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29 JANUARY 2025

This Sunday is Scout Sunday and members of Troop 426 will help us with our worship service. The troop is also offering a pancake breakfast (see the flyer below). Also, we are running Susan Wadell's Stewardship Letter again and ask that you respond if you have not yet.

All this and more in this week's Rock the Week!

Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality

The first step for the soffit replacement project is building the scaffolding. These people do amazing work!

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 am

  • Childcare is in the Blue Room
  • Spiritual Play is gathering in the Lime Room (ages potty-trained to 8 years old)
  • Sunday School for ages 9 and up in the Green Room
  • Adult Spiritual Formation and Kindlings in the Krieder Center (space below the sanctuary). We continue our exploration of Family Systems Theory and look at the "Nuclear Family" and the common strategies of managing stress in families.
  • Yoga is on the patio or the Krieder Center (space below the sanctuary).
  • Hospitality Cart with coffee and cookies in the Parlor.

10:15 am

  • Worship in the Sanctuary (childcare is offered in the Blue Room of the Education Bldg 10 - 11:30 am)

11:15 am

  • There will be Sermon Reboot after worship.

Yoga is February 2nd at 9 AM

Dear Friends and Members of Shadow Rock!

Please click on the link Stewardship Letter to receive a heart felt message from Susan Wadell as she speaks to you as friend, fellow member, and president of our governing board. She acknowledges our financial best practice of creating an annual budget and all of us have a part in the process. Read, pray, decide, and act. Thank you for all you do!

Pastor Ken

PS. Since we ran this letter in December we have had 42 responses for a total of $174,940. This is timeline is unfolding as it usually does for us. It is in the new year and less than half of potential/usual givers have responded. Please give this your time and attention and help us with our household budget process.

PSS. 2024 Contribution Statements are scheduled to be emailed by the end of the week.

They will be sent from "," and the Email title will be Shadow Rock Congregational Church 2024 Year-End Giving Statement. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Heidi by phone or email at It will not be delivered if you reply to the giving statement email. I have acknowledged each pledge received via email. If you didn't get an acknowledgement from me, I don't have your 2025 info! Thank you for all you do to support Shadow Rock!

Future Food and Fellowship Opportunities for Your Calendar

Our next event is a potluck that will feature chili. Is that with or without beans? Come and see.

We are also looking for people to bring crackers, cornbread, onions, cheese, and Fritos.

Anyone who might be interested in bringing something on Sunday please give Liz Curry a call or email her. Remember we are a nut-free campus.

  • Feb 23 Potluck-chili
  • March 9 coffee chat
  • April 20-Easter breakfast managed by SR Board
  • May 18 Coffee chat
  • June 29 Potluck Send off to Sabbath

This is our informational meeting for people who want to learn more about Shadow Rock and explore what it may mean to join our fellowship. We will meet in the multipurpose room in the education building after worship, February 9th. All are welcome!


On February 23rd we will be celebrating the people who claim us and our claiming of them. Claiming each other is the way we talk about membership and formalizing our relationship with each other. We do this during our worship service and it kicks our joy meter into the red zone. Contact Pastor Ken if you are interested in joining Shadow Rock and being a Shadow Rocker.

FYI. We collect used reading glasses and pass them on to the Lion's Club to be distributed to people who cannot afford glasses. We collect them in the Parlor/check-in cabinet as we have designated a drawer for used reading glasses.



We save this space for them!

This motley crew of discontents and villainy is the men's breakfast at Biscuits Cafe near 3rd Street and Bell Rd. We meet the 4th Tuesday (not last) at 8 am. Date, time, and place remains the same until they run us off.