As we are all well aware of, we live in a fragile security environment. It is therefore imperative for us to ensure that all doors and gates are locked at all times in the LINK building and the annex. In particular, we have found that the back gate and back door of the building are often left propped open or not closed properly. Intruders have been found in the building as a result. We appeal to everyone to always close the gate and door behind you when you enter or exit the building. If you happen to notice any of the doors left open, please close them immediately. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Because of the time change, the latest time for Shema will be quite early for the next several weeks (this week at 8:59). Therefore, Shachris will begin this week at 8:20 and Pesukei D’Zimra will be said at slightly faster pace, concluding by 8:45am. (Therefore, davening should end 15 minutes early at around 10:45.)
Sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Moishe and Hindy Brull in honor of the birth of their baby girl, Leah. May they merit to raise her to a [ben] Torah, Chuppah, and Ma’asim Tovim!
This Shabbos, right before putting back the Sefer Torah (page 458 in the ArtScroll Siddur), we will make a Mi Sheberach for those individuals who will be fasting the following Monday, Thursday, and Monday. This was instituted after Pesach and Sukkos to atone for any misbehavior during the long festive holiday. Nowadays, most people do not fast, but some will say special Selichos.
We will perform Kiddush Levanah this Motzei Shabbos. The latest time to do it for the month of Marcheshvan is next Thursday night, November 14 {and if necessary, the following night, Leil Shabbos}.
Mazel Tov Drs. Hannah and Ari Goldberg on the birth of a baby girl! May they merit to raise her to a [ben] Torah, Chuppah, and Ma’asim Tovim!
With the advent of the cool and rainy weather, we respectfully request that people remove any items they may have inadvertently left hanging on the coat rack by noon on Friday, November 29. After that, any remaining items will be placed in Rabbi Stern's office. This will allow our fellow attendees ample space to hang up their coats while learning and davening at LINK. Thank you in advance for your understanding consideration.