Shabbat Shalom 
April 14, 2017
Week's Atrocities 
They are weekly and violent and no place on Earth is safe from their crosshairs. It will be a blessing when I don't start a Shabbat message with a terrorist attack but until this global radical Islamic caliphate ends, I feel I must shed light on these brainwashed-induced cold-blooded atrocities. This week's locations were Egypt and Sweden. On Palm Sunday two Coptic (Christian) churches were bombed killing 44 innocent souls and wounding scores of others. 10% of the Egyptian population are Coptic yet they have experienced constant attacks for decades.  The Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi declared a 3 month State of Emergency, a standard state for locals, since Mubarak instituted a State of Emergency for his full 30-year reign .  The Sinai desert is a popular Passover destination of thousands of Israelis but due to terrorist threats, no Israeli is allowed to travel there and those there are required to return. Sweden's capital, Stockholm, was the site of the new favored terrorist attack of Truck Ramming which killed 4 people and injured 14 others. May the evils of the world disintegrate and disappear from planet Earth. 

No Respect
It's not the same kind of injustice as terrorism, but where was Aretha's R.E.S.P.E.C.T. on this week's United Airline flight from Chicago?   Apparently, the airline needed 4 extra spots for crew on a fully booked flight, but there were no takers from passengers for the $$ bribe to relinquish their seats. Then Dr. David Dao and 3 others were randomly chosen to deplane but, understandably, Dr. Dao felt if he paid for his seat, he should be able to keep it.  Not sure who made this rule, but airlines have the right to physically rip passengers from their seats at will. However, in the era of cameras everywhere, this disturbing video got viewed by millions of eyeballs.  Also, Dr. Dao is of Asian descent so the Asian community (and many others) have called for a United Airlines boycott. This whole incident is disgraceful and United dealing with regret, repent, repair and repayment to those involved as this is only deepening the PR trash pit they are in after they prevented those legging-clad teens from boarding their flight. 

Stolen Seat
Did you feel that right leaning tilt that occurred Monday morning when new Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, was sworn in as our 113th SC Justice? Many speculate that Gorsuch could slope to the right of Scalia, yet during his hearing, he was rather tight-lipped with his answers.  Though NG has no record on abortions, but he did side with Lobby Hobby in support of their refusal to provide birth control.  He also has strong beliefs against assisted suicide and even wrote a book about about it.  And as mentioned last week, he seems to favor big business with his decision against the Detroit truck driver who nearly froze to death.  All this is mute until he actually voices his opinion on his first case, though I'm not holding out hope that he'll help reverse the worst ruling in history, Citizens United.  Wishing a very very very very long healthy life to notorious RBG. 

Men and Women
Orthodox Jewish men and women who are Shomer Negiah aren't allowed to touch the opposite gender who aren't their spouse or immediate family member (mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter...). They ARE allowed to eat meals, have business meeting and attend functions with alcohol without their spouse.  Our VP Pence calls himself an Evangelical Catholic and lives by the Billy Graham rule of not being alone at a dinner with a woman who isn't his wife.  Also he refuses to attend an event that serves alcohol when his wife isn't present. It makes you wonder if Mrs. Pence follows the same rules in opposite.  Also, this excludes all women in Pence's world from access to business meeting and opens up a huge can of worms on so many other fronts.  Here is an interesting article which explains it in more detail.

Then and Now
It's not a centennial to necessarily celebrate but 100 years ago on April 6, our reluctant country entered the Great War (also known as WWI) which helped facilitate its swift end and hopefully saved many lives. Coincidentally, 100 years later on that same date, Trump bombed the Syrian airbase.  Since the airbase was up and running the next day, not sure if this action was earth-shattering.  Hopefully it will stop chemical drops but it certainly didn't help Sean Spicer pull his foot out of his mouth. Yes Sean, Hitler did use chemical weapons on Germans. Also, the perception is that the White House is scorning Russia for its support of Assad, while we continue the investigation of the Putin/Trump BFF status. If a substance was dropped on America, imagine where we'd be if that substance was Truth Serum. Now jumping back to 1917, women weren't allowed to vote when we entered WWI, but with their support of the war and democracy, just 3 years later, the 19th amendment provided them/us voting rights. And in the 100 years since, we should continue to make it easier for all citizens to vote and for every vote to count appropriately.  We must eliminate Gerrymandering, stop Statewide voting restriction legislation, increase voting times and locations (especially in poorer neighborhoods) and basically improve our dismal voter turnout rate of 54% for the general election (2016) and 36% for our midterm vote (2014).

