February 17, 2017
Shabbat Shalom
Honoring our Presidents
As we celebrate our former presidents this week, what would they think of today's White House Resident?  Would they approve of his...

Reliance on fake news *
Constant lies and boasting
Selection of counsel and cabinet
Disrespect of Australia
Embrace of Russia
Disregard of the Constitution
Conflict of Interest
Lack of interest in briefings
Discriminatory immigration policy
Attack of Journalists
What am I missing...?

Lifting us Up
There is NO gratification in the dysfunction of this current administration.   "Rising tides lifts all boats".  We are one country with citizens (who are natural born, immigrants, resident aliens, from all races, religions, genders ...) who want their families to succeed.  But we can only succeed as a nation if we work together not against each other.  Differing opinions is the heart of our valued diversity but we most work harder to respectfully, agree to disagree and find compromises for the majority of us who resides in the center of our political spectrum.  Even without a functioning Administration, we need to continue to encourage our DC reps to work together, not in separate offensive silos. Bravo to Senator Marco Rubio who gave an impassioned speech on the Senate Floor about the divisive road we are on.  Here is a sample:  "I don't know of a civilization in the history of the world that's been able to solve its problems when half the people in a country absolutely hate the other half of the people in that country."  For the full 7 minute speech, click here: https://goo.gl/P62YRM

Out of Control
Now back to the dysfunction.  Real events are trumping the creative minds of the TV show "Scandal".  Just how much Russian contact did Trump and his Trumpettes have before, during and after the election.  Putin is a dictator, thug and killer yet  #45 seems enamored by his presence.  Mazel Tov to General Flynn for breaking the world record on the shortest serving National Security Advisor in history at 24 days. But the real story is the fact that Flynn continued his role even after Trump was told of his indiscretions (that he most likely knew about since the beginning). Where does the Rot from the Fish originate...?  Trump blames this whole incident on the (illegal) leaks to the media and insists Flynn is a "great guy" and was treated unfairly.   How dare the American people be exposed to the Truth? And now POTUS' Sec. of Labor pick (Hardee's CEO who opposes minimum wage, hired an illegal worker and mistreats his workers and wife) has withdrawn his nomination. Trump's picks are a verifiable deck of jokers. 

In a  Chokehold
Despicable multiplied by infinity isn't strong enough to describe the NRA's chokehold on our legislators and with Trump in the White House, their power is only growing stronger.  A regulation (implemented after the horrific Sandy Hook school shooting of 20 children and 6 staff) to prevent guns from landing in the palms of people with mental illness, was repealed this week in Congress.  This only affects 75,000 people who have requested disability from Social Security. Some may not be unfit to carry a gun but instead of improving the regulation, they decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Gun control, in this Trump and GOP controlled DC, will be a major uphill battle.  https://goo.gl/B2Kjwa  "We lose eight children and teenagers to gun violence every day. If a mysterious virus suddenly started killing eight of our children every day, America would mobilize teams of doctors and public health officials. We would move heaven and earth until we found a way to protect our children. But not with gun violence." Elizabeth Warren

Bring us Together
Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust...right? As we've heard, the WH this year decided to be more inclusive of all victims by NOT singling anyone (6 Million) out of their Holocaust statement.  So, last week 100 Democratic congressmen/women proposed a resolution that would in effect state "the indisputable fact that the Nazi regime targeted the Jewish people in its perpetration of the Holocaust and calling on every entity in the executive branch to affirm that fact."
But the Republicans (in their silo) choose to block the vote on this resolution protecting the White House over the Jews. 

Rise is Real
The college Republican group of Central Michigan University couldn't explain how this highly anti-semitic Valentine's card got into the gift bags they were distributing, but glad to know they condemned it immediately.  These types of incidents have increased dramatically since our last election.  Bravo to the ADL on their constant effort to combat Hate but BS on Trump's response on the rise of anti-semitism at this week's press conference.  See this issue, 3 paragraph down. 

Back at Last
*Yeah!!!... John Oliver is back.  If you missed last week's rant, I've got the full 23 minute video describing Trump's lack of interest in facts and reality, his reliance on Fake (and scary) News and John's brilliant and comical actions that will help (not so) subliminally educate Donald while he's in his comfort zone.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xecEV4dSAXE

To Bee or Not
Humans have a symbiotic relationship with Bees as they are a major factor in our food chain. We need bees on this Earth to pollinate our food, which is why it is concerning that the Trump administration is dragging its feet on listing the Rusty Patch Bumblebee as an endangered species. Even POTUS' favorite KFC chicken is made with ingredients connected to bees.  http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2017/0215/Every-day-counts-Group-sues-Trump-for-delay-on-rusty-patch-bumblebee-protection

