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Caring for Older Adults Since 1907
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Contact Jill Bengle
248-661-2999 [email protected]
By Jo Strausz Rosen
Are you getting enough exercise? Are you eating enough protein, fruits and veggies? Are you drinking enough water? Do you supplement your diet with vitamins? “Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties?”
But seriously, listen to the voice in your head that is reminding you to take care of yourself, especially in this heat. Sometimes I see residents resting in chairs, enjoying a nice nap after some scheduled activities. A nap is a gift to yourself. But… are you excessively sleepy during the day? You may have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published online by the journal Sleep.

Scientists asked 124 healthy older adults, average age 60, about how often they felt drowsy or fell asleep during the day when they would rather be awake, as well as their napping habits. The group then had regular PET scans over the next 15 years to look for beta-amyloid in the brain, high amounts of which are a marker for Alzheimer’s Disease. During the follow-up, the researchers found that people who reported frequent excessive daytime sleepiness were three times more likely to have beta-amyloid buildup than those who weren’t sleepy during the day. 

Can you fight this buildup and become more energized? Scientists say you can by participating in regular physical activity that is great for your brain, body, and heart. Lack of physical activity has emerged as an important risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia. People engaged in physical activity have better cognitive abilities and they also enjoy better brain health and a lower risk of developing dementia. Physical activity may also help maintain abilities and slow decline in people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Whatever your stage of life, being fit and healthy matters. And it is never too late to start. Just ask our centenarians at JSL what they have done and continue to do to live long and prosper!
LIVE, With us!
NEEDED: Can you participate in the mitzvah of leading a high holiday service? Choose to come to our campus in-person or lead a virtual service. Our residents need you. Please contact Leslie Katz 248-592-5062 or [email protected] and sign up today.
Do you have sandwich making skills? How are you at the cash register? We need Bistro volunteers on Mondays and Wednesdays! Enhance your skills, build new relationships, and have some fun while serving your community. For questions, contact Leslie Katz at 248-592-5062 or [email protected]. Apply online by visiting:
September 9: Consider joining this free webinar: Preventing Cognitive Decline in Late-Life, Evidence-based ways to keep your brain healthy. 
By Grace Bennett

As I commemorated the second anniversary of my Poppy’s passing in April, and with the coronavirus and its emerging variants still ravaging a planet, I keep thinking about how prescient my dad, Jacob Breitstein, was about the spread of disease — and, even more so, about ways to prevent disease.

Poppy was so passionate about the pursuit of health that on his gravestone the phrase “Founder of MIRF” is inscribed. Allow me to explain: My dad, who passed away at age 97 (or 96, it was never quite clear) had, over the course of his lifetime, developed a trove of “health secrets” which he dubbed “MIRF” — as in, “Multiple Infestations Removed Forever.”

His biggest idea was, essentially, that “increased blood speed eliminates microscopic beginnings of fat, cancer cells, weak and harmful germs” — and the way to keep one’s blood circulating was to do a series of simple stretching and squeezing exercises.
Lets get physical! Improve strength and flexibility with this full standing 40 minute workout.
Contact us to learn about our private suite rates!
Contact Jill Bengle
248-661-2999 [email protected]
Tova Schreiber
Hechtman Life Enrichment Coordinator
“Jewish History with Tova” is a popular lecture series at Hechtman Apartments. Each month, she focuses on one area of Jewish history and presents it with slides, photos, video clips, and discussion. She creates all of her presentations “from scratch”, investing significant time to do research, prepare outlines, and create slides. Residents find the presentations fascinating and sentimental, and they enjoy commenting and asking questions. Today’s presentation, “Memories of Jewish Detroit,” covered Jewish Detroit history from 1762 to the present. Along the way, residents learned (and reminisced) about the synagogues, communal institutions, commerce, cultural pursuits, education, and other elements that contributed to the history of Jewish Detroit. “Jewish History with Tova” takes place at Hechtman Apartments the fourth Wednesday of each month. September’s program will take place on Thursday, September 23.

Lynda Koby attended the class. She is a Detroiter who received her Wayne State degrees in teaching K-12 Math. She left her beautiful condo and moved into Hechtman Apartments one month before COVID struck. Lynda appreciates communal living and that Hechtman staff keep her safe. She enjoys living here especially because 99% of the people are so friendly and nice. “The Hechtman team provides stimulating activities like art and beading and Hebrew classes and I even won a Bingo jackpot.” Lynda says, “ I have no complaints!” She doesn’t have to cook or clean up after dinner or be alone in front of the tv and most of the food is delicious.