Do making decisions bog you down? The most successful people in the world have a solution for you and it involves your wardrobe.  Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama eliminated morning decisions by wearing the same outfit everyday. For other tips for efficiency, check out this article.
"The very worst use of our time is to do extremely well what need not be done at all."

Detroit Sports
Good bye to Joe Lewis Arena as many this week witnessed the farewell party before the historic building is to be demolished starting September 17.  And the Pistons played their last game at Palace this week to scores of fans, legends and memories.  Both the Red Wings and Pistons will start their next session at the new Ilitch built Little Caesars Arena at which point all 4 sports teams (baseball, football, basketball and hockey) will be played in Detroit.  Hopefully, we'll also have a soccer stadium to add to that sporting mix. 
Tax Day
It's not April 15th as usual since this year it falls on a Saturday. It won't be Sunday April 16th nor Monday April 17th because of the DC holiday of Emancipation Day. So all you procrastinators have 3 extra days to file your income taxes, due this year on Tuesday April 18th.  And while you are calculating your forms amid our Passover holiday, you can enjoy a Ben and Jerry favorite.

Wishing you and your families a 
Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom and a Joyous remainder to our Passover holiday.

570 Days 
Too bad we can't elect Selena Meyers for president but we can enjoy her fictional political career this Sunday when Veep returns.  In the meantime, here is a promo for the show which combines the real life of Sean Spicer and Veep clips. 

Rest in Peace,  J.Giles (age 71) aka:  John Warren Geils Jr. Here is the  famed vintage song, Centerfold 

Rest in Peace,  Dorothy Mengering (age 95) aka: David Letterman's mom who was a frequent correspondent on this late night show.

Rest in Peace, comedian Charlie Murphy (age 57) aka: older brother to Eddie Murphy. 

April 14th
Geoff Kretchmer (Happy 50th)
Marc Siegel
Dan Sonenberg 
Janice Meyer Cherkasky
Nicole Miller

April 15th
Pam Lippitt
Judith Hamburger Burdick
Liz Nederlander Coden
April 16th
Jo Strausz Rosen
Nili Lotan
Keri Guten Cohen
Liz Marx
Paula Parr

April 17th
Lisa Soble Siegman
Brenda Wayne
Maxine Berman 
Jason Brown
April 18th
David Victor
Orly Lis Lior
Shmulik Klein
Paul W. Smith
April 19th
Beth Eber Margolin
Lisa Kirsch Satawa
Dana Nessel
April 20th
Ryan O'Neal
George Takei
I am prone to mistakes so if I missed your birthday or got the wrong date, please let me know.
As Mother's Day (May 14) approaches, Jewish Family Service's The Joy Project is a perfect gift to honor and help all mothers in our community.

April 19  (Wednesday)
U of M Food Allergy Center Spring Luncheon
Knollwood Country Club

April 23 (Sunday)
Send a Kid to Tamarack 2017
Featuring Tamarack alum, actor and Comedian:
Jon Glaser and Go Comedy! Improv
The Berman Center for the Performing Arts
West Bloomfield
7:00pm (6:30pm registration)

April 23-30
Laurel Park Place

April 24 (Monday)
Michigan Israel Business Bridge
Israel Defense Mission Networking Event
7096 E 14 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48092
For more info please contact:

April 26 (Wednesday)
The Michigan Jewish Sports Foundation
Beyond the Game, A Night of Sports Talk
Tam O'Shanter Country Club
Benefiting  Dr. Steve (Z"L) and Evelyn Rosen Stars of  Tomorrow  Scholarship
Dinner and Sports Panel Tickets 75$ each

April 30 (Sunday)
Yom HaZikaron
Remembrance Day for Fallen Israeli Soldiers.
The Berman Center for the Performing Arts
West Bloomfield

April 30  (Sunday)
Jewish Heritage Day at Comerica Park
Tigers vs White Sox
Ticket packages benefit the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan and Tamarack Camps
Game time 1:10 p.m.

May 3 (Wednesday)
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Lois Linden Nelson Woman's World Luncheon
Celebrating 50 years of Woman's World
Woman of Valor honor: Sally Orley (well deserving)
Guest Speaker: Lesley Stahl (of 60 Minutes)

May 6 (Saturday)
Orchards Children's Services
Gerald L. Levin "Champions for Children Signature" Event, 55th ~ Emerald Anniversary
VIP  5:00pm,  General  6:00pm
The Henry Ford Museum
For more information, please contact Katora Cole at
or go to

May 6 (Saturday)
Variety, the Children's Charity
85th Anniversary
Hearts and Stars Gala
Townsend Hotel 
Honor Bruce Rosen
Call  (248)-258-5511  for more information.

