From the Rabbi:
Parashat VeZot HaBracha, which we read on Simchat Torah (2nd day of Shmini Atzeret) begins with the words: “This is the blessing that Moshe, the man of God, blessed B’nai Yisrael before his death.”
The Netziv comments that the Jewish people were already blessed by Yaakov Avinu and Bilam, but this was the greatest blessing of all.
In this blessing (Dvarim 33:5) Moshe gives the tribes the secret for the kingdom of Israel’s success: "There was a king in Yeshurun, when the heads of the people gathered, the tribes of Yisrael together."
What is “Yeshurun”? The Netziv explains that the power of the Jews getting together in unity is called “Yeshurun” which allows them to merit a worthy king.
According to Or HaChaim: In order for a king to be legally crowned in Israel, he must be approved by a popular assembly, including the heads of the people. The kingdom of Israel will only endure if the heads of the people assemble together (keep the peace amongst themselves) not if the leaders of the people are split. If the leaders are split, the tribes themselves will not be able to maintain their unity. A look at Jewish history shows that as long as the people were united under David and Shlomo, the king and the nation were extremely successful. However, as soon as a split developed, the fortunes of the Jewish people took a turn for the worse.
Rav David Avraham Spector points out that in the year 1948, when there was an internal fight in Israel and the nation was divided, Rav Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook wrote: "We should choose what unites us which is more important than what divides us…In that way we can try to understand each other and speak together and this will bring peace between us and will bring us success and glory."
May this upcoming yom tov be one of joy and unity for our Kehillah and the Jewish people entire.
Chag sameach and Shabbat shalom.