Friend or Foe
My Friend's Friend is still my Enemy. Bibi and Trump met this week amid the White House's tumultuous Russian scandal. After the "no love" relationship of Bibi and Barack, Israelis were hoping for a lovefest with Trump.  But his promise of a Jerusalem US embassy is now stalled and he is backpedaling on his Settlement endorsement. Then of course there is Trump's BFF status with Putin while Putin's BFF status with Iran puts a thorn in Israel's side.  According to the former US ambassador Dan Shapiro, the timing of this first meeting is "absolutely crazy". https://goo.gl/jk21rP  But most disturbing was Trump's flippant attitude toward the serious questions at the press conference. "1 State, 2 State...whatever suits you best".  Sound like Dr. Suess.  Then his answer on the rise of anti-semitism was frankly, bizarre.  He started by referencing his electoral victory, then moved on to his Jewish daughter and her family and ended with "we're going to see a lot of love".  He NEVER condemned or acknowledge anti-semitism and Bibi had to step in to save his "friend".  Here's the video and transcript http://time.com/4672402/donald-trump-anti-semitism-netanyahu/

Israel the Beautiful
Boycotts by NFL players are flying from the White House to Israel.  There were suppose to be 11 football superstars visiting Israel this week so they could return home and describe the real Israel,  but pro-Palestinian propaganda and anti-Israel celebrities convinced some of them to skip their journey.  5 of the 11 did make the trip but their social media was quieter than usual. Let's hope they were able to see the beauty in the people, places and things of the Holy Land. 
Hallway at Ben Gurion Airport always filled with the State's Beauty.

Fear of Farrakhan
For the 2nd year in a row, the Nation of Islam will hold host their National Convention in Detroit this Sunday.  They expect 30,000 people to crowd Cobo Center and I expect more anti-semitism spewed from their perch. I will update this story next week unless I'm mistaken and they leave the Jews off their agenda. 

Reconnect to Others
Disconnect from Technology and Eat Together.  Hope you enjoy this meaningful Feel Good Canadian commercial to encourage real connections:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDuA9OPyp6I
Amazing Talent 
Ed Sheeran's Grammy performance of his new song, "Shape of You" was my favorite act that whole evening. He sang it last Saturday on SNL but his Grammy version was mesmerizing as he juggled all his musical talents. 

Wishing you and your families a 
Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom

Save the date
Camp Sea-Gull 2017 Reunion.
Saturday Evening September 23
Condolences to the family, friends and our Detroit community on the death of Mike Ilitch, Pizza, Sports and Entertainment King and Detroit Booster.  With his wife Marian and 7 children, they were the leaders who brought vibrancy back to Detroit starting with the rejuvenation of the old Fox Theatre. May his legacy continue to inspire our great city and state.

Condolences to Dr. Eric (Patrice) Phillips, Amy (Michael) Entin and their families on the passing of Beatrice "Bea" Phillips z"l. May her memories and spirit bring comfort to her loved ones and may she be a blessing unto her community

Condolences to Sue and Alan Kaufman, Alan and Lenore Singer, Julie and Josh Chernoff and their families on the passing of Cecelia Singer z"l (age 90).  May her love and spirit bring comfort to those who mourn her passing and may she be a blessing unto her family and friends. 
Happy Birthday

Feb. 17th
Dr. Jay Kutinsky
Julie Zuckerman Tepperman
Marla Rosberg
Marcy Storchan Borofsky
Kobi Erez
Feb. 18th
Mitchell Wiatrak
Susan Moiseev
Larry Kohlenberg

Feb. 19th
Carrie Stauss
Nora Smokler Baron
Rosanne Kukes
Elana Kreinin Markovitz
Katie Miller

Feb. 20th
Jennifer Rothenberg Siegel
Susan Banes Loss
Ariela Raviv  (Ashkelon, Israel)
Adam Miller Lasser (Carole's z"l grandson)
Shmulik Garzi
Feb. 21st
Florine Mark (We love you, Mom/Bubbie!!)
Parker Levin
Bob Naftaly
Feb. 22nd
Talia Broza Liram
Paris Jones
Feb. 23rd
Carol Klein
Meir Segal
Brian Siegel
Rabbi Harold Loss
Amy Folbe
Danyelle Neuman Kaye
Dana Benyas

I am prone to mistakes so if I missed your birthday or got the wrong date, please let me know.