May 7 (Sunday)
Walk for Israel
Temple Shir Shalom 
A family event designed to "celebrate Israel".  
Activities 12-4 
Lunch 12:30
Walk 1:30

May 10  (Wednesday)
Jewish Historical Society of Michigan
Annual Meeting
Temple Kol Ami
7:30 pm
Featuring Aimee Ergas and Aviva Kempner 
Discussing Jewish Heroes and Sheroes
Presentation of Leonard N. Simons History Award

May 10  (Wednesday)
Planned Parenthood of Michigan event
The Cube at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra 
Guest Speaker: Dr. Willie Parker

May 15 (Monday)
Federation's Women's Philanthropy 
Signature Event
Knollwood Country Club
7:30 pm
Featuring Jill Kargman (Bravo's Odd Mom Out)

May 11 (Thursday)
City Year Red Jacket Gala
Cobo Center, Grand Riverview Ballroom
1 Washington Blvd.  Detroit
Cocktails: 5:30pm
Dinner/Program: 7:00pm
2017 Idealist in Action Award:
Matthew Simoncini 
President and CEO of Lear Corporation

May 20 (Saturday)
Cabaret 313
Chuck Cooper and the Clan
Marlene Boll Theatre at the Boll Family YMCA
1401 Broadway St., Detroit
7:00pm and 9:30pm performances

May 21 (Sunday)
Kadima Youth Mental Health Conference
Birmingham Covington School
Morning Session for parents, caregivers, community
Afternoon Session for educators and mental health professionals

May 21 ( Sunday)
Eight Over Eighty
Honoring eight members of our community, all over the age of 80, who have demonstrated a dedication throughout their lifetime to Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World.
Congregation Adat Shalom
11:30 am
Beverly Bennett
Dr. Stuart Falk
Margot Gardner
Elaine Greenberg
Dr. Robert Matthews
Evelyn Orbach
Eunice Korman ring
Michael Weiss

May 22 (Monday)
The Emily Stillman Foundation 
Night of Laughs
The Berman Center for Performing Arts
West Bloomfield
Doors open: 7:30 pm
Featuring: Heather McDonald (from Chelsea Lately)

May 24 (Wednesday)
Federation's Awards Night
The Berman Center for Performing Arts
West Bloomfield
5:30 pm 
William Davidson Lifetime Attachment Awards:
John E. Jacobs and Marjorie Krasnick
Young Leadership Awards:
Rabbi Yisrael Pinson, Dr. Jennifer Sobol and Steve Migliore 

June 3 (Saturday)
American Cancer Society
Relay for Life
St. Mary of Orchard Lake

June 4 (Sunday)
Hillel Day School
Annual Dream Maker Gala
David and Nadine Farbman
Steven and Janice Traison
Alum awards:
Edward Alterman (class of 86)
Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny (class of 91)
Jonathan Ozeran (class of 97)

June 6 (Tuesday) 
Jewish Family Service Annual Event
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Evening with Author  Jennifer Teege
Who learned later in life that her grandfather was a Nazi Commandant.
Debra Marcus

June 8  (Thursday) 
Starfish Family Services
Great Hearts Gala
Cobo Center, Grand Riverview Ballroom
Honoring The Jewish Fund
Lori Fidler

June 12 (Monday)
Hank Greenberg Memorial Invitational Golf Outing
Franklin Hills Country Club
Honoring: Fergie Jenkins, Dick Enberg & Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg (Kids Kicking Cancer)
Benefiting  the Lawrence & Idell Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center - Karmanos
For more info:

June 13 (Tuesday)
Detroit Public TV
Bravo 2017
DPTV Riley Broadcast Center, Wixom
Spotlighting & Honoring:  Florine Mark (aka:Mom/Bubbie)
For more info: Jamie Westrick

June 16 (Friday)
Detroit Zoo
Sunset at the Zoo
This year's theme, Green is the new Black, will highlight the remarkable environmental & sustainability efforts of the Zoo. 

August 27 (Sunday)
The 2nd Annual Michigan Jewish Food Festival
Eastern Market

September 23 (Saturday)
Camp Sea-Gull Reunion
Camp Ticonderoga
5725 Rochester Rd, Troy, MI 48085
Please RSVP at this site:

Parting Thoughts...