Weekly News & Updates
Caring for Older Adults Since 1907
By Jo Strausz Rosen
We made it through our first week of the New Year. Keep your eyes open, stay safe and try to be your best. It’s the perfect time to BEGIN NEW HABITS to set new patterns for ultimate good health.

EXPLORE new walking trails. EXERCISE REGULARLY with resistance. DISCOVER delicious nutrient rich whole food recipes. MEDITATE and practice the art of controlled breathing to help relax, clear the mind, and stay focused, strong, and healthy.

BE MINDFUL of what we put in our mouths and in our minds. Often what we worry about causes stomach distress and soon we are in the kitchen using food to combat anxiety, fear, anger, boredom.

DRINK WATER - hot or cold and celebrate the act by selecting a beautiful glass or favorite heirloom teacup. Eat until you’re satisfied, not stuffed. MINDFULNESS BEGINS HERE. How will you MAINTAIN A POSITIVE OUTLOOK on aging and achieve your Zen? Recent research has shown a connection between insomnia and accelerated aging of the brain, so TURN OFF TECHNOLOGY and SLEEP MORE. Turn your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary. PURCHASE a sound machine. TURN DOWN the thermostat. Try bamboo sheets and a pillow suited to your sleep position. Hug yourself good night and think about a special someone or a beach, mountain or magical retreat prior to falling asleep. Direct your dreams! So many of us suffer from sleep deprivation. Let’s work on this in the new year.

RISE AND SHINE! GO OUTSIDE DAILY! Breathe in the cold fresh air. LOOK UP and appreciate the heavenly skies, the moon and stars at sunrise or sunset. Even when the sky is filled with clouds, it’s miraculous. PRIORITIZE sun protection. SCHEDULE a walk with a friend or neighbor to socialize and stay connected and discuss the things that really matter, but no gossip!

LISTEN to music and SING out loud. DOWNLOAD PODCASTS. READ poetry and literature. Find some joy in life and LAUGH. (Have you watched the series “Life in Pieces” now on Amazon Prime)? 
While in isolation, the older adults at JSL are provided with stimulating activities to occupy their minds, hands, and hearts. What are you doing to occupy yourselvesAre you using your right brain to endeavor creative play? How are you making a difference? How can we help each other? What can we do when a family or friend is unwell?

Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to help friends and family who may have a serious illness to contend with. In addition to expressions of support, comforting phone calls, emails, and get-well cards, CONSIDER Meal Train, a free online service that helps you and your friends organize or deliver home cooked meals. 
CHECK OUT OTHER online tools and resources with important information on aging. LEARN where to get assistance with support and caregiving resources. 

TRY AARP for member benefits and discounts.
Jewish Family Service
SPEAK with your parents and your children and MAKE A PLAN. If it’s time to move out of your oversized home while you are still able to do so, downsize and prepare for a more comfortable space. Do some research and INVESTIGATE older adult communities near you. It’s much more fun (and safe) to be surrounded by friends and staff who provide caring assistance. 

Learn more about living on our glorious community campuses in Oak Park and West Bloomfield. If you sign a lease by February 9 you’ll be able to participate in our COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics! 
Trying to eat more fruits and vegetables? Great goal! But if the cost of fresh produce is getting in the way, fear not: mixing in frozen produce is a great way to consume fruits and veggies without emptying your wallet.
JSL CEO, Nancy Siegel Heinrich
JSL was excited to begin our vaccination clinics on our Oak Park campus this week, and we can't wait to start in West Bloomfield next week! Our residents and staff agree, #GetVaccinated. Let’s continue the fight together.
Are you a JSL volunteer who wants to reconnect? Please join us Mondays at 11:00 AM where we will discuss the latest JSL news, recipes, creative home exercise, and Netflix suggestions. If you have some topics or ideas for the group to discuss, send them to us. Until we can invite you back to do what you do best at JSL, let’s spend some time together and heal our loneliness. See you on Zoom or call in so we can hear your voice!
Meeting ID: 949 2936 8991
Passcode: 257970

Or call in: 312-626-6799 
Meeting ID: 949 2936 8991
Passcode: 257970

Looking forward to reconnecting!

In friendship, 
Leslie Katz
This soft black and lilac cardigan looks professional for your zoom call and comes with a hood to feel cozy in the evenings! Find this and many other wonderful items at:

Maple Mustard Salmon

Main ingredients
  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 2 tablespoons Gefen Mayonnaise (or homemade)
  • 2 tablespoons grainy Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons Gefen Maple Syrup
  • Handful of chopped fresh mint
  • Zest of 1–2 lemons

Prepare the Salmon
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Mix mayonnaise, mustard and maple syrup together. Spread over salmon fillets.
  3. Bake for about 20 minutes (depending on thickness).
  4. Garnish with lots of fresh mint and lemon zest.

Variation: For a simple one-pan meal for two, spread the above mustard-maple mixture over two fillets salmon and baby potatoes and green beans. (Put the potatoes in the oven, then add the fish and green beans.)

This recipe is from kosher.com
Follow JSL on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for the most up to date and inspiring JSL content. Leave a like while you're there too!
Rabbi Dovid S. Polter, JSL Community Chaplain
Hope and Healing

The news of the Covid-19 vaccine fills the air with cautious excitement. We are hopeful that it be effective with few or no side effects while bringing healing to many in need.

Several decades ago, in the field of medicine, it was discovered that the body can avoid certain illnesses if a person is vaccinated with a radically weakened strain of those diseases. The body then produces antibodies to guard against the illness.

Maimonides wrote that the principles of healing the body apply to remedies of the soul as well. They can provide us with a positive way of viewing minor difficulties in the execution of an important project. A weak dose of opposition early on in a project of spiritual growth can serve as a “vaccine” against greater difficulties later on.

We are well aware that every challenge serves as a stepping stone to reach greater heights.

May we find true lasting personal and collective healing.
Be inspired. Call Shabbat Shalom by Phone
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Rabbi Dovid S. Polter Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program
Jewish Senior Life 
248-592-5039 • [email protected]
This newsletter was created by Jo Rosen and Amanda Martlock

We’re human, prone to mistakes, so if we erred in our newsletter, please forgive us!
Shabbat Shalom
Nancy Heinrich, Chief Executive Officer
Jennie Klepinger, Chief Financial Officer
Barbra Giles, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director, Development
Dianne Azzopardi, Executive Director, Human Resources
Ron Colasanti, Executive Director, Dining Services
People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.
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