Weekly News & Updates
Caring for Older Adults Since 1907
Special Reduced Rate - $6,800 through the end of 2021
Contact Jill Bengle
248-661-2999 jbengle@jslmi.org
By Jo Strausz Rosen
When we were young, the world appeared to be full of limitless possibilities. We sought and found love for the first time. We imagined our future and conjured up dreams. As we age, we learn there are limits, that life doesn’t always answer our wishes, that loves are lost and found and lost again. Success and failure both have roles as we (hopefully) grow wiser. Life is complicated, and we learn that while we make individual choices, we accept that highs and lows will accompany these, and that many things are beyond our control. Change is the most constant facet of life. “There are places I'll remember all my life though some have changed. Some forever, not for better, some have gone, and some remain.” *

Getting old is as integral to our existence as our youthful, starry-eyed view of the world when we are just beginning our journeys. Those of us of a certain age have the benefit of experience in reimagining the joys and sorrows that life brings. As eighty million baby boomers continue to hit retirement age, more of us are going to have to seek wisdom to respond positively to life’s changes. “All these places have their moments, with lovers and friends I still can recall, some are dead, and some are living, in my life, I've loved them all.” *

As we grow wiser, we develop insights into learning how to cope with the challenging transformations in our world. And better yet, not just cope, but thrive. Our JSL residents are actively engaged in learning by attending lectures and concerts, recycling to save the planet, participating in poetry, creative writing, and art classes… rigorously following exercise protocols and wisely choosing to live in community among others who provide companionship and enjoyment. Most realize that their necessities of life are provided for them here at JSL. Food, shelter, health, and care, but also so much more. Our residents realize that all the other opportunities and advantages JSL offers add so much to developing their positive attitudes, social well-being, and happiness. “But of all these friends and lovers there is no one compares with you, and these memories lose their meaning, when I think of love as something new.” *

Whatever cards we are dealt, we must remember what we are most grateful for – good health, love, satisfaction, relationships, and a sense of belonging. We can lead fulfilling lives if we believe in ourselves and in the greater humanity. The desire to give back and repair the world -Tikkun Olam - performing acts of lovingkindness for the greater good - fills our hearts with joy. I think of our residents, our survivors and our Eight Over Eighty honorees. Whatever paths our lives take, whether they merge or diverge, don’t forget that you have already made an impression in the world and will continue to do so. “Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life I love you more.” *

*In My Life Lyrics by Sir John Winston Lennon and Sir James Paul McCartney
12-3 pm or 4-6 pm, Monday-Friday: Help us set tables, and/or roll silverware at Hechtman and Meer

4-6 pm, Monday-Friday: Help us pour beverages at Meer and Hechtman
5-6 pm daily: Help us pour beverages at Fleischman 

Monday evenings: Facilitate Bingo games at Meer

Thursday afternoons in Oak Park: Play card games with our residents

Wednesdays, flexible hours: Open Prentis store
Consider bringing your talent to JSL! Can you play an instrument? The piano? Can you Sing? Come visit and share your energy with our grateful residents. 

Contact Leslie Katz at 248-592-5062 or lkatz@jslmi.org
Norm Bungard doesn’t think of himself as a risk taker, so how did he end up skydiving at 84? Well, he’s on a mission to inspire us all to do more and prove that age doesn’t have to hold you back from anything AND we’re never too old to make a difference. Catch some of Norm’s infectious energy as he soars through the sky to support the Florida Council on Aging.
It’s clear that “Shtisel” season three was the main Israeli TV event of 2021 — and for good reason. The new and much-anticipated installment of the Israeli show about the ultra-Orthodox family of the same name made us laugh and cry and cry and cry (and also beg for a fourth season!).

But a handful of other Israeli shows landed in U.S.-based streaming services this year — mostly without much fanfare.

