This Email Contains

  • Shabbat
  • Coming Soon
  • Announcements
  • Adult Education
  • Youth
  • Community Events
  • Connect with our Clergy
  • BJC COVID Policy

Beth Jacob E-Ya'akov

Shabbat Shalom!

Parashat Beshelach/Shabbat Shira

10 Shevat 5785

Friday, February 7

Candle Lighting: 5:11 pm

Saturday, February 8

Morning services begin at 9:00 am

Havdalah: 6:13 pm

East Metro Morning Minyan at Beth Jacob

Monday - Friday: 7:15 am

Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed: 7:00 am

Federal Holidays: 8:30 am

Join any of these services online via Zoom at:

East Metro Minyan at Temple of Aaron

Monday - Thursday Evenings: 6:00 pm

Sunday Morning: 9:00 am

Join any of these services online via Zoom here

Calendar Kol Ya'akov Shabbat Livestream Service Sheet

Shabbat Shalom!

Register for Shabbatluck

Mazal Tov to Ben Ehrlich-Vandyck

Mazal Tov to Ben and his entire family on becoming a Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat! Ben will be leading us in prayer, reading Torah, and sharing words of Torah with us this Shabbat.

"Hi, I’m Ben Ehrlich-Vandyck. I’m in 7th grade at Capitol Hill Middle School in Saint Paul. I love to play and watch soccer and basketball, travel, and try foods from around the world. I live with my parents, Jennifer Ehrlich and Tom Vandyck, and my older brother Max Ehrlich-Vandyck. My grandparents are Ardyce and Larry Ehrlich and Tessa Vermeiren and Jaak Vandyck (deceased). My parsha is Parsha Beshalach. I think a big problem in our area is homelessness. For my mitzvah project I’m making health, hygiene, and food packs to give out to people in need who may not be able to get help somewhere else."


This week’s kiddush is sponsored by Ben’s family in honor of his becoming Bar Mitzvah. 

Limudim: Our Learning Community

There is Limudim this week! Classes begin at 9:30am.

Help Lead Services and/or Read Torah

As a participatory shul, we welcome you to read Torah and/or lead davenning. If you would like to learn how, we welcome that too! Use the button below to sign up for a Torah reading or a service. Please contact Sara Lynn Newberger or Jessica Zehavi with any questions, or to request lessons!

Sign up to Read Torah and/or Daven

Last Week's D'var Torah

We have had many requests to hear Rabbi Tamar's D'var Torah from this past week. Click here to view it from the livestream. If you'd like to get involved in the Tzedek Project, please reach out to Rabbi Tamar or Eric Pasternack!

Learn More About BJC Tzedek Project

Upcoming Events and Announcements

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov to Rebecca Noecker on being elected President of the St. Paul City Council!

Register for Tu B'Shvat Men's Event

Shevat Yahrzeit Kiddush

We invite you to co-sponsor the kiddush on Shabbat, February 22nd, in honor of your friends and family whose yarzheits fall in the month of Shevat (January 30th-February 27th). 

If you are interested, please donate at Make sure that you indicate that the donation is for the “Shevat yarzheit kiddush" and include the name(s) of your loved one(s). 

We will also make it special with a “table of remembrance” with photos of those we’ve lost. If you bring one in (preferably framed) we can display it in the lobby.

Donate Toward Kiddush

March 13

7:00 pm

Buy Your Theater Tickets

Volunteers Needed!

Be the smiling and welcoming face of Beth Jacob! Meet new people! Earn our endless appreciation! We have a lot of open shifts both for greeting and kitchen crew -- what a great opportunity for you to help your shul!

Thank you so much to everyone that regularly volunteers for the kitchen crew or greeting. We really appreciate your help and participation!

Sign Up to Volunteer


Tot Shabbat

First Shabbat of every month

from 10:00 - 10:30 am

In The Nursery

Join us on the first Shabbat of the month in the nursery for Tot Shabbat. We will have a song-filled Shabbat Morning Service for BJC's littlest ones (0-3 years old). We will then have an oneg and playtime for parents to schmooze and kids to play.

Federation Camp Scholarships

Camp scholarship applications are open --the deadline is March 31.


  • Day camps are now eligible for scholarships
  • Awards are strictly needs based
  • Scholarships are intended for local (MN and WI) camps; if there are extenuating circumstances why these camps won't meet a family’s needs, there is an opportunity within the application to apply for a waiver
Apply for Federation Camp Scholarships

Beth Jacob Camp Scholarships

It's not too soon to think about summer camp! Beth Jacob has scholarship funds for children attending Jewish Summer Camp.

Beth Jacob Camp Scholarship Application

Herzl Camp has a scholarship fund specifically for Beth Jacob campers. Reach out to Herzl Camp for more information.

Apply for Beth Jacob Camp Scholarships
Email Herzl Camp for Beth Jacob Scholarship Fund Information

Adult Education

Register for Limudim Adult Ed

For The Jew in the Pew

With Rabbi Lynn Liberman - 9:15-10 am 

On the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturday of the month in the Saide Chapel.

(No class on March 1)

Join Rabbi Lynn Liberman to discuss the weekly Torah portion through the lens of thought-provoking commentaries.

Click Here For Adult Education Information

Community Events

Click Here for Community Events

Connect With Our Rabbis

Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm:

To make an appointment:

Rabbi Justin Held:

To make an appointment:

Our clergy want to best support the Beth Jacob community in times of need. If you or someone you know in the Beth Jacob community is in need of prayer for healing, please fill out the form below. If you are filling out the form on behalf of anyone besides yourself, please make sure to ask for permission before submitting the form. This information will only be shared with our rabbis, and otherwise kept confidential.

Click Here for Mi Sheberach Form

Pikuach Nefesh

A central tenet of Judaism is pikuach nefesh, or preservation of life. As flu season is here, and COVID season remains, we encourage the community to take safety precautions and stay home when not feeling well. As a community we strive to protect one another.

If you are not feeling well, please stay at home, follow the guidelines, and feel better. We will miss you and look forward to seeing you when you're healthy.

As a reminder, our current masking policy includes:

Masks continue to be optional in our building, except for the following:

  • On Shabbat and holidays, Section A (the far right section) is the Mask Required space in the sanctuary.
  • Masks are always required on the bimah during the Torah service.

Check out our COVID policy at

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