete healing) to the following individuals and to those who love them:

Fruma Menucha bat Bayla, Ahavah bat Sarah, Mordechai Ephraim ben Golda Leah, Ariel ben Miriam, Kenneth Blacker, Liz Fairman, Michael Glass, Steve Glick, Andrea Goldstein, Barry Harmitz, Evan Karel, Donna Lebowitz, Gerry Mavrinac, Gary Mitchell, Nic Nicolosi, James Pointdexter, Millie Rogowin, Howard Rogowin, William Schubert, Sarah Sparber Cox, Toby Walanka, Rowan Winters, Naomi Wooldridge, Beverly Worthing

Our Community

We mourn the recent passing of: 

Roz Pearlman, mother of Michele Pearlman (Craig Bodner)

Robert T. Godell, brother of Judith Godell (Liz Fairman)

Barry Garron, father of Rachel Dain, (David Dain)

This Week's Yahrzeits

June 17 - June 23

*denotes perpetual yahrzeit plaque