That doesn’t mean that these shows — and there are many! — aren’t absolutely worth watching. Israel has marked itself as an exporter of extremely compelling TV and the world appears to have keyed into this fact, with streaming services buying the rights to many great shows. While some of the most beloved and critically acclaimed Israeli shows like “Hazarot,” (“Rehearsals” or “Stage Crush”)“HaMefakedet” (“Dismissed”) and the much anticipated “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” still can’t be streamed with English subtitles — many others can.
Sign your lease with us and 3rd month’s RENT FREE!
Contact Jill Bengle
248-661-2999 jbengle@jslmi.org
By Jo Strausz Rosen

Residents at Fleischman Residence, Memory Care and Coville Assisted Living can access entertainment with the help of It’s Never Too Late (IN2L). Computer-based games like Soduko and Crosswords, Music and Meditation classes, fitness routines and chair exercises help pass the time and challenge the minds of frail residents who are still anxious to engage. From regular Friday night services uploaded to Touch Town, and Arts and Entertainment over the weekends, JSL residents always have something to look forward to doing. World travel, concert attendance and museum visits are currently out of the question and especially so for elders during COVID, but the variety of exciting programs accessible on IN2L provide chairside entertainment for residents, and staff can readily assist. 
Life Enrichment coordinators and Administrators at Fleischman Residence and Coville Assisted Living Apartments appreciate the ease of using IN2L. Additionally, employing the use of iPads allows residents to stay in touch with their families, no matter where they live. Special thank you to the Donald R. & Esther Simon Foundation for their generous grant that provided this technology for our residents. 
Thank you for your contributions and support of our annual fundraiser providing our residents with health and wellness programs, speakers, entertainment, art supplies, large print books, gardening supplies and flowers.
Looking for a fun and rewarding place to work? Look no further!

Jewish Senior Life is hiring servers for the Dining Rooms on the West Bloomfield Campus!

Flexible schedules and great hours!

Great opportunities for teens after school!

If interested, please call or email
Jodi Panter 248-592-1104 or jpanter@jslmi.org
Sheet-Pan Capon Dinner

 3–4 small sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
 1/4 teaspoon Pereg Black Pepper
 16 ounces (450 grams) Beleaf Frozen Cauliflower, defrosted and chopped into bite-size pieces
 4 chicken capons

Marinade Ingredients
 1/4 cup olive oil
 juice and zest of 1 lemon
 6 cloves garlic, minced or 6 cubes Gefen Frozen Garlic
 1/2 cup packed parsley leaves, finely chopped
 2 tablespoons Gefen Maple Syrup
 1 teaspoon kosher salt
 2 teaspoons Gefen Onion Powder

1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius). Line a baking sheet with Gefen Parchment Paper.
2) Place sliced sweet potatoes on the baking sheet in a single layer. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes.
3) Combine all ingredients for the marinade in a small bowl. Stir to combine.
4) Toss cauliflower with about two tablespoons of the marinade and set aside. Pour remaining marinade into a bowl or bag with the chicken.
5) Once sweet potatoes have baked for 30 minutes, they should have reduced in size. Rearrange the slices to form four large “wells.” Fill each well with cauliflower. Top each pile of cauliflower with one of the chicken capons, doing your best to cover it completely.
6) Bake for about 45 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the sweet potatoes are starting to caramelize.

This recipe is from kosher.com
Check out this at home walking workout featuring 50s and 60s tunes!
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, JSL Community Chaplain
Tuesday Morning – His Story is Our Story
In 1974, Tuesday Morning founder, Lloyd Ross, was working with big-name manufacturers when he had an idea. These big brands always had leftover inventory. Lloyd decided to purchase their excess merchandise and host the world’s greatest garage sale in a Dallas warehouse on a Tuesday morning. Lloyd believed that Tuesday was the first positive part of the week.
At the first Tuesday Morning sale, there were many discounted products. Some people came in looking for one great deal and left with many great deals. The real fun was how excited everyone was about the things they found.
What is truly good about Tuesday morning? Our Torah has the answer:

The Torah writes twice, “G-d saw it was good” regarding the third day of creation, Tuesday. Thus, Tuesday is doubly good because on that day G-d completed His work on that day and that of the previous day.

Did Lloyd Ross have it right thinking that Tuesday is a day of positivity and good fortune? Indeed!

Lesson: For the rest of us, let us find goodness every Tuesday as well as every other day of the week.
Enjoy some inspiration - Shabbat Shalom by Phone
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program Jewish Senior Life 248-592-5039 • dpolter@jslmi.org
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Shabbat Shalom
Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Kara Powers, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Amanda Martlock

We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.
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