
December 6, 2024

News and Shmooze

Weekly Jewish Update

Candle Lighting @ 16:20

Dear Friends,

Well, I’m back home from the international Conference of Chabad Rabbis also known as the Kinus Hashluchim. (See the annual iconic portrait below) The gathering unites more than 6,500 rabbis and lay leaders from more than 100 countries around the world. The Kinus is an annual event, replete with workshops on topics running the gamut from mental health to fundraising, and social media to end of life counseling. The four days together culminate with the gala banquet, which brings all of the Chabad rabbis and their guests together in a giant conference center in New Jersey.

For me it was very meaningful but intense. Meeting so many people from so many faraway places around the world. In every workshop or central session, I kept hearing about the war, the hostages, how can we do something? How can we help?

Speeches were delivered in many languages. none more unique than that of Rabbi Yehoshua Soudakoff of Chabad for the Deaf Community, who after a video presentation displaying his work, took to the stage to speak in his native language: U.S. Sign Language (ASL). “The voice you hear is not mine, but the words definitely are,” he said through an interpreter. “It is hard for a deaf person to find a place within the community. Torah and mitzvah while deaf is difficult. That is why I established Chabad for the Deaf Community. “There are deaf Jews and Jews with various disabilities throughout the world. Let us continue our holy work to reach out to every single one of them and inspire them, just as I was once inspired,” he said to resounding applause. He gave me a lot of motivation and food for thought. I highly recommend watching the video presentation as well his speech in this link.

I will share more tomorrow at the Kiddush. Hope very much to see you there.

Sending heartfelt Shabbat Shalom greetings from Rivky, the kids and me,

Rabbi Chaim Drukman


We extend heartfelt condolences to Tal Müller and her whole family on the loss of her dear mother Mazal Yefet מזל בת אברהם ז״ל. May you know of no more sorrow.

Upcoming Events

Shabbat Services

Saturday, December 7

09:00 - Coffee & Chassidut Study

10:00 - Services

11:00 - Weekly Torah Portion

12:15 - Kiddush Lunch

Pilpulim - for Hebrew Speakers

Sunday, December 8

JLI Nurturing Relationships

Wednesday, December 11

Lesson 5 - The Art of Influence

Community Shabbat Chanukah Dinner

Friday, December 27

Public Menorah Lighting

Sunday, December 29

Lunch and Learn in Zug

Thursday, January 30

Weekly Torah Classes:

KIDS Club Classes:

Sunday: 10:30

Wednesday: 18:00

“Torah & Tea on Zoom"

Mondays: 10:00

for women

Bar Mitzvah Preparation

Wednesdays: 17:15

Talmud (advanced)


Coffee and Chassidut Study

Saturdays: 09:00

*Due to the current situation, we have special security at Chabad on Shabbat visible as well as undercover.

*Unfortunately, the Luzern Polizei still can't promise to be present so we had to hire a private security company. It is quite costly, and your financial support to cover these expenses is needed.

*Please know that there is NO known threat to any Jewish institution in Switzerland at this time. 

Jewish humor

Abe goes into his local bookshop and asks the saleswoman, "Excuse me, but where is the self-help section?"

She replies, "If I told you, sir, it would defeat the purpose."

Weekly Moment

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Learn something new every week / פרשת ויצא

(Parascha auf Deutsch)

(Parasha in English)

Jacob’s Ladder vs. A Bridge

Innovation is a hallmark of the human spirit. Innovators, the pioneers of new ideas, challenge the status quo and aim to improve upon it. Each generation distinguishes itself through its introduction of new and improved innovations.

How many of us still use typewriters or cassette recorders? What were once amazing innovations fall out of fashion, eventually becoming obsolete. Such are the consequences of innovation.

Yet even in today’s technological world, some things possess timeless staying power. Take, for example, the ladder—the subject of Jacob’s dream in Parshat Vayeitzei. The Hebrew word for “ladder” is sulam. A permutation of the Hebrew letters of sulam uncovers a deep insight that explains the ladder’s lasting significance. By rearranging the letters of sulam—samech, lamed, mem—we reveal another word, semel, which means “symbol.”

What is the symbolism of the ladder? This simplistic device for climbing up or down has not undergone a conceptual alteration since its inception.

Metaphorically, the Torah expands the simple function of the ladder to include imagery that bridges the gap between heaven and earth. Through visual imagery, we can grasp the concept of a transition.

The Bridge Vs. the Ladder

Life presents us with various transitions that challenge the status quo of our comfort levels. We may find ourselves at a crossroads, recognizing the need for change but unsure of which road to take. We may feel unprepared and unequipped to navigate the unfamiliar journey we face ahead. How do we best transverse the liminal space between where we are and where we would like to be? What are the best means to help us reach our desired goals and destination? How do we combat the feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability that can confront us along the way, eclipsing the guiding light of faith?

When navigating an unknown terrain or transition, there are two choices: You can cross over it by bridging the gap from point A to point B or transcend it. Often, the image of a bridge is used to represent passing from one stage in life to the next. Yet while we are changing our place, we are not necessarily being changed or changing ourselves. While remaining at the same altitude, we cannot transcend our present state of being or perspective.

In contrast, while ascending or descending on a ladder, rung by rung, we change our altitude incrementally. We are either moving up or down, never remaining static. Our vantage point either broadens as we ascend or constricts as we descend.

The Ladder Symbolizing the Rise and Fall of Nations

Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development. The Midrash describes how we are being foretold of the continuous rise and fall of various nations that will command the world’s center stage for a time and then sink into oblivion. Israel’s oppressors are among them, as we are forewarned of their prominence. Rashi brings out that the ascending angels represent those spiritual forces that accompany Jacob and the Jewish people while in our homeland, Eretz Yisrael. They must return heavenward when Jacob leaves the Holy land but are replaced by other angelic forces best suited to safeguard the Jewish nation when dwelling outside of the land. Rashi’s explanation foretells our eventual merit to settle in the land of Israel.

The Ladder of Prayer: Transitioning Between Heaven and Earth

Jacob’s ladder also widens our perspectives on the power of prayer as a vehicle for navigating the transition between Heaven and Earth. Meaningful prayer creates a spiritual imprint; such prayer leaves its impression upon the fabric of both physical time and spiritual eternity. Our prayers are activated only to the degree that we are mindful and sincere. In Jacob’s dream, they are depicted as angelic forms rising. Our sages tell us that our prayers create accompanying angels or energies of varying strengths. The sincerity and sheer intent of each heart propels it to ascend the rungs of physicality. A prayer can pierce through the finite as it yearns and strives to reach the infinite realms.

The Ladder as a Spiritual GPS: Charting Spiritual Growth

The image of Jacob’s ladder holds the potential to be utilized as a device to chart and measure the progress and course of spiritual growth and development. Each rung either ascending or descending is a visual image that indicates where one’s spiritual altitude is at any given moment. As a mental cue, Jacob’s ladder can provide powerful assistance in developing cognitive and spiritual muscle. As physical resistance stimulates the body to build muscle, spiritual resistance promotes the development of inner strength and resilience. “Raising the spiritual bar,” symbolized by the rungs of Jacob’s ladder, can give one a visual image of where they are holding in terms of thoughts and reactions towards life’s daily challenges and provocations.

Does my choice of words in any given situation denigrate or elevate my place on the ladder? Am I ascending or descending through the way I have expressed myself to others? How do the relationships in my life affect the altitude of my attitude? Which way am I moving, up or down? Do my thoughts raise my altitude, thereby improving my attitude, or lower and diminish it?

Jacob’s ladder holds the potential to be updated into a spiritual GPS, actually calibrating the direction of our thoughts and actions. It can serve to chart our path to keep us on course and to reach our ultimate destination. It’s the oldest, yet the newest app that’s out there. Ascending Jacob’s ladder can represent a lifetime of spiritual journeying. From a macro to a micro level, this ancient vision remains an enduring symbol of timeless relevance and is a portal from the past to the present, and from the present to the future.

Making It Relevant

  • Visualize yourself climbing up or down a ladder. The ladder charts your personal growth. What rung do you see yourself on? Are you ascending or descending from the position you were on previously? Recognize that you are not static. You may be on a low rung but ascending, or on a high rung descending. Would you rather be descending from a high rung or ascending from a low rung? Also, remember that if you slip down a rung, you can climb back up … or even go higher.
  • Throughout each day, assess where you are on your personal ladder, in regard to thinking positively rather than negatively.
  • Be mindful of your responses to provocation or challenge. Visualize your reactions and outward behaviors as occupying a rung on the ladder. In what direction are you moving? How can you alter your direction?

By Katia Bolotin

The weekly Parasha (EN / DE)

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