March 5  ( Sunday )
JSL Holocaust Survivors Annual Benefit 
Musical Journey - A Century of Jewish Music
Featuring  Cantors Dan Gross, Neil Michaels, Pamela Schiffer and Penny Steyer and the Cliff Monear Trio.
Benefiting the Program for Holocaust Survivors and Families
Congregation Beth Ahm
5075 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, 48322

March 12 (Sunday)
Film Screening:  "Equal Means Equal"
Maple Theater 
4135 W. Maple Rd., Bloomfield Township
Guest Speakers:
Gretchen Whitmer - Candidate for Governor
Brenda Lawrence - US Congresswoman
Jocelyn Benson - CEO Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality
Lisa Brown - Oakland County Clerk

March 17 - April 1
St. Dunstan's Theatre Guild of Cranbrook 
Calendar Girls
Featuring (friend) Julie Yolles

March 18 (Saturday)
Detroit Zoo
Wildlife Conservation Gala (inaugural)
This new gala will spotlight the Detroit Zoo's world-renowned wildlife conservation efforts and the impact we have around the globe.

March 25 (Saturday)
Cabaret 313
Gabrielle Stravelli
Black Box Theatre @ Detroit Opera House
7:00pm and 9:30pm performance

March 29 (Wednesday)
JVS  Trade Secrets 
Fundraiser for Women to Work Program
Troy Marriott
Keynote Speaker: Connie Holzer
For more info, please contact Andrea Stone
248-233-4210 or astone@jvsdet.org

April 23  (Sunday)
Send a Kid to Tamarack 2017
Featuring Tamarack alum, actor and Comedian:
Jon Glaser and Go Comedy! Improv
The Berman Center for the Performing Arts
JCC in West Bloomfield
7:00pm (6:30pm registration)

April 26 (Wednesday)
The Michigan Jewish Sports Foundation
Beyond the Game, A Night of Sports Talk
Tam O'Shanter Country Club
Benefiting  Dr. Steve (Z"L) and Evelyn Rosen Stars of  Tomorrow  Scholarship
Dinner and Sports Panel Tickets 75$ each

May 3 (Wednesday)
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Lois Linden Woman's World Luncheon
Celebrating 50 years of Woman's World
Woman of Valor honor: Sally Orley (well deserving)
Guest Speaker: Lesley Stahl (of 60 Minutes)

May 6 (Saturday)
Orchards Children's Services
Gerald L. Levin "Champions for Children Signature" Event,  55th ~ Emerald Anniversary
VIP  5:00pm,  General  6:00pm
The Henry Ford Museum
For more information, please contact Katora Cole at kacole@orchards.org
or go to www.orchards.org

May 6 (Saturday)
Variety, the Children's Charity
85th Anniversary
Hearts and Stars Gala
Townsend Hotel 
Honor Bruce Rosen
Call  (248)-258-5511  for more information.

May 10  (Wednesday)
Planned Parenthood of Michigan event
The Cube at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra 
Guest Speaker: Dr. Willie Parker
More details to come.

May 15 (Monday)
Federation's Women's Philanthropy 
Signature Event
Featuring Jill Kargman (Odd Mom Out)
Save the date, more details to come.

May 11 (Thursday)
City Year Red Jacket Gala
Cobo Center, Grand Riverview Ballroom
1 Washington Blvd.  Detroit
2017 Idealist in Action Award:
Matthew Simoncini 
President and CEO of Lear Corporation

May 20 (Saturday)
Cabaret 313
Chuck Cooper and the Clan
Marlene Boll Theatre at the Boll Family YMCA
1401 Broadway St., Detroit
7:00pm and 9:30pm performances

May 21 (Sunday)
Kadima Youth Mental Health Conference
Birmingham Covington School
Morning Session for parents, caregivers, community
Afternoon Session for educators and mental health professionals

May 21 ( Sunday)
Eight Over Eighty
Honoring eight members of our community, all over the age of 80, who have demonstrated a dedication throughout their lifetime to Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World.
Congregation Adat Shalom

May 22 (Monday)
The Emily Stillman Foundation 
Night of Laughs
The Berman Theatre (West Bloomfield)
Featuring: Heather McDonald (from Chelsea Lately)

June 4 (Sunday)
Hillel Day School
Annual Dream Maker Gala
David and Nadine Farbman
Steven and Janice Traison
And Alum awards to:
Edward Alterman (class of 86)
Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny (class of 91)
Jonathan Ozeran (class of 97)
Stay tuned for more details.

June 13 (Tuesday)
Detroit Public TV
Bravo 2017
DPTV Riley Broadcast Center, Wixom
Spotlighting & Honoring: Florine Mark (aka:Mom/Bubbie)
For more info: Jamie Westrick

June 16 (Friday)
Detroit Zoo
Sunset at the Zoo
This year's theme, Green is the new Black, will highlight the remarkable environmental & sustainability efforts of the Zoo.  

August 27 (Sunday)
The 2nd Annual Michigan Jewish Food Festival
Eastern Market

Parting Thoughts...
Actual translation of tag sewn into
 US made product shipped to France