
The Lamplighter

Chabad of Washington Heights' Weekly Newsletter

2 Shevat. 5785 | January 31, 2025 | Torah Portion: Bo | Issue #813

Wishing you a Good Month of Shevat, Good Shabbos, Shabbat Shalom. Next week in Jerusalem!

Rabbi Yakov & Shulamit Kirschenbaum

We pray to G-d that our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land of Israel be safe and unharmed, that the wounded be healed, that the hostages return home safely and unharmed, that the murdered be avenged, that the IDF utterly defeats our enemies, and that all our soldiers return home safely and unharmed.

To say a prayer for Israel, click here

Weekly Shabbat Dinners - RSVP for tonight!

Weekly Torah Classes

Schedule for Week of February 2-8

Weekday classes can be joined on Zoom - ID#: 858-784-1721 Password: 9R3NEZ, FB Live, and Phone - 646-558-6338 - code is 613770#.  

-Monday at 8:30 pm: "My Prayer"

-Tuesday at 8:00 pm: Shabbat Laws w/ R' Yitzchak Friedman

-Wednesday at 8:30 pm: Parshah Insights

-Shabbos at 9:30 am: Tanya & Tuna

-Shabbos at 4:10 pm: Talmudic Tales

Shabbat Candle Lighting

Friday, January 31

Light Candles at: 4:54 pm

Shabbat, February 1

Shabbat Ends: 5:56 pm

Find out more about Shabbat & Holiday candle-lighting

Shabbat Schedule

Services are held at the Chabad House - 50 Overlook Terrace, side entrance

Shabbos P. Bo


Minchah, Kabolas Shabbos: 5:05 pm


Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:35 am

Shacharit: 10:00 am

Services followed by a kiddush, not-yet sponsored

To sponsor this week's kiddush or any kiddush, click here

Talmudic-Tales Class: 4:00 pm

Minchah: 4:45 pm

Maariv/Shabbos Ends: 5:56 pm

Living With the Times; The Weekly Torah Portion

Why Did the Jews Smear Blood on their Lintels?

By Rabbi Mordechai Rubin, content editor and staff writer at Chabad.org. Art by Sefira Lightstone

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Heading into the climactic moment of the Exodus from Egypt and immediately prior to the Plague of the Firstborn, we encounter a fairly strange command:

Speak to the entire community of Israel, saying, "On the tenth of this month, let each one take a lamb for each parental home, a lamb for each household… And they shall take [some] of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel, on the houses in which they will eat it… I will pass through the land of Egypt on this night, and I will smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and upon all the gods of Egypt will I wreak judgments I, the Lord.



Rabbi Moshe Herson, 90, Built Chabad of New Jersey From the Ground Up

Pioneering dean of the Rabbinical College of America and head of Chabad in New Jersey

By Tzali Reicher | 1/23/25

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Rabbi Moshe Herson, the regional director of Chabad-Lubavitch of New Jersey, passed away on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, after a lengthy illness. He was 90 years old. His passing follows that of his wife, Pearl, who passed away last month at 85.

Herson transformed New Jersey’s Jewish landscape over six decades of leadership and was a pioneering force in establishing Chabad-Lubavitch’s large presence across the Garden State. As dean of the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, N.J., Herson built what is now one of the Jewish world’s flagship educational institutions, ordaining dozens of rabbis each year while overseeing the growth of more than 70 Chabad centers throughout New Jersey.


Anticipating the Redemption

We Won't Have to Run

From Chabadnj.org

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Sources: Exodus, 12:33-34 Isaiah 52:12. Radak 


The Jewish people left Egypt in a big rush. The Egyptians hurried them out, and the Jews had to eat Matza since there was not enough time for the dough to rise. The final redemption will be different. There will be no people behind us; we will not be rushed and will not be afraid of anyone. We will walk calmly and proudly out of exile

Levana Cooks

Raw Overnight Oats Chia Recipe. All Variations

By Levana Kirschenbaum | 6/21/15


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Overnight Oats are a super healthy and super quick breakfast treat.

Steel-cut oats, are my rock-star grain and are perfect in this overnight oats breakfast. There’s nothing you can’t do with steel-cut oats. They are naturally gluten-free too, as long as they are marked gluten-free, which will clearly indicate the steel-cut oats were processed in gluten-free machinery. Take a look at the superfoods lineup of ingredients in this overnight oats recipe!


The Jewish Joke

From Bernie Rappaport

Visit our website
"Everyone must regard himself and the world as evenly poised between good and guilt...If he performed a good deed, he has shifted the balance of his fate, and that of the entire world to good, and has brought deliverance and salvation upon himself and upon them all."
-Maimonides, Laws of Teshuvah Ch. 3, Law 4
"The time of our redemption has arrived!"
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1990-1 - see Yalkut Shimoni Yeshayahu, remez 499