Dear Friends and Members of Shadow Rock!
Please click on the link Stewardship Letter to receive a heart felt message from Susan Wadell as she speaks to you as friend, fellow member, and president of our governing board. She acknowledges our financial best practice of creating an annual budget and all of us have a part in the process. Read, pray, decide, and act. Thank you for all you do!
Pastor Ken
PS. Since we ran this letter in December we have had 42 responses for a total of $174,940. This is timeline is unfolding as it usually does for us. It is in the new year and less than half of potential/usual givers have responded. Please give this your time and attention and help us with our household budget process.
PSS. 2024 Contribution Statements are scheduled to be emailed by the end of the week.
They will be sent from "," and the Email title will be Shadow Rock Congregational Church 2024 Year-End Giving Statement. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Heidi by phone or email at It will not be delivered if you reply to the giving statement email. I have acknowledged each pledge received via email. If you didn't get an acknowledgement from me, I don't have your 2025 info! Thank you for all you do to support Shadow Rock!