Sometimes she trades her gefilte fish for her girlfriend’s matzo ball soup. She said, “Tova is wonderful and everything she has planned has been terrific. She does a lot of research to put the videos together and provides as much information as she can in the one hour time period.” 
Diversity Isn’t Enough

"Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard." Liz Fosslien
The focus in many organizations has been on diversity, primarily by focusing on hiring practices. Instead focus should be on creating equity in organizations which leads to inclusion and a sense of belonging. It is then that a real impact will be seen.
To learn more about Equity, Inclusion and how they lead to Belonging:

This short article describes the negative outcomes of exclusion and the goal of belonging.
This article outlines some ways that individuals can increase their sense of belonging.
This TED talk uses humor to describe the shift from diversity to a culture of equity in organizations. Equity is a core need of humans. It isn’t just about recruiting a diverse workforce; it is about how they are treated once in the organization.
In this video, Inclusion over Diversity, Kenyona Matthews tells her personal story that reinforces that diversity isn’t enough.
Equity and Inclusion also applies to people who are served. What are some ways that inclusion could be promoted with the residents or recipients of care? What do you think the impact would be if residents and care recipients felt a greater sense of belonging?

In your work life, are there ways that you think you could promote inclusion and belonging?

This is the last installment of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion series. We hope you learned something important from your participation in this thought-provoking series.
Simanim Stuffed Butternut Squash

Main ingredients
 1 apple, peeled, cored and chopped
 2 tablespoons avocado or grapeseed oil
 1 large butternut squash or 2 small ones
 1/2 cup grated carrots
 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
 4 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped
 2 fresh figs, chopped
 2 tablespoons Gefen Honey
 1 leek, white part only, sliced thinly
 4 tablespoons Gefen Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, divided
 1 long sprig fresh rosemary, chopped
 Sausages, sliced and sautéed

 Pomegranate seeds, for garnish
 Fresh mint, to garnish

Roast the Squash
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Cut squash in half and remove seeds. Brush with one tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes, flesh side down.
3) Remove squash from oven, leaving oven turned on. Allow to cool for five minutes.

Prepare the Filling
1) In the meantime, sauté leeks in avocado oil on medium heat. Once they turn golden and caramelized, add carrots and cook for few more minutes. Add cinnamon and cook for another minute until fragrant.
2) Mix together apple, dates, honey, remaining olive oil, figs and rosemary. Add leek and carrots to apple mixture.

To Finish
1) Remove squash from oven, keeping oven turned on. Allow to cool for five minutes.
2) Scoop out insides of squash, leaving about half an inch border around. Cube squash insides. Mix with apple mixture. If you are using sausages, add them to the mixture too. Spoon this mixture into squash.
3) Place squash back on baking sheet – stuffed side up. Pour one-fourth cup of water into the bottom of the pan. Bake for 20–25 minutes.
4) Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

This recipe is from kosher.com
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, Community Chaplain
Bitcoin or Bitachon?

“Bitcoin, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency is plummeting like a stone.”

Everything has meaning, even similar sounding words from two different languages relate to one another. While the newly devised Bitcoin is fearfully plummeting, Bitachon is exponentially growing in its popularity.

What is Bitachon? It is the Hebrew term for trust, reliance, and faith. On whom must we rely?
King David already cautioned us not to invest our precious and skillful gift of trust in mankind. Bitcoin is man-devised. It is creative and ran high for a while, yet it remains vulnerable and uncertain.

Through our effort, self-exertion, and humility we shall forever find positive results from Bitachon - relying on G-d. He is the only One from whom we receive our daily bread and yet we are never a burden to Him. In fact, He begs for our continued reliance on Him. 

Take that plunge into a never plummeting choice. Invest in Bitachon!

Shabbat Shalom by Phone - Enjoy some inspiration
Daily sounding of the shofar (beginning August 9th)
And High Holiday recorded services
Dial Toll free: 605-313-4107 Access code: 270368#
(Reference number not needed)
Dial # to hear the most recent recorded message.
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program Jewish Senior Life
248-592-5039 • [email protected]
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This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Amanda Martlock

We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
Shabbat Shalom
Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Jennie Klepinger, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.
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