
Click on image to hear Rabbi Weinstock's Shiur from this week.


Next Friday is the Fast of Asara B’Teves - the date that the Babylonians began the siege of Yerushalayim, two and a half years before the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdash. 


The fast begins at 5:41am (strict)/5:48am (lenient) and ends at 5:33pm (lenient)/5:38pm (strict). 


This is the only Fast Day that can come out on a Friday.  Davening will be earlier than usual on Friday morning (6:45 middle minyan) and on Friday afternoon (4:30pm, in addition to 12:35pm).


All are encouraged to take advantage of our early Minchah option to distance the mournful tefillos of Minchah from Shabbos as much as possible.


While we do lein (both the Kriyas HaTorah and Haftarah) and recite "Aneinu" at Minchah, Tachanun and Avinu Malkeinu are omitted.


According to all opinions, one may take a comfortably warm shower and take haircuts and shave on a fast day that occurs on Erv Shabbos because of Kavod Shabbos. Those who have the custom to taste the Shabbos food prior to Shabbos (טועמיה חיים זכו) may do so, but must be sure not to swallow any of the food.


One may not shorten the fast nor should one prolong the fast past Tzeis HaKochavim. Please note that one cannot break their fast until making Kiddush first on Friday night (even to drink water).


These Halachos are designed to assist us in achieving the proper levels of introspection and teshuva that are the true goals of a Taanis. As the Rambam reminds us:


 "יש שם ימים שכל ישראל מתענים בהם מפני הצרות שאירעו בהן כדי לעורר הלבבות ולפתוח דרכי התשובה ויהיה זה זכרון למעשינו הרעים ומעשה אבותינו שהיה כמעשינו עתה עד שגרם להם ולנו אותן הצרות, שבזכרון דברים אלו נשוב להיטיב שנאמר והתודו את עונם ואת עון אבותם"


In fact, the Chasam Sofer teaches us that Asarah B'Teives, in particular, is unique in that it is the single fast day which was instituted not merely to commemorate tragedies of the past, but to mourn and daven for the reversal of current difficulties.  As we continue to face confounding new challenges that constantly remind us of the precariousness of life and difficulties of Galus, it behooves us to take advantage of the special opportunity that Asarah B'Teives offers us in beseeching the Almighty for רחמי שמים מרובים!


(We thank Rabbis Stern, Feiner and Neuberger for this info)



Asher Brander



With extreme sadness, we inform you of the passing of


Millie Bloom, A”H

Malka bat Tevia Chaim U' Nechama, A”H


Dear mother of Richard Bloom


The funeral was on Sunday, December 29, 2024


Richard will be sitting Shiva at

Chaya and Gary Kamisher's

1701 Pruess Road, Los Angeles, CA 90035



Friday (January 3, 2025)

@ 7:30AM -9:00AM Shacharit and sitting until

right before Shabbos

Kislev 29 / December 28-29, 2024

Sunday Night-Monday

Learning dedicated by

LINK Kollel

In Yahrzeit Memory of Avrohom Wolfson

Avrohom ben Zev, A”H


The Merit of 18 Hours Of Continuous Torah Study!


Whether for a family member, a friend or oneself, the merit that accrues from sponsoring a whole day and night of Torah learning at LINK (dozens of chavrusos and class participants) is priceless.





Invoke The Merit Of A Day's Learning for the elevation of a loved one's soul on a Yahrzeit, a Refuah Shleimah for those who are ill, Parnasah for those in need, success with finding a Shidduch or in bearing children, assistance in overcoming personal challenges, and blessings on a birthday. The name you submit will be prominently posted in our Beis Medrash and be on the lips of our Rabbis.


Please contact Mrs. Sarah Amar at 310-470-5465 or


To sponsor a day of learning visit or email 

Teves 2           Yosef Kenner

Teves 3            Rebbetzin Batyah Brander

Teves 1     Abe Rosenstein, Avraham ben Dovid HaCohen, A”H, Goldie Rosenstein’s father


Teves 5   Judith Rose Statman, A"H, daughter of Rita and Yoni Statman



Weather permitting, we will perform Kiddush Levana this Motzei Shabbos. The latest time for the month of Teves to do Kiddush Levana is Monday night January 13.


We will have a special Shloshim tribute to Steve Luxenberg, Z”L who suddenly left us at the age of 55 a month ago. The Hespedim and Siyum Mishnayos will take place at 9:50pm after Maariv Tuesday night, January 7. In a tremendous effort, the community is finishing the whole Shas Mishnayos in his memory. Those who are learning the Mishnayos should complete their Masechta by Shkiah on Tuesday which is at 5:01pm.



Jared and Serah on the birth and Bris of their new baby, Reuven Yosef Friedman. May they be Zocheh to raise him to Torah, Chuppah, and Ma’asim Tovim!


Mazel Tov to Kobi & Miram Almog on the birth of a new grandson in Florida. The Bris IY’H will be this Sunday. May they merit to make the Bris on time! May they be Zocheh to raise him to Torah, Chuppah, and Ma’asim Tovim!


Mazal Tov to Eliyahu and Deborah Gholian, and proud grandparents, Moshe and Rosa Gholian, on the birth of a baby girl, Yehudit Gholian! May you see only happiness and Nahat from her and raise her to a life of Torah, Huppah U’maasim Tovim!



Mazel tov to Aaron Markson on his marriage this week in Eretz Yisroel to Sara Minna Wolff. May he be Zocheh to build a Bayis N’Eman B’Yisroel!


Mazel tov to Aryeh Powers on his engagement in Eretz Yisroel to Meira Gomelsky, from Yekaterinburg, Russia! May he be Zocheh to build a Bayis N’Eman B’Yisroel!

Friendly Reminders for Shabbos Morning Children’s Groups


1. Parent(s) MUST remain in the LINK building for the entire duration of the time that they leave their children at Shabbos Groups. 


2. For everyone's safety as well as for our congregants’ ability to be to daven with kavanah, please make sure that your child is either in their designated group or in the shul sanctuary supervised by you. We cannot have children roaming the hallways, or running in and out of the sanctuary, kitchen or classrooms.


3. As soon as davening ends, please go to your child's group and pick them up from the designated room.


The above rules will be strictly enforced


Partner with the Youth Department to help make our exciting programs even more special by dedicating them in honor/memory of someone:

 Torah Tuesday & Thursday Learning program

 Shabbos Teen minyan

 Shabbos Groups

For more information on sponsoring any of these